# DS18B20 Device Driver [](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/ds18b20) DS18B20 temperature sensor only uses a single wire to write and read data, the interface is also called the `1-Wire` bus. This component only contains the sensor driver. For 1-Wire bus setup, you need to use the [onewire_bus](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/onewire_bus) library to initialize and enumerate the devices. ## How to enumerate DS18B20 devices on the 1-Wire bus ```c #define EXAMPLE_ONEWIRE_BUS_GPIO 0 #define EXAMPLE_ONEWIRE_MAX_DS18B20 2 // install 1-wire bus onewire_bus_handle_t bus = NULL; onewire_bus_config_t bus_config = { .bus_gpio_num = EXAMPLE_ONEWIRE_BUS_GPIO, }; onewire_bus_rmt_config_t rmt_config = { .max_rx_bytes = 10, // 1byte ROM command + 8byte ROM number + 1byte device command }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(onewire_new_bus_rmt(&bus_config, &rmt_config, &bus)); int ds18b20_device_num = 0; ds18b20_device_handle_t ds18b20s[EXAMPLE_ONEWIRE_MAX_DS18B20]; onewire_device_iter_handle_t iter = NULL; onewire_device_t next_onewire_device; esp_err_t search_result = ESP_OK; // create 1-wire device iterator, which is used for device search ESP_ERROR_CHECK(onewire_new_device_iter(bus, &iter)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Device iterator created, start searching..."); do { search_result = onewire_device_iter_get_next(iter, &next_onewire_device); if (search_result == ESP_OK) { // found a new device, let's check if we can upgrade it to a DS18B20 ds18b20_config_t ds_cfg = {}; // check if the device is a DS18B20, if so, return the ds18b20 handle if (ds18b20_new_device(&next_onewire_device, &ds_cfg, &ds18b20s[ds18b20_device_num]) == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found a DS18B20[%d], address: %016llX", ds18b20_device_num, next_onewire_device.address); ds18b20_device_num++; } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found an unknown device, address: %016llX", next_onewire_device.address); } } } while (search_result != ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(onewire_del_device_iter(iter)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Searching done, %d DS18B20 device(s) found", ds18b20_device_num); // Now you have the DS18B20 sensor handle, you can use it to read the temperature ``` ## Trigger a temperature conversion and then read the data ```c for (int i = 0; i < ds18b20_device_num; i ++) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ds18b20_trigger_temperature_conversion(ds18b20s[i])); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ds18b20_get_temperature(ds18b20s[i], &temperature)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "temperature read from DS18B20[%d]: %.2fC", i, temperature); } ``` ## Reference * See [DS18B20 datasheet](https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/ds18b20.pdf)
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/ds18b20^0.1.1"