# ESP Delta OTA ## Getting Started Compressed Delta OTA Updates aims at enabling Over-the-Air firmware update with compressed delta binaries. ### Compressed Delta Image for OTA  ### Advantages of using this design for OTA update: * Patch file have smaller size than the original firmware file. This reduces the time and network usage to download the file from server. * No additional storage partition is required for the "patch". * Only firmware level changes are required for integrating this component. No bootloader related changes required. * This scheme can be implemented for the existing devices in the field. ### Prerequisites * **ESP-IDF v4.3 and above** You can visit the [ESP-IDF Programmming Guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/get-started/index.html#installation-step-by-step) for the installation steps. * **detools v0.49.0 and above** Binary delta encoding in Python 3.6+. You can install detools using the following command: ``` pip install -r examples/https_delta_ota/tools/requirements.txt ``` More information about the package [here](https://pypi.org/project/detools/). ## Usage Refer to the [https_delta_ota](https://github.com/espressif/idf-extra-components/blob/master/esp_delta_ota/examples/https_delta_ota/) example to see the use of `esp_delta_ota` component for OTA updates. ## API Reference To learn more about how to use this component, please check API Documentation from header file [esp_delta_ota.h](https://github.com/espressif/idf-extra-components/blob/master/esp_delta_ota/include/esp_delta_ota.h) ## License * Distributed under the Apache-2.0 License. Refer [esp_delta_ota LICENSE](https://github.com/espressif/idf-extra-components/blob/master/esp_delta_ota/LICENSE) for more information. * `detools` : Distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. Refer [detools LICENSE](https://github.com/eerimoq/detools/blob/master/LICENSE) for more information. * `heatshrink` : Distributed under the ISC License. Refer [heatshrink LICENSE](https://github.com/eerimoq/detools/blob/master/c/heatshrink/README.rst) for more information.
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/esp_delta_ota^1.1.0"