# PA1010D I2C GPS driver [](https://components.espressif.com/components/igrr/pa1010d) [](https://github.com/igrr/pa1010d/actions/workflows/build_example.yml) This repository contains an ESP-IDF driver for a PA1010D GPS receiver connected over I2C. It is used for demonstration purposes in the talk ["Developing, Publishing, and Maintaining Components for ESP-IDF"](https://igrr.github.io/edc23/) at Espressif DevCon23. ## Using the component Run the following command in your ESP-IDF project to install this component: ```bash idf.py add-dependency "igrr/pa1010d" ``` ## Example To run the provided example, create it as follows: ```bash idf.py create-project-from-example "igrr/pa1010d:pa1010d-example" ``` Then build as usual: ```bash cd pa1010d-example idf.py build ``` And flash it to the board: ```bash idf.py -p PORT flash monitor ``` The example uses GPIOs 4 and 5 for SDA and SCL, respectively. ## License This component is provided under Apache 2.0 license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) file for details. ## Contributing Please check [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for contribution guidelines.
# API Reference ## Header files - [include/pa1010d.h](#file-includepa1010dh) ## File include/pa1010d.h ## Structures and Types | Type | Name | | ---: | :--- | | struct | [**pa1010d\_config\_t**](#struct-pa1010d_config_t) <br>_PA1010D driver configuration._ | | typedef struct pa1010d\_t \* | [**pa1010d\_handle\_t**](#typedef-pa1010d_handle_t) <br>_PA1010D driver handle._ | ## Functions | Type | Name | | ---: | :--- | | esp\_err\_t | [**pa1010d\_deinit**](#function-pa1010d_deinit) (pa1010d\_handle\_t handle) <br>_Deinitialize the PA1010D driver._ | | esp\_err\_t | [**pa1010d\_get\_nmea\_msg**](#function-pa1010d_get_nmea_msg) (pa1010d\_handle\_t handle, char \* out\_buf, size\_t out\_buf\_len, unsigned timeout\_ms) <br>_Get the NMEA message from the GPS._ | | esp\_err\_t | [**pa1010d\_init**](#function-pa1010d_init) (const [**pa1010d\_config\_t**](#struct-pa1010d_config_t)\* config, pa1010d\_handle\_t \* out\_handle) <br>_Initialize the PA1010D driver._ | ## Structures and Types Documentation ### struct `pa1010d_config_t` _PA1010D driver configuration._ Variables: - uint8\_t i2c_dev_addr <br>I2C device address of the GPS. Typically 0x10. - i2c\_port\_t i2c_port <br>I2C bus number to which the GPS is connected ### typedef `pa1010d_handle_t` _PA1010D driver handle._ ```c typedef struct pa1010d_t* pa1010d_handle_t; ``` ## Functions Documentation ### function `pa1010d_deinit` _Deinitialize the PA1010D driver._ ```c esp_err_t pa1010d_deinit ( pa1010d_handle_t handle ) ``` **Parameters:** * `handle` Driver handle obtained from pa1010d\_init(), or NULL **Returns:** esp\_err\_t ESP\_OK on success. ### function `pa1010d_get_nmea_msg` _Get the NMEA message from the GPS._ ```c esp_err_t pa1010d_get_nmea_msg ( pa1010d_handle_t handle, char * out_buf, size_t out_buf_len, unsigned timeout_ms ) ``` Reads the NMEA message from the GPS. The resulting string is stripped of CR, LF and is null-terminated. **Parameters:** * `handle` Driver handle obtained from pa1010d\_init() * `out_buf` Destination buffer for the NMEA message, has to be at least 4 bytes long * `out_buf_len` Length of the destination buffer in bytes * `timeout_ms` Timeout in milliseconds for receiving a single character **Returns:** esp\_err\_t * ESP\_OK on success * ESP\_ERR\_TIMEOUT if no message was received within the timeout * ESP\_ERR\_INVALID\_ARG if the buffer too short ### function `pa1010d_init` _Initialize the PA1010D driver._ ```c esp_err_t pa1010d_init ( const pa1010d_config_t * config, pa1010d_handle_t * out_handle ) ``` **Parameters:** * `config` Pointer to the configuration struct. The driver makes a copy, so can point to a local variable. * `out_handle` Pointer to a variable to receive the driver handle. **Returns:** esp\_err\_t ESP\_OK on success, ESP\_ERR\_NO\_MEM if out of memory.
idf.py add-dependency "igrr/pa1010d^1.0.0"