# Touch Sensor FSM The ESP32 touch sensor provides a convenient way to detect touch events. However, in environments with strong interference, the hardware judgment logic may fail. This component uses software solutions to provide a more flexible and reliable solution in such environments. This component provides a finite state machine (FSM) for managing touch sensor data and states. It includes functions for creating, deleting, updating, and controlling the FSM, as well as handling events. ## API Functions ### touch_sensor_fsm_handle_events ```c esp_err_t touch_sensor_fsm_handle_events(fsm_handle_t handle); ``` This function handles events of a touch sensor FSM. It should be called repeatedly in a task or loop context until it returns a value other than `ESP_OK`. This ensures that all pending events are processed and the FSM operates correctly. **Parameters:** - `handle`: Touch sensor handle. **Returns:** - `ESP_OK`: Success. - `ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG`: Invalid arguments. - `ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE`: FSM is not running. **For example:** ```c void touch_sensor_task(void *arg) { fsm_handle_t fsm_handle = (fsm_handle_t)arg; while (true) { esp_err_t err = touch_sensor_fsm_handle_events(fsm_handle); if (err != ESP_OK) { // Handle error or exit loop break; } // Add a delay if necessary vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); } vTaskDelete(NULL); } ``` By calling this function repeatedly, you ensure that the FSM processes all incoming data and updates its state, which is crucial for accurate touch sensor operation. ## Other API Functions ### Initialization To create a touch sensor FSM, you need to configure the `fsm_config_t` structure and call `touch_sensor_fsm_create`. ```c fsm_config_t config = DEFAULTS_TOUCH_SENSOR_FSM_CONFIG(); config.mode = FSM_MODE_POLLING; // or FSM_MODE_USER_PUSH config.channel_num = 1; config.channel_list = channel_list; config.threshold_p = threshold_p; config.threshold_n = threshold_n; config.state_cb = state_callback; config.polling_cb = polling_callback; fsm_handle_t handle; esp_err_t ret = touch_sensor_fsm_create(&config, &handle); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error } ``` ### Control To start or stop the FSM, use the `touch_sensor_fsm_control` function. ```c ret = touch_sensor_fsm_control(handle, FSM_CTRL_START, NULL); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error } ret = touch_sensor_fsm_control(handle, FSM_CTRL_STOP, NULL); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error } ``` ### Update Data In `FSM_MODE_USER_PUSH` mode, you need to update the data manually. ```c ret = touch_sensor_fsm_update_data(handle, channel, raw_data, false); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error } ``` ### Get Data To get the processed data, use the `touch_sensor_fsm_get_data` function. ```c uint32_t data[FSM_DATA_MAX]; ret = touch_sensor_fsm_get_data(handle, channel, data); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error } ``` ### Get State To get the current state of the touch sensor, use the `touch_sensor_fsm_get_state` function. ```c fsm_state_t state; ret = touch_sensor_fsm_get_state(handle, channel, &state); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error } ``` ### Delete To delete the FSM, use the `touch_sensor_fsm_delete` function. ```c ret = touch_sensor_fsm_delete(handle); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error } ``` ### Handle Events The `touch_sensor_fsm_handle_events` function should be called repeatedly in a task or loop context to process touch sensor events. It should be called until it returns a value other than `ESP_OK`. ```c while (1) { esp_err_t ret = touch_sensor_fsm_handle_events(handle); if (ret != ESP_OK) { // Handle error or exit loop break; } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(config.polling_interval)); } ``` ## Working Modes ### Polling Mode In polling mode (`FSM_MODE_POLLING`), the FSM periodically calls the polling callback to get the raw data. This mode is suitable for applications where the touch sensor data needs to be updated at regular intervals. ### User Push Mode In user push mode (`FSM_MODE_USER_PUSH`), the user is responsible for updating the raw data by calling the `touch_sensor_fsm_update_data` function. This mode is suitable for applications where the touch sensor data is updated based on external events. ## Limitations - The touch sensor FSM cannot be used during sleep modes as it relies on periodic updates and processing.
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/touch_sensor_fsm^0.4.0"