# Passive Buzzer 无源蜂鸣器  ## Overview This is a library for driving a passive buzzer using ESP-IDF. It provides some simple functions to control the buzzer and generate different tones. 这个库基于ESP-IDF驱动无源蜂鸣器。它提供了一些简单的函数来控制蜂鸣器并生成不同的音调。 ## Features - Supports all ESP-IDF targets - Easy-to-use API for generating tones - Configurable frequency and duration for tones ## Installation To add this component to your project, run: ```sh idf.py add-dependency "cdsama/buzzer^1.0.0" ``` or download the archive. ## Usage Here is a basic example of how to use the library: ```cpp #include "Buzzer.h" Buzzer buz; void app_main(void) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(buz.init(GPIO_NUM_2)); buz.Beep({.frequency = 1000, .duration_ms = 1000, .volume = 0.01f}); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); buz.Play({{800, 200, 0.01f}, {500, 200, 0.01f}}); } ``` ## License MIT License
idf.py add-dependency "cdsama/buzzer^1.0.0"