# M5GFX Graphics library for M5Stack series Supported framework ---------------- - ESP-IDF - Arduino for ESP32 Supported device ---------------- - M5Stack ( Basic / Gray / GO / Fire ) - M5Stack Core2 - M5Stack CoreInk - M5Stick C - M5Stick C Plus - M5Stick C Plus2 - M5Paper - M5Tough - M5Station - M5ATOMS3 - M5Dial - M5DinMeter - M5Cardputer - UnitOLED - UnitMiniOLED - UnitLCD - [UnitRCA / ModuleRCA](docs/UnitRCA.md) - [UnitGLASS](docs/UnitGLASS.md) - UnitGLASS2 - [AtomDisplay](docs/ATOMDisplay.md) / ModuleDisplay License ---------------- M5GFX : [MIT](LICENSE) LovyanGFX : [FreeBSD](https://github.com/lovyan03/LovyanGFX/blob/master/license.txt) lovyan03 TJpgDec : [original](src/lgfx/utility/lgfx_tjpgd.c) ChaN Pngle : [MIT](https://github.com/kikuchan/pngle/blob/master/LICENSE) kikuchan QRCode : [MIT](https://github.com/ricmoo/QRCode/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) Richard Moore and Nayuki result : [MIT](https://github.com/bitwizeshift/result/blob/master/LICENSE) Matthew Rodusek GFX font and GLCD font : [2-clause BSD](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library/blob/master/license.txt) Adafruit Industries Font 2,4,6,7,8 : [FreeBSD](https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI/blob/master/license.txt) Bodmer converted IPA font : [IPA Font License](src/lgfx/Fonts/IPA/IPA_Font_License_Agreement_v1.0.txt) IPA efont : [3-clause BSD](src/lgfx/Fonts/efont/COPYRIGHT.txt) The Electronic Font Open Laboratory TomThumb font : [3-clause BSD](src/lgfx/Fonts/GFXFF/TomThumb.h) Brian J. Swetland / Vassilii Khachaturov / Dan Marks
idf.py add-dependency "m5stack/m5gfx^0.1.16"