# BSP: DevKit [](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/esp_bsp_devkit) ### Overview This is a generic BSP, which is configurable from `menuconfig`. The generic BSP can provide consistent API for simple boards, such as Espressif's DevKit-C and DevKit-M boards. Predefined settings for selected DevKits are in [generic_button_led](examples/generic_button_led). **Supported features:** - I2C - SPIFFS - SD card - Buttons - LEDs # Build with predefined configuration Predefined configurations are saved in [generic_button_led](examples/generic_button_led) example. ``` idf.py -p COM4 -D "SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS=sdkconfig.esp32_s3_devkitc_1" flash monitor ``` # Example usage ## I2C 1. Set GPIOs for I2C in `menuconfig` - `BSP_I2C_GPIO_SCL` - `BSP_I2C_GPIO_SDA` 2. Set I2C number in `menuconfig` - `BSP_I2C_NUM` Example code: ``` /* Initialization */ bsp_i2c_init(); /* Example I2C write with BSP_I2C_NUM */ i2c_master_write_to_device(BSP_I2C_NUM, 0x10, value, sizeof(value), 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); ... bsp_i2c_deinit(); ``` **Note:** The BSP automatically initialize I2C, when need it for some component (LCD touch, audio, etc.) ## SPIFFS Example code: ``` /* Mount SPIFFS partition */ bsp_spiffs_mount(); /* Use file system read/write with BSP_SPIFFS_MOUNT_POINT */ FILE *in = fopen(BSP_SD_MOUNT_POINT"/text.txt", "rb"); ... bsp_spiffs_unmount(); ``` ## SD card Example code: ``` /* Mount SD card partition */ bsp_sdcard_mount(); /* Use file system read/write with BSP_SD_MOUNT_POINT */ FILE *in = fopen(BSP_SD_MOUNT_POINT"/text.txt", "rb"); ... bsp_sdcard_unmount(); ``` **Note:** This API is available only in MCUs, which have SD MMC peripheral. ## Buttons 1. Set count of buttons in `menuconfig` - `BSP_BUTTONS_NUM` (max 5) 2. Set button type and other values by type for each button in `menuconfig` - `BSP_BUTTON_x_TYPE` - `BSP_BUTTON_x_GPIO` (for GPIO button) - `BSP_BUTTON_x_LEVEL` (for GPIO button) - `BSP_BUTTON_x_ADC_CHANNEL` (for ADC button) - `BSP_BUTTON_x_ADC_VALUE` (for ADC button) Example code: ``` /* Button callback */ static void btn_handler(void *button_handle, void *usr_data) { int button_pressed = (int)usr_data; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Button pressed: %d", button_pressed); } /* Initialize all buttons and register callback for them */ button_handle_t btns[BSP_BUTTON_NUM]; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bsp_iot_button_create(btns, NULL, BSP_BUTTON_NUM)); for (int i = 0; i < BSP_BUTTON_NUM; i++) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(iot_button_register_cb(btns[i], BUTTON_PRESS_DOWN, btn_handler, (void *) i)); } ``` For button handling is used component [iot_button](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/button). For more information, please look into guide for this component. ## LEDS 1. Set count of LEDs in `menuconfig` - `BSP_LEDS_NUM` (max 5) 2. Set type for all LEDs in `menuconfig` - `BSP_LED_TYPE` (GPIO / Adressable RGB LED / Classic RGB) 3. For GPIO LEDs set pin and level for each LED in `menuconfig` - `BSP_LED_x_GPIO` - `BSP_LED_x_LEVEL` 3. For addressable RBG LEDs set pin and peripheral in `menuconfig` - `BSP_LED_RGB_GPIO` - `BSP_LED_RGB_BACKEND` 3. For classic RBG LEDs set pins for all colors and level in `menuconfig` - `BSP_LED_RGB_RED_GPIO` - `BSP_LED_RGB_GREEN_GPIO` - `BSP_LED_RGB_BLUE_GPIO` - `BSP_LED_RGB_CLASSIC_LEVEL` Example code: ``` /* Initialize all LEDs */ led_indicator_handle_t leds[BSP_LED_NUM]; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bsp_led_indicator_create(leds, NULL, BSP_LED_NUM)); /* Set LED color for first LED (only for addressable RGB LEDs) */ led_indicator_set_rgb(leds[0], SET_IRGB(0, 0x00, 0x64, 0x64)); /* Start effect for each LED (predefined: BSP_LED_ON, BSP_LED_OFF, BSP_LED_BLINK_FAST, BSP_LED_BLINK_SLOW, BSP_LED_BREATHE_FAST, BSP_LED_BREATHE_SLOW) */ led_indicator_start(leds[0], BSP_LED_BREATHE_SLOW); ``` For LEDs handling is used component [led_indicator](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/led_indicator) with [led_strip](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/led_strip) component. For more information, please look into guides for these components. <!-- Autogenerated start: Dependencies --> ### Capabilities and dependencies | Capability | Available | Component |Version| |-------------|------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | BUTTONS |:heavy_check_mark:|[espressif/button](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/button)| ^4 | | LEDS |:heavy_check_mark:| | | | AUDIO | :x: | | | |AUDIO_SPEAKER| :x: | | | | AUDIO_MIC | :x: | | | | SDCARD | :x: | | | | IMU | :x: | | | <!-- Autogenerated end: Dependencies -->
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/esp_bsp_devkit^3.0.0"