# Socket.IO Sample application This example will shows how to use the Socket.IO component to set up a Socket.IO connection and communicate in Socket.IO protocol. ## How to Use Example ### Test Server To start test server, go to the folder [test_server](../test_server/), install all node.js dependency modules, then execute: ``` node server.js ``` This starts a non-secure Socket.IO server. Default port is 3300. ``` node server.js -secure ``` This starts a secure Socket.IO server. Use this option to test Socket.IO on wss. ### Hardware Required This example can be executed on any ESP32 board, the only required interface is WiFi and connection to internet or a local server. ### Configure the project * Open the project configuration menu (`idf.py menuconfig`) * Configure Wi-Fi or Ethernet under "Example Connection Configuration" menu. * Configure the Socket.IO endpoint URI under "Example Configuration", if "SOCKETIO_URI_FROM_STDIN" is selected then the example application will connect to the URI it reads from stdin (used for testing) * To test a Socket.IO client example over TLS, please enable one of the following configurations: `CONFIG_WS_OVER_TLS_MUTUAL_AUTH` or `CONFIG_WS_OVER_TLS_SERVER_AUTH`. Remember to use `wss` in the URI. > **_Note:_** > - Refer to [Server Certificate Verification](https://github.com/espressif/esp-protocols/blob/master/components/esp_websocket_client/examples/target/README.md#server-certificate-verification) in the esp_websocket_client target example for detailed description of the two authentication methods. Note that same limitations apply to this example. > - Refer to [Generating a self signed Certificates with OpenSSL](https://github.com/espressif/esp-protocols/blob/master/components/esp_websocket_client/examples/target/README.md#generating-a-self-signed-certificates-with-openssl) in the same example for a guide on how to generate self-signed certificates with OpenSSL. ### Build and Flash Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output: ``` idf.py -p PORT flash monitor ``` (To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.) See the [Getting Started Guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/get-started/index.html) for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects. ## Example Output ``` I (4512) esp_netif_handlers: example_netif_sta ip:, mask:, gw: I (4512) example_connect: Got IPv4 event: Interface "example_netif_sta" address: I (4612) example_connect: Got IPv6 event: Interface "example_netif_sta" address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:1297:bdff:fed4:9e6c, type: ESP_IP6_ADDR_IS_LINK_LOCAL I (4612) example_common: Connected to example_netif_sta I (4622) example_common: - IPv4 address:, I (4622) example_common: - IPv6 address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:1297:bdff:fed4:9e6c, type: ESP_IP6_ADDR_IS_LINK_LOCAL I (4632) socketio: Connecting to wss:// W (4642) websocket_client: `reconnect_timeout_ms` is not set, or it is less than or equal to zero, using default time out 10000 (milliseconds) W (4662) websocket_client: `network_timeout_ms` is not set, or it is less than or equal to zero, using default time out 10000 (milliseconds) I (4682) wifi:<ba-add>idx:1 (ifx:0, 74:11:b2:c9:5e:40), tid:3, ssn:0, winSize:64 I (5502) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5502) socketio_client: Received opcode=1 W (5502) socketio_client: Received=0{"sid":"nEYIG8ihxvM5ak5mAAAD","upgrades":[],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":20000,"maxPayload":1000000} I (5512) socketio_client: Total payload length=107, data_len=107, current payload offset=0 I (5522) socketio_packet: Received Engine.IO OPEN packet: sid = nEYIG8ihxvM5ak5mAAAD, pingInterval = 25000, pingTimeout = 20000, maxPayload = 1000000. I (5542) socketio_client: Start Socket.IO ping timer: 45000 ms I (5542) socketio: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5552) socketio: Received Socket.IO OPEN packet. I (5562) socketio_client: Send connect (size: 2) to "/" successfully. I (5582) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5582) socketio_client: Received opcode=1 W (5582) socketio_client: Received=40{"sid":"fJEV25toHyCTbm3VAAAE"} I (5592) socketio_client: Total payload length=32, data_len=32, current payload offset=0 I (5602) socketio_client: Add namespace: /, sid: fJEV25toHyCTbm3VAAAE I (5602) socketio: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5612) socketio: Socket.IO connected to default namespace "/" I (5622) socketio_client: Send connect (size: 8) to "/chat" successfully. I (5642) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5642) socketio_client: Received opcode=1 W (5642) socketio_client: Received=40/chat,{"sid":"cB9vg6cAGadcoA4AAAAF"} I (5642) socketio_client: Total payload length=38, data_len=38, current payload offset=0 I (5652) socketio_packet: Custom namespace: "/chat" I (5662) socketio_client: Add namespace: /chat, sid: cB9vg6cAGadcoA4AAAAF I (5672) socketio: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5672) socketio: Socket.IO connected to namespace: "/chat" I (5682) socketio: address of bin_object_1: 0x3ffd21e4, size: 4 I (5682) socketio: address of bin_object_2: 0x3ffd227c, size: 4 I (5722) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5722) socketio_client: Received opcode=1 W (5722) socketio_client: Received=43/chat,0[{"status":"ok"}] I (5732) socketio_client: Total payload length=26, data_len=26, current payload offset=0 I (5742) socketio_packet: Custom namespace: "/chat" I (5742) socketio_packet: Parsing event ID. I (5752) socketio: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5752) socketio: Received data from server: I (5762) socketio: EIO: 4 I (5762) socketio: SIO: 3 I (5762) socketio: Namespace: /chat I (5772) socketio: Event ID: 0 I (5772) socketio: [{ "status": "ok" }] I (5782) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5782) socketio_client: Received opcode=1 W (5792) socketio_client: Received=452-/chat,["hello",1,"2",{"3":"4","5":{"_placeholder":true,"num":0},"6":{"_placeholder":true,"num":1}}] I (5802) socketio_client: Total payload length=103, data_len=103, current payload offset=0 I (5812) socketio_packet: Custom namespace: "/chat" I (5822) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5822) socketio_client: Received opcode=2 W (5822) socketio_client: Received= I (5832) socketio_client: Total payload length=2, data_len=2, current payload offset=0 I (5842) socketio_client: Received binary I (5842) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5852) socketio_client: Received opcode=2 W (5852) socketio_client: Received=0123 I (5862) socketio_client: Total payload length=4, data_len=4, current payload offset=0 I (5862) socketio_client: Received binary I (5872) socketio: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (5872) socketio: Received data from server: I (5882) socketio: EIO: 4 I (5882) socketio: SIO: 5 I (5892) socketio: Namespace: /chat I (5892) socketio: Event ID: -1 I (5892) socketio: ["hello", 1, "2", { "3": "4", "5": { "_placeholder": true, "num": 0 }, "6": { "_placeholder": true, "num": 1 } }] + <Buffer 0 <06 05>> + <Buffer 1 <30 31 32 33>> I (16052) socketio_client: WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA I (16052) socketio_client: Received opcode=10 W (16052) socketio_client: Received= W (16052) socketio_client: Received WS PONG I (16062) socketio_client: Total payload length=0, data_len=0, current payload offset=0 ```
To create a project from this example, run:
idf.py create-project-from-example "bubblesnake/esp_socketio_client=1.0.0:target"