

uploaded 2 years ago
Iterator for a list of files in a directory, could be used to track an audio or image playlist


# esp-file-iterator

esp component that lets you iterate through files in a given directory. Helpful
for implementing a playlist for an audio player, or an image viewer etc.


typedef struct  {
    size_t count;
    size_t index;
    char **list;
    const char *directory_path;
} file_iterator_instance_t;

 * @brief Initialize the iterator
 * @param base_path Folder containing files file(s)
 * @return
 *    - ESP_OK: Success
 *    - Others: Fail
file_iterator_instance_t* file_iterator_new(const char *base_path);

 * @brief Delete the iterator instance
 * @param i the instance pointer
void file_iterator_delete(file_iterator_instance_t *i);

 * @brief Move the iterator to the next entry
 * @return
 *    - ESP_OK: Success
 *    - Others: Fail
esp_err_t file_iterator_next(file_iterator_instance_t* i);

 * @brief Move the iterator to the previous entry
 * @return
 *    - ESP_OK: Success
 *    - Others: Fail
esp_err_t file_iterator_prev(file_iterator_instance_t* i);

 * @brief Get the number of items in the iterator
 * @return size_t The number of items in the iterator
size_t file_iterator_get_count(file_iterator_instance_t* i);

 * @brief Get the index of the selected
 * @return Index of present iterator
size_t file_iterator_get_index(file_iterator_instance_t* i);

 * @brief Set the index if the index is valid otherwise set the index to zero
 * @param index
void file_iterator_set_index(file_iterator_instance_t* i, size_t index);

 * @brief Get file name of given index
 * @param index Index of the file entry (see file_iterator_get_index())
 * @return Name of file with given index. NULL if not exist.
const char *file_iterator_get_name_from_index(file_iterator_instance_t* i, size_t index);

 * @brief
 * @param path - pointer to a buffer of length 'path_len'
 * @return the number of characters stored into path OR the number that would have
 *         been stored had there been enough space, or 0 if the index isn't valid.
int file_iterator_get_full_path_from_index(file_iterator_instance_t* i, size_t index, char* path, size_t path_len);


Supports all targets

License unspecified

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "chmorgan/esp-file-iterator^1.0.0"

or download archive


  • Archive size
    Archive size ~ 3.96 KB
  • Downloaded in total
    Downloaded in total 17.5k times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 17.5k times


chmorgan/esp-file-iterator version: 1.0.0