
# Microchip LAN867x Ethernet PHY Driver

## Overview

The LAN8670/1/2 is a high-performance 10BASE-T1S single-pair Ethernet PHY transceiver for 10 Mbit/s half-duplex networking over a single pair of conductors. 
More information about the chip can be found on the product page: [LAN8670](, [LAN8671](

## ESP-IDF Usage

Add this component from [IDF Component Manager]( to your project using ` add-dependency` and include `esp_eth_phy_lan867x.h`,

#include "esp_eth_phy_lan867x.h"

create a `phy` driver instance by calling `esp_eth_phy_new_lan867x()`

eth_phy_config_t phy_config = ETH_PHY_DEFAULT_CONFIG();

// Update PHY config based on board specific configuration
phy_config.phy_addr = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_PHY_ADDR;
phy_config.reset_gpio_num = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_PHY_RST_GPIO;
esp_eth_phy_t *phy = esp_eth_phy_new_lan867x(&phy_config);

#### You may need to setup the PLCA

Depending on the task you are doing some additional setup may be required.
PLCA configuration is done using `esp_eth_ioctl` function with one of following commands.

| Command                            | Argument         | Action                                                                                                    |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_S_EN_PLCA          | bool* enable     | Enable (if true) or disable PLCA                                                                          |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_G_EN_PLCA          | bool* enable     | Write PLCA status (true if enabled) to the location via pointer                                           |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_S_PLCA_NCNT        | uint8_t* count   | Set node count to the value passed through the pointer                                                    |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_G_PLCA_NCNT        | uint8_t* count   | Write node count configured in the PLCA to the location via pointer                                       |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_S_PLCA_ID          | uint8_t* id      | Set ID to the value passed through the pointer                                                            |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_G_PLCA_ID          | uint8_t* id      | Write ID configured in the PLCA to the location via pointer                                               |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_ADD_TX_OPPORTUNITY | uint8_t* node_id | Add additional transmit opportunity for chosen node                                                       |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_RM_TX_OPPORTUNITY  | uint8_t* node_id | Remove additional transmit opportunity for chosen node                                                    |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_S_MAX_BURST_COUNT  | uint8_t* maxcnt  | Set max count of additonal packets transmitted during one frame, or 0 to disable PLCA burst               |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_G_MAX_BURST_COUNT  | uint8_t* maxcnt  | Write max count of additonal packets transmitted during one frame to the location via pointer             |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_S_BURST_TIMER      | uint8_t* time    | Set time during which additional packets can be sent in incriments of 100ns                               |
| LAN867X_ETH_CMD_G_BURST_TIMER      | uint8_t* time    | Write time during which additional packets can be sent in increments of 100ns to the location via pointer |
| LAN768X_ETH_CMD_PLCA_RST           |                  | Perform reset of the PLCA                                                                                 |

and you are ready to use the Ethernet driver as you are used to. For more information of how to use ESP-IDF Ethernet driver, visit [ESP-IDF Programming Guide](


License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/lan867x^0.9.1"

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espressif/lan867x version: 0.9.1