# esp_google_protobuf This is a wrapper for Google Protobuf library version v3.20.3 (29/09/2022). I haven't managed to port last version, since it depends on Abseil, and porting abseil is not easy. Currently lite version is supported. ## What is Protobuf? Protocol Buffers are language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanisms for serializing structured data. ## What this library does? It: * builds `protoc` for your host PC where build runs * builds `libprotobuf-lite.a` * creates `libprotobuf-lite.alloc8.a` which uses aliased new/delete to allocate 8-bytes aligned memory * recursively finds all `*.proto` files in specific directory * produces `*.pb.cc` / `*.pb.h` files from found `*.proto` with `protoc` * creates list of generated sources to be used in `idf_component_register()` ## Using Call to these functions in CMakeLists.txt of you component this order: 1. `discover_proto_files()` - find proto-files 2. `idf_component_register()` - use these files as a sources 3. `add_proto_generation()` - add generation of CXX files Script automatically finds all `*.proto` files recursively, and you can add necessary built-in proto-files (like `any.proto`) manually. You should specify all directories to search. Generated files are created relatively to this directories. Generated directory can be any you want. I use generation into source but you can use build directory as an output like this: ``` set(GENERATED_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated") ``` But it's not convenient if you generate `compile_commands.json` with clang compiler. Pay an attention to PROTO_DIRS argument of `discover_proto_files()`: function searches for all proto-files inside component directory which called this function and then throw out all files don't belong to PROTO_DIRS, so you shouldn't specify subdir of mentioned already mentioned directory. Also it's crucial to put correct dir names for PROTO_DIRS since `protoc` makes strict search in *exact* directories. Function `add_proto_generation()` adds dependency to current component for generating CXX files: `*.pb.cc` / `*.pb.h`, so they are generated before building this component. Also this function depends on building `protoc` on your host system, which is used for generating CXX files. ## Warning 1 There can be a linker error if no optimization is enabled: ``` esp-idf/proto_files/libproto_files.a(file1.pb.cc.obj): in function `_ZNK6google8protobuf8internal16InternalMetadata14unknown_fieldsINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEERKT_PFSC_vE': /home/albert/esp_google_protobuf/examples/pb_example/managed_components/albkharisov__esp_google_protobuf/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/metadata_lite.h:138:(.text._ZN6google8protobuf8internal16InternalMetadata9MergeFromINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEEvRKS2_[_ZN6google8protobuf8internal16InternalMetadata9MergeFromINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEEvRKS2_]+0x18): dangerous relocation: windowed longcall crosses 1GB boundary; return may fail: *UND* ``` So please enable optimization to avoid it. [Issue in esp-idf repo](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/15381) ## Warning 2 Protobuf library expects to have 8-bytes aligned addresses to use, so don't pass non-8-aligned addresses otherwise you can get assert in inner files. It's better to use inner allocation because it uses aligned addresses. ## Warning 3 I didn't check all the cases, structures and features of google-protobuf, so if you find bugs - please feel free to create PR or write me an email (albkharisov@gmail.com).
idf.py add-dependency "albkharisov/esp_google_protobuf^1.0.4"