
Example of the component thingsboard/thingsboard v0.13.0
# Sending telemetry / attribute data

## Devices
| Supported Devices |
|  ESP32            |

## Framework

Espressif IDF

## ThingsBoard API

## Feature
Allows uploading telemetry values to the cloud, as well as attributes.
Telemetry values keep track of their previous values meaning we can draw graphs with them.
Meant for values which change over time and where a history might be useful (temperature, humidity, ...)
Whereas attributes are meant for data, which does not require a history and is more seldom updated (version, settings, ...)

To create a project from this example, run:

idf.py create-project-from-example "thingsboard/thingsboard=0.13.0:0014-espressif_esp32_send_data"

or download archive (~57 bytes)