
Example of the component espressif/esp-now v2.5.1

Get Started Example

This example demonstrates how to use the ESP-NOW data to communicate.


One device receives data through the serial port and broadcasts it to all nodes through ESP-NOW data. The others will output the data through the serial port when receive the data.

Hardware Required

This example can run on any ESP32 series boards and at least two development boards are required.


Open the project configuration menu ( menuconfig) to configure the packet retransmission counts and the UART port for data communication using (Refer to Kconfig file).

Example Output

  • Output sample from the receiving device:

Packet receiving device log

  • Output sample from the sending device:

The log of the sending device

To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "espressif/esp-now=2.5.1:get-started"

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