# Security Example This example demonstrates how to use ESP-NOW security feature to configure encryption key to devices, so the transmitted ESP-NOW data will be encrypted automatically. The basic functionality is same as get_start, but just have this extra security enhancement. ## Functionality The workflow is as follows: <img src="../../docs/_static/en/espnow_security_en.png" width="450"> - [Protocomm](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/provisioning/protocomm.html) is used to provide simple callbacks to the application for setting the configuration. - ECDH and confirm details refer to [security-schemes](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/provisioning/provisioning.html#security-schemes) ## Hardware Required This example can run on any ESP32 series boards and at least two development boards are required, 1 works as initiator, and the others work as responders. ## Configuration Open the project configuration menu (`idf.py menuconfig`) to configure the Proof of Possession (PoP) string. It is used to authorize session and derive shared key. Set the same in initiator and responder devices: ``` idf.py menuconfig Example Configuration ---> Proof of Possession ---> "espnow_pop" ``` ## How to Use the Example ### Step 1: Build & Flash & Run the Responders - Select the ESP-NOW security responder Mode: ``` idf.py menuconfig Example Configuration ---> ESP-NOW Mode ---> () Initiator Mode (X) Responder Mode ``` - When the responder devices start up, it will wait to receive security info. ### Step 2: Build & Flash & Run the Initiator - Select the ESP-NOW security initiator Mode: ``` idf.py menuconfig Example Configuration ---> ESP-NOW Mode ---> (X) Initiator Mode () Responder Mode ``` - When the initiator starts up, it will * Scan the responders and get responder address list * Secure handshake (ECDH) with responders and confirm share key * Send app key encrypted by share key to responders ### Step 3: Send and Receive in secure mode - When security state is over, encryption key derived from app key will be set. - Then data is encrypted and decrypted in AES128-CCM. - In the example, message will be received from the serial port and broadcast to others in encrypted mode. - Other node receives the espnow message and decrypt the data. ## Example Output Output sample from the responder device: ``` I (550) wifi:Set ps type: 0 I (553) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07 I (642) wifi:mode : I (645) app_main: Uart read handle task is running I (645) app_main: Uart write task is running I (26512) espnow_sec_resp: Get APP key I (716965) app_main: espnow_send, count: 43, size: 23, data: Message from responder. I (751668) app_main: espnow_recv, <83> [24:0a:c4:d6:d3:00][1][-16][23]: Message from initiator. ``` Output sample from the initiator device: ``` I (564) wifi:Set ps type: 0 I (567) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07 I (657) wifi:modeI (660) app_main: Uart read handle task is running I (660) app_main: Uart write task is running W (767) app_main: espnow wait security num: 1 I (767) espnow_sec_init: count: 0, Secure_initiator_send, requested_num: 1, unfinished_num: 1, successed_num: 0 I (1807) app_main: App key is sent to the device to complete, Spend time: 3629ms, Scan time: 2506ms I (1807) app_main: Devices security completed, successed_num: 1, unfinished_num: 0 I (692257) app_main: espnow_recv, <43> [24:0a:c4:04:5d:3c][1][-19][23]: Message from responder. I (726959) app_main: espnow_send, count: 83, size: 23, data: Message from initiator. ```
To create a project from this example, run:
idf.py create-project-from-example "espressif/esp-now=2.5.1:security"