# I2C_LCD_PCF8574 I2C Liquid Crystal Display driver [](https://components.espressif.com/components/iamflinks/i2c_lcd_pcf8574) This repository contains an ESP-IDF driver for a Hitachi HD44790 compatible LCD attached to a PCF8574 I2C adapter connected over I2C. ## Using the component Run the following command in your ESP-IDF project to install this component ```bash idf.py add-dependency "iamflinks/i2c_lcd_pcf8574" ``` ## Example To run the provided examples, create it as follows: ```bash idf.py create-project-from-example- "iamflinks/i2c_lcd_pcf8574:i2c_lcd_pcf8574_example" ``` OR ```bash idf.py create-project-from-example- "iamflinks/i2c_lcd_pcf8574:i2c_lcd_pcf8574_lcd_function" ``` Then build the project as usual: ```bash cd i2c_lcd_pcf8574_example idf.py build ``` OR ```bash cd 2c_lcd_pcf8574_lcd_function idf.py build ``` And flash the project to the board: ```bash idf.py -p PORT flash monitor ``` The example uses GPIOs 21 and 22 for the SDA and SCL, respectively. ## Licence This component is provided under Apache 2.0 license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) file for details. ## Documentation Please check the [API](api.md) file for detailed API documentation.
# API Reference ## Header files - [i2c_lcd_pcf8574.h](#file-i2c_lcd_pcf8574h) ## File i2c_lcd_pcf8574.h _Driver for the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 LCD adapter._ To use this driver: * Initialize the ESP32 in master mode using [**i2c\_master\_init()**](#function-i2c_master_init) * Initialize the driver with [**lcd\_init()**](#function-lcd_init) and [**lcd\_init()**](#function-lcd_begin) * Call the [**functions**](#functions) to set other lcd display characteristics. ## Structures and types | Type | Name | | ---: | :--- | | struct | [**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t) <br>_I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver configuration._ | ## Functions | Type | Name | | ---: | :--- | | void | [**lcd\_init**](#function-lcd_init) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd, uint8_t i2c_addr, i2c_port_t i2c_port) <br> _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ | | void | [**lcd\_begin**](#function-lcd_begin) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd, uint8_t cols, uint8_t rows) <br> _Set the display size of the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ | | void | [**lcd\_clear**](#function-lcd_clear) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Clear the LCD display._ | | void | [**lcd\_home**](#function-lcd_home) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Set the LCD to home._ | | void | [**lcd\_set\_cursor**](#function-lcd_set_cursor) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd, uint8_t col, uint8_t row) <br> _Set the LCD cursor to a new position._ | | void | [**lcd\_no\_display**](#function-lcd_no_display) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Turn off the display._ | | void | [**lcd\_display**](#function-lcd_display) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Turn on the display._ | | void | [**lcd\_cursor**](#function-lcd_cursor) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Turn on the LCD cursor position._ | | void | [**lcd\_no\_cursor**](#function-lcd_no_cursor) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Turn off the LCD cursor position._ | | void | [**lcd\_blink**](#function-lcd_blink) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Turn on the LCD cursor blink._ | | void | [**lcd\_no\_blink**](#function-lcd_no_blink) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _Turn off the LCD cursor blink._ | | void | [**lcd\_scroll\_display_\left**](#function-lcd_scroll_display_left) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _This command will scroll the display left by one step without changing the RAM._ | | void | [**lcd\_scroll\_display_\right**](#function-lcd_scroll_display_right) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _This command will scroll the display right by one step without changing the RAM._ | | void | [**lcd\_left\_to\_right**](#function-lcd_left_to_right) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _This is for text that flows left to right._ | | void | [**lcd\_right\_to\_left**](#function-lcd_right_to_left) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _This is for text that flows left to right._ | | void | [**lcd\_auto\_scroll**](#function-lcd_autoscroll) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _This function will justify the text to the right from the cursor._ | | void | [**lcd\_no\_auto\_scroll**](#function-lcd_no_autoscroll) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd) <br> _This function will justify the text to the left from the cursor._ | | void | [**lcd\_set\_backlight**](#function-lcd_set_backlight) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd, uint8_t brightness) <br> _This function set the backlight brightness (PS: It can only be turn on or off)._ | | void | [**lcd\_create\_charl**](#function-lcd_create_char) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd, uint8_t location, uint8_t charmap[]) <br> _This function allows us to create up to 8 custom characters in the CGRAM locations._ | | void | [**lcd\_print**](#function-lcd_print) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd, const char* str) <br> _This function prints characters to the LCD._ | | void | [**lcd\_print\_number**](#function-lcd_print_number) ([**i2c\_lcd\_pcf8574\_handle\_t**](#struct-i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t)\* lcd, uint8_t col, uint8_t row, uint8_t buf_len, const char *str, ...) <br> _Additional function to print numbers as formatted string._ | ## Structures and Types Documentation ### struct `i2c_config_t` _ESP-32 I2C\_MASTER driver configuration._ ### struct `i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t` _I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver configuration._ - uint8\_t i2c_dev_addr <br>I2C device address of the GPS. Defualt 0x27. - i2c\_port\_t i2c_port <br>I2C bus number to which the LCD is connected ## Functions Documentation ### function `i2c_master_init` _Initialize the esp32 i2c master._ ```c #define I2C_MASTER_SCL_IO 22 // GPIO PIN for I2C master clock #define I2C_MASTER_SDA_IO 21 // GPIO PIN for I2C master data #define I2C_MASTER_NUM I2C_NUM_0 // I2C port number for master dev #define I2C_MASTER_FREQ_HZ 100000 // I2C master clock frequency (100kHz or 400kHz) void i2c_master_init() { i2c_config_t conf = { .mode = I2C_MODE_MASTER, .sda_io_num = I2C_MASTER_SDA_IO, .sda_pullup_en = GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE, .scl_io_num = I2C_MASTER_SCL_IO, .scl_pullup_en = GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE, .master.clk_speed = I2C_MASTER_FREQ_HZ, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_param_config(I2C_MASTER_NUM, &conf)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_driver_install(I2C_MASTER_NUM, conf.mode, 0, 0, 0)); } ``` **Parameters:** * `void` **Returns:** * `void` logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_init` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_init( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd, uint8_t i2c_addr, i2c_port_t i2c_port ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. The driver makes a copy, so can point to a local variable. * `i2c_addr` LCD i2c device address. * `i2c_port` I2C port number for the master. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_begin` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_begin( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd, uint8_t cols, uint8_t rows ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. The driver makes a copy, so can point to a local variable. * `cols` LCD character length (column length). * `rows` LCD number of lines. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_clear` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_clear( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_home` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_home( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_set_cursor` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_set_cursor( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd, uint8_t col, uint8_t row ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. * `col` Column/Character position. * `row` Line/Row position. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_no_display` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_no_display( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_display` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_display( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_cursor` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_cursor( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_no_cursor` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_no_cursor( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_blink` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_blink( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_no_blink` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_no_blink( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_scroll_display_left` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_scroll_display_left( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_scroll_display_right` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_scroll_display_right( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_left_to_right` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_left_to_right( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_right_to_left` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_right_to_left( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_autoscroll` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_autoscroll( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_no_autoscroll` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_no_autoscroll( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_set_backlight` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_set_backlight( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd, uint8_t brightness ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. * `brightness` Brightness value (0 - 255). **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_create_char` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_create_char( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd, uint8_t location, uint8_t charmap[] ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. * `location` Memory location to store the character value (0 - 7). * `location` Custom character buffer (8 bytes). **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_print` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_print( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd, const char* str ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. * `str` Character array/strings. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor. ### function `lcd_print_number` _Initialize the I2C\_LCD\_PCF8574 driver._ ```c void lcd_print_number( i2c_lcd_pcf8574_handle_t lcd, uint8_t col, uint8_t row, uint8_t buf_len, const char *str, ... ) ``` **Parameters:** * `lcd` Pointer to the configuration struct. * `col` Columns position. * `row` Row position. * `buf_len` Length of the formatted string buffer. * `str` Formatted string buffer. * `...` Formatted string arguments. **Returns:** `void`: logs error to the esp32 monitor.
idf.py add-dependency "iamflinks/i2c_lcd_pcf8574^1.0.1"