uploaded 3 weeks ago
Touch sensor enhanced FSM for better anti-interference performance (Experimental)


# Touch Sensor FSM

The ESP32 touch sensor provides a convenient way to detect touch events. However, in environments with strong interference, the hardware judgment logic may fail. This component uses software solutions to provide a more flexible and reliable solution in such environments.

This component provides a finite state machine (FSM) for managing touch sensor data and states. It includes functions for creating, deleting, updating, and controlling the FSM, as well as handling events.

## Application Drivers Depends on this FSM

- [touch_proximity_sensor](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/touch_proximity_sensor)
- [touch_button_sensor](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/touch_button_sensor)

## Configuration

The FSM is configured using the `fsm_config_t` structure. Here are the key configuration parameters:

typedef struct {
    fsm_mode_t mode;              // Touch sensor mode (polling or user push)
    uint32_t channel_num;         // Number of touch channels
    uint32_t *channel_list;       // List of touch channels
    float smooth_coef;            // Smoothing coefficient
    float baseline_coef;          // Baseline coefficient
    float max_p;                  // Maximum effective positive change rate
    float min_n;                  // Minimum effective negative change rate
    float *threshold_p;           // Positive threshold array
    float *threshold_n;           // Negative threshold array (optional)
    float hysteresis_p;          // Hysteresis for positive threshold
    float noise_p;               // Positive noise threshold
    float noise_n;               // Negative noise threshold
    uint32_t debounce_p;         // Debounce times for positive threshold
    uint32_t debounce_n;         // Debounce times for negative threshold
    uint32_t reset_p;            // Baseline reset positive threshold
    uint32_t reset_n;            // Baseline reset negative threshold
    uint32_t raw_buf_size;       // Size of raw data buffer
    uint32_t polling_interval;    // Polling interval in ms (for polling mode)
    uint32_t *gold_value;        // Gold values for baseline reset (optional)
    uint32_t scale_factor;       // Scale factor for calculations
    fsm_state_cb_t state_cb;     // State change callback
    fsm_touch_polling_cb_t polling_cb; // Polling callback (for polling mode)
    void *user_data;             // User data passed to callbacks
} fsm_config_t;

Default configuration can be initialized using:

fsm_config_t config = DEFAULTS_TOUCH_SENSOR_FSM_CONFIG();

## States

The FSM has three possible states:
typedef enum {
    FSM_STATE_INACTIVE = 0,  // Touch sensor is inactive
    FSM_STATE_ACTIVE,        // Touch sensor is active
    FSM_STATE_DEBOUNCE,      // Touch sensor is in debounce state
} fsm_state_t;

## Data Types

When getting data from the FSM, three types of data are available:
typedef enum {
    FSM_DATA_RAW = 0,    // Raw touch sensor data
    FSM_DATA_SMOOTH,     // Smoothed touch sensor data
    FSM_DATA_BASELINE,   // Baseline touch sensor data
} fsm_data_t;

## Working Modes

### Polling Mode (`FSM_MODE_POLLING`)
In this mode, the FSM automatically polls touch sensor data using the registered callback function. The polling interval is configurable.

void polling_callback(fsm_handle_t handle, uint32_t channel, uint32_t *raw_data, void *user_data) {
    // Get raw data from touch sensor hardware
    *raw_data = touch_pad_get_raw_data(channel);

fsm_config_t config = DEFAULTS_TOUCH_SENSOR_FSM_CONFIG();
config.mode = FSM_MODE_POLLING;
config.polling_cb = polling_callback;
config.polling_interval = 20; // 20ms polling interval

### User Push Mode (`FSM_MODE_USER_PUSH`)
In this mode, the application is responsible for pushing new touch sensor data to the FSM.

fsm_config_t config = DEFAULTS_TOUCH_SENSOR_FSM_CONFIG();
config.mode = FSM_MODE_USER_PUSH;

// Later in your code:
uint32_t raw_data = touch_pad_get_raw_data(channel);
touch_sensor_fsm_update_data(handle, channel, raw_data, false);

## API Usage Examples

### Creating and Starting the FSM

// Initialize configuration
fsm_config_t config = DEFAULTS_TOUCH_SENSOR_FSM_CONFIG();
config.channel_num = 1;
config.channel_list = (uint32_t[]){0};
config.threshold_p = (float[]){0.1};

// Create FSM
fsm_handle_t handle;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_fsm_create(&config, &handle));

// Start FSM
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_fsm_control(handle, FSM_CTRL_START, NULL));

### Handling Events

void touch_task(void *arg) {
    fsm_handle_t handle = (fsm_handle_t)arg;
    while (1) {
        esp_err_t ret = touch_sensor_fsm_handle_events(handle);
        if (ret != ESP_OK) {

### Getting Data and State

// Get processed data
uint32_t data[FSM_DATA_MAX];
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_fsm_get_data(handle, channel, data));
printf("Raw: %lu, Smooth: %lu, Baseline: %lu\n",

// Get current state
fsm_state_t state;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_fsm_get_state(handle, channel, &state));
printf("State: %d\n", state);

### Cleanup

ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_fsm_control(handle, FSM_CTRL_STOP, NULL));


License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "espressif/touch_sensor_fsm^0.5.1"

or download archive


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espressif/touch_sensor_fsm version: 0.5.1