# Z21 [](https://github.com/ZIMO-Elektronik/Z21/actions/workflows/build.yml) [](https://github.com/ZIMO-Elektronik/Z21/actions/workflows/tests.yml) [](https://github.com/ZIMO-Elektronik/Z21/raw/master/LICENSE) <img src="https://github.com/ZIMO-Elektronik/Z21/raw/master/data/images/logo.png" width="15%" align="right"> The [ROCO](https://www.roco.cc/ren/) [Z21](https://www.z21.eu/en) is a command station with support for LocoNet, R-Bus and XpressNet devices. It has an open LAN interface with a well-documented protocol that has been continuously developed since then. This C++ library of the same name contains platform-independent code for the server-side (i.e. the part that runs on a command station) implementation of the protocol. <details> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> <ol> <li><a href="#protocol">Protocol</a></li> <li><a href="#features">Features</a></li> <li><a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a></li> <ul> <li><a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li> <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li> <li><a href="#build">Build</a></li> </ul> <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li> <ul> <li><a href="#server">Server</a></li> </ul> </ol> </details> ## Protocol The official documentation of the protocol can be downloaded from the ROCO homepage in English and German. | English | German | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [Z21 LAN protocol V1.13](https://www.z21.eu/media/Kwc_Basic_DownloadTag_Component/root-en-main_47-1652-959-downloadTag-download/default/d559b9cf/1699290380/z21-lan-protokoll-en.pdf) | [Z21 LAN Protokoll V1.13](https://www.z21.eu/media/Kwc_Basic_DownloadTag_Component/47-1652-959-downloadTag/default/69bad87e/1699290251/z21-lan-protokoll.pdf)| ## Features - Platform-independent - Fine grained interfaces (implement only what you need) - Examples for Linux, Windows and ESP32 ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites - C++23 compatible compiler - [CMake](https://cmake.org/) ( >= 3.25 ) - Optional - for building [ESP32](https://www.espressif.com/en/products/socs/esp32) example - [ESP-IDF](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf) ( >= 5.0.3 ) ### Installation This library is meant to be consumed with CMake, ```cmake # Either by including it with CPM cpmaddpackage("gh:ZIMO-Elektronik/Z21@0.1.0") # or the FetchContent module FetchContent_Declare( DCC GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/ZIMO-Elektronik/Z21" GIT_TAG v0.1.0) target_link_libraries(YourTarget PRIVATE Z21::Z21) ``` or, on [ESP32 platforms](https://www.espressif.com/en/products/socs/esp32), with the [IDF Component Manager](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/idf-component-manager/en/latest/) by adding it to a `idf_component.yml` file. ```yaml dependencies: zimo-elektronik/z21: version: "0.1.0" ``` ### Build The library itself is header-only, so technically it can't be built. However, if run as top-level CMake project then, depending on the target platform, different examples can be built. #### Host On host platforms a simulator example running a Z21 server can be built. ```sh cmake -Bbuild cmake --build build --target Z21Sim ``` The simulator allows you to try out the library directly in a simple GUI. The application starts a Z21 server to which you can connect directly via [Z21 app](https://www.z21.eu/en/products/z21-app). You can then control locomotives, switch turnouts or simulate various errors such as a short circuit.  #### ESP32 On [ESP32 platforms](https://www.espressif.com/en/products/socs/esp32) examples from the [examples](https://github.com/ZIMO-Elektronik/DCC/raw/master/examples) subfolder can be built directly using the [IDF Frontend](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/api-guides/tools/idf-py.html). ```sh idf.py create-project-from-example "zimo-elektronik/z21^0.1.0:esp32" ``` ## Usage ### Server | Interface | Responsibility | | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Can | Send and receive messages from CAN occupancy detectors | | Driving | Control mobile decoders | | FastClock | Control fast clock | | LocoNet | Send and receive messages from LocoNet gateway | | Programming | Reading and writing decoder CVs in service or POM mode | | RailCom | Reading RailCom data of mobile decoders | | RBus | Send and receive messages from R-Bus feedback modules | | Settings | Change persistently stored settings | | Switching | Control accessory decoders | | System (**required**) | System features (e.g. track power, get hardware information, ...) | | ZLink | Send and receive messages from zLink devices | | | | | Logging | Print received and transmitted UDP datasets (not part of Z21 protocol) | ## All Commands | Command | Reply | Broadcast | | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | lanGetSerialNumber | replyToLanGetSerialNumber | | | lanGetCode | replyToLanGetCode | | | lanGetHwInfo | replyToLanGetHwInfo | | | lanLogoff | - | | | lanXGetVersion | replyToLanXGetVersion | | | lanXGetStatus | lanXStatusChanged | | | lanXSetTrackPowerOff | lanXBcTrackPowerOff | lanXBcTrackPowerOff | | lanXSetTrackPowerOn | lanXBcTrackPowerOn | lanXBcTrackPowerOn | | lanXDccReadRegister | lanXCv[NackSc\|Nack\|Result] (n.a.) | lanXBcProgrammingMode (n.a.) | | lanXCvRead | lanXCv[NackSc\|Nack\|Result] | lanXBcProgrammingMode | | lanXDccWriteRegister | lanXCv[NackSc\|Nack\|Result] (n.a.) | lanXBcProgrammingMode (n.a.) | | lanXCvWrite | lanXCv[NackSc\|Nack\|Result] | lanXBcProgrammingMode | | lanXMmWriteByte (n.a.) | lanXCv[NackSc\|Nack\|Result] (n.a.) | lanXBcProgrammingMode (n.a.) | | lanXGetTurnoutInfo | | | | lanXGetExtAccessoryInfo | | | | lanXSetTurnout | | | | lanXSetExtAccessory | | | | lanXSetStop | lanXBcStopped | | | lanXSetLocoEStop | | lanXLocoInfo | | lanXPurgeLoco | - | | | lanXGetLocoInfo | lanXLocoInfo | | | lanXSetLocoDrive | - | lanXLocoInfo | | lanXSetLocoFunction | - | lanXLocoInfo | | lanXSetLocoFunctionGroup | - | lanXLocoInfo | | lanXSetLocoBinaryState | - | | | lanXCvPom | lanXCv[NackSc\|Nack\|Result] | | | lanXCvPomAccessory | lanXCv[NackSc\|Nack\|Result] | | | lanXGetFirmwareVersion | replyToLanXGetFirmwareVersion | | | lanSetBroadcastFlags | - | | | lanGetBroadcastFlags | replyToLanGetBroadcastFlags | | | lanGetLocoMode | replyToLanGetLocoMode | | | lanSetLocoMode | - | | | lanGetTurnoutMode | replyToLanGetTurnoutMode | | | lanSetTurnoutMode | - | | | lanRmBusGetData | | | | lanRmBusProgramModule | | | | lanSystemStateGetData | lanSystemStateDataChanged | | | lanRailComGetData | lanRailComDataChanged | | | lanLocoNetFromLan | | | | lanLocoNetDispatchAddr | | | | lanLocoNetDetector | | | | lanCanDetector | | | | lanCanDeviceGetDescription | | | | lanCanDeviceSetDescription | | | | lanCanBoosterSetTrackPower | | | | lanFastClockControl | | | | lanFastClockSettingsGet | | | | lanFastClockSettingsSet | | | | lanBoosterSetPower | | | | lanBoosterGetDescription | | | | lanBoosterSetDescription | | | | lanBoosterSystemStateGetData | | | | lanDecoderGetDescription | | | | lanDecoderSetDescription | | | | lanDecoderSystemStateGetData | | | | lanZLinkGetHwInfo | | | ## Broadcasts | Broadcast | | ----------------------------------- | | lanXTurnoutInfo | | lanXExtAccessoryInfo | | lanXBcTrackPowerOff | | lanXBcTrackPowerOn | | lanXBcProgrammingMode | | lanXBcTrackShortCircuit | | lanXBcStopped | | lanXLocoInfo | | lanRmbusDataChanged | | lanSystemStateDataChanged | | lanRailComDataChanged | | lanCanBoosterSystemStateDataChanged | | lanBoosterSystemStateDataChanged | | lanDecoderSystemStateDataChanged |
idf.py add-dependency "zimo-elektronik/z21^0.1.1"