uploaded 1 year ago
SPI driver for MAX6675 thermocouple temperature


# MAX6675 ESP Component

This is a versatile ESP component for interfacing with the MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier using Espressif's ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontrollers. The MAX6675 is a popular thermocouple-to-digital converter IC that provides accurate temperature measurements using K-type thermocouples.

## Features

- **Easy Integration**: This component simplifies the integration of the MAX6675 module into your ESP-based projects, allowing you to focus on developing your application logic.
- **Temperature Readings**: Read temperature values from the MAX6675 amplifier with high accuracy and reliability.
- **Support for K-type Thermocouples**: Designed specifically for K-type thermocouples, allowing you to measure a wide range of temperatures.
- **SPI Communication**: Utilizes the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol to communicate with the MAX6675 module, ensuring fast and efficient data transfer.
- **Configurable Pins**: Flexibility to select the GPIO pins for SPI communication, enabling you to adapt the component to fit your specific hardware configuration.
- **Error Handling**: Provides error handling capabilities to detect thermocouple disconnections or other potential issues, ensuring the reliability of temperature readings.
- **Event Notifications**: Callback events allow you to handle temperature data updates or error notifications conveniently within your application.
- **Sample Code and Documentation**: Comprehensive documentation and sample code are provided to help you quickly get started and understand the usage of the component.

## Getting Started

To use the MAX6675 ESP Component in your ESP8266 or ESP32 project, simply include it in your development environment and follow the instructions provided in the documentation. The component is compatible with popular frameworks such as Arduino and ESP-IDF.


Supports all targets

License: MIT

To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "hayschan/max6675^1.0.0"

or download archive


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hayschan/max6675 version: 1.0.0