# Husarnet Webserver Example This example demonstrates how to use the Husarnet library to join a Husarnet network and start a web server. Replace `/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` with your join code from the [Husarnet Dashboard](https://app.husarnet.com/). You can also set your device name in the `husarnet_join` function. Run `idf.py menuconfig` and set your WiFi SSID and password in the `Example Connection Configuration` section. Using a client with Husarnet installed, you can access the web server by navigating to [http://husarnet-esp32](http://husarnet-esp32) in your web browser.
To create a project from this example, run:
idf.py create-project-from-example "husarnet/esp_husarnet=0.0.8:husarnet-web-server"