
# BSP: ESP32-Azure-IoT-Kit

[![Component Registry](](

### Overview

ESP32-Azure IoT Kit has integrated an ESP32-WROVER-B module, serial port-to-USB bridge, lithium battery, charge management IC, 0.96" OLED display, MicroSD card slot, buzzer, multiple sensors, touch buttons, LEDs and other hardware resources.

* [Hardware Reference](

![alt text](image.png)

**Board support package consists of:**
* uSD card interface
* I2C interface
* LEDs, button and buzzer interface
* Sensors software components: MAG3110, HTS221, BH1750, FBM320 and MPU6050
* Display software component: SSD1306

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### Capabilities and dependencies
|    Capability    |     Available    |                                           Component                                          |  Version |
|      DISPLAY     |:heavy_check_mark:|                                              idf                                             |  >=4.4.5 |
|     LVGL_PORT    |:heavy_check_mark:|[espressif/esp_lvgl_port](|    ^2    |
|       TOUCH      |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|      BUTTONS     |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/button](       |>=2.5,<4.0|
|       AUDIO      |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|   AUDIO_SPEAKER  |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|     AUDIO_MIC    |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|        LED       |:heavy_check_mark:|                                              idf                                             |  >=4.4.5 |
|      SDCARD      |:heavy_check_mark:|                                              idf                                             |  >=4.4.5 |
|        IMU       |:heavy_check_mark:|      [espressif/mpu6050](      |  ^1.0.0  |
|SENSOR_TEMPERATURE|:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/hts221](       |  ^1.1.1  |
|  SENSOR_HUMIDITY |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/hts221](       |  ^1.1.1  |
|  SENSOR_PRESSURE |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/fbm320](       |  ^1.0.0  |
|   SENSOR_LIGHT   |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/bh1750](       |  ^1.0.0  |
|    SENSOR_MAG    |:heavy_check_mark:|      [espressif/mag3110](      |  ^1.0.0  |
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### Capabilities and dependencies
|    Capability    |     Available    |                                           Component                                          |  Version |
|      DISPLAY     |:heavy_check_mark:|                                              idf                                             |  >=4.4.5 |
|     LVGL_PORT    |:heavy_check_mark:|[espressif/esp_lvgl_port](|    ^2    |
|       TOUCH      |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|      BUTTONS     |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/button](       |>=2.5,<4.0|
|       AUDIO      |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|   AUDIO_SPEAKER  |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|     AUDIO_MIC    |        :x:       |                                                                                              |          |
|        LED       |:heavy_check_mark:|                                              idf                                             |  >=4.4.5 |
|      SDCARD      |:heavy_check_mark:|                                              idf                                             |  >=4.4.5 |
|        IMU       |:heavy_check_mark:|      [espressif/mpu6050](      |  ^1.0.0  |
|SENSOR_TEMPERATURE|:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/hts221](       |  ^1.1.1  |
|  SENSOR_HUMIDITY |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/hts221](       |  ^1.1.1  |
|  SENSOR_PRESSURE |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/fbm320](       |  ^1.0.0  |
|   SENSOR_LIGHT   |:heavy_check_mark:|       [espressif/bh1750](       |  ^1.0.0  |
|    SENSOR_MAG    |:heavy_check_mark:|      [espressif/mag3110](      |  ^1.0.0  |
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License: Apache-2.0


To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/esp32_azure_iot_kit^2.1.0"

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espressif/esp32_azure_iot_kit version: 2.1.0