# esp-idf-rc522 [![Component Registry](https://components.espressif.com/components/abobija/rc522/badge.svg)](https://components.espressif.com/components/abobija/rc522) C library for interfacing ESP32 with MFRC522 RFID card reader, packaged as ESP-IDF component. > [!NOTE] > Library currently just reads serial number of RFID tags, which is enough for most applications. ## How to use This directory is an ESP-IDF component. Clone it (or add it as submodule) into `components` directory of the project. ## Example This is basic example of scanning RFID tags. ```c #include <esp_log.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include "rc522.h" static const char* TAG = "rc522-demo"; static rc522_handle_t scanner; static void rc522_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) { rc522_event_data_t* data = (rc522_event_data_t*) event_data; switch(event_id) { case RC522_EVENT_TAG_SCANNED: { rc522_tag_t* tag = (rc522_tag_t*) data->ptr; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Tag scanned (sn: %" PRIu64 ")", tag->serial_number); } break; } } void app_main() { rc522_config_t config = { .spi.host = VSPI_HOST, .spi.miso_gpio = 25, .spi.mosi_gpio = 23, .spi.sck_gpio = 19, .spi.sda_gpio = 22, }; rc522_create(&config, &scanner); rc522_register_events(scanner, RC522_EVENT_ANY, rc522_handler, NULL); rc522_start(scanner); } ``` ## FAQ ### **How to use I2C instead of SPI?** Set the property `.transport` of the config structure to `RC522_TRANSPORT_I2C` and choose GPIOs for data (`.i2c.sda_gpio`) and clock (`.i2c.scl_gpio`): ```c rc522_config_t config = { .transport = RC522_TRANSPORT_I2C, .i2c.sda_gpio = 18, .i2c.scl_gpio = 19, }; ``` ### **How to use halfduplex in SPI transport?** Set the `.spi.device_flags` property of the config to `SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX`. Other device flags (`SPI_DEVICE_*`) can be set here as well by chaining them with bitwise OR (`|`) operator. ```c rc522_config_t config = { .spi.host = VSPI_HOST, .spi.miso_gpio = 25, .spi.mosi_gpio = 23, .spi.sck_gpio = 19, .spi.sda_gpio = 22, .spi.device_flags = SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX, }; ``` ### **How to attach RC522 to existing SPI bus?** Let's say that spi bus `VSPI_HOST` has been already initialized, and rc522 needs to be attached to that bus. That can be accomplished with the next configuration. Property `.spi.bus_is_initialized` is required to be set to `true` in order to inform library to not initialize spi bus again. > [!NOTE] > Property `.spi.bus_is_initialized` will be deprecated in the future once when [this issue](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/8745) is resolved. ```c rc522_config_t config = { .spi.host = VSPI_HOST, .spi.sda_gpio = 22, .spi.bus_is_initialized = true, }; ``` ## Author GitHub: [abobija](https://github.com/abobija)<br> Homepage: [abobija.com](https://abobija.com) ## License [MIT](LICENSE)
idf.py add-dependency "abobija/rc522^2.6.1"