uploaded 1 month ago
Driver for the NAU7802 24-bit ADC


An [esp-idf](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf) component for interfacing
with the [NAU7802](https://www.nuvoton.com/export/resource-files/en-us--DS_NAU7802_DataSheet_EN_Rev2.6.pdf)
24-bit ADC, especially as packaged on e.g. the
[Adafruit NAU7802](https://www.adafruit.com/product/4538) and
[SparkFun Qwiic Scale](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15242). This is
similar to the [HX711](https://www.digikey.com/htmldatasheets/production/1836471/0/0/1/hx711.html),
and usually used for working with load cells.

The NAU7802 is available as a discrete component in both
(PDIP16L through-hole) and
(16L SOP SMD) form factors.
It operates over I²C. It can accept between 2.7V and 5.5V, and operates
between -40C and 85C.

This is present in the [Component Registry](https://components.espressif.com/)
as [dankamongmen/nau7802](https://components.espressif.com/components/dankamongmen/nau7802).

[![Component Registry](https://components.espressif.com/components/dankamongmen/nau7802/badge.svg)](https://components.espressif.com/components/dankamongmen/nau7802)


Supports all targets

License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "dankamongmen/nau7802^0.0.4"

or download archive


  • Archive size
    Archive size ~ 8.60 KB
  • Downloaded in total
    Downloaded in total 333 times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 63 times


dankamongmen/nau7802 version: 0.0.4