
Example of the component plasmapper/pl_network v1.1.1

TCP OTA Server Example

  1. OtaServer class inherits TcpServer class and overrides HandleRequest method to implement Over The Air Update functionality.
  2. Internal ESP Wi-Fi station interface is created and initialized.
  3. The Wi-Fi station SSID and password are set from project configuration (can be changed in Example menu of Project Configuration).
  4. The Wi-Fi station is enabled.
  5. The server is enabled when the Wi-Fi station interface gets an IP address.
  6. The new firmware (<project>.bin file from the build folder) can be uploaded by sending 4-byte file length (little-endian) followed by the file data via TCP.
  7. The firmware compatibility test is simulated by the firmwareIsCompatibleWithHardware flag.

To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "plasmapper/pl_network=1.1.1:tcp_ota_server"

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