
Example of the component plasmapper/pl_http v1.1.0
# HTTP/HTTPS Server Example

1. HttpServer class inherits PL::HttpServer class and overrides HandleRequest method to return URI as a body of the response.
2. Two servers are created: HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443).
3. Internal ESP Wi-Fi station interface is created and initialized.
4. The Wi-Fi station SSID and password are set from project configuration (can be changed in `Example` menu of [Project Configuration](
5. The HTTPS server credentials are set from the embedded text files and HTTPS functionality is enabled.
6. The Wi-Fi station is enabled.
7. The servers are enabled when the Wi-Fi station interface gets an IP address.
8. The server events are used to print the client request information.

To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "plasmapper/pl_http=1.1.0:http_server"

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