
# esp-serial-flasher

`esp-serial-flasher` is a portable C library for flashing or loading apps to RAM of Espressif SoCs from other host microcontrollers.

`esp-serial-flasher` supports a variety of host/target/interface combinations:

Supported **host** microcontrollers:

- STM32
- Raspberry Pi SBC
- ESP32 Series
- Any MCU running Zephyr OS
- Raspberry Pi Pico

Supported **target** microcontrollers:

- ESP32
- ESP8266
- ESP32-S2
- ESP32-S3
- ESP32-C3
- ESP32-C2
- ESP32-H2
- ESP32-C6

Supported hardware interfaces:
- SPI (only for RAM download)
- USB CDC ACM (experimental)

For example usage check the [examples](/examples) directory.

## Configuration

These are the configuration toggles available to the user:


This defines the hardware interface to use.



If enabled, `esp-serial-flasher` is capable of verifying flash integrity after writing to flash.

Default: Enabled
> Warning: As ROM bootloader of the ESP8266 does not support MD5_CHECK, this option has to be disabled!


This configures the amount of retries for writing blocks either to target flash or RAM.

Default: 3


This is the time for which the reset pin is asserted when doing a hard reset in milliseconds.

Default: 100


This is the time for which the boot pin is asserted when doing a hard reset in milliseconds.

Default: 50

Configuration can be passed to `cmake` via command line:

cmake -DMD5_ENABLED=1 .. && cmake --build .

### ESP support

#### Supported ESP-IDF versions
- v4.3 or later

### STM32 support

The STM32 port makes use of STM32 HAL libraries, and these do not come with CMake support. In order to compile the project, `stm32-cmake` (a `CMake` support package) has to be pulled as submodule.

git clone --recursive

If you have cloned this repository without the `--recursive` flag, you can initialize the submodule using the following command:

git submodule update --init

In addition to the configuration parameters mentioned above, the following definitions have to be set:

- STM32_TOOLCHAIN_PATH: path to arm toolchain (i.e /home/user/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major)
- STM32_CUBE_<CHIP_FAMILY>_PATH: path to STM32 Cube libraries (i.e /home/user/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.0)
- STM32_CHIP: name of STM32 for which project should be compiled (i.e STM32F407VG)
- CORE_USED: core used on multicore devices (i.e. M7 or M4 on some STM32H7 chips)

This can be achieved by passing definitions to the command line, such as:

cmake -DSTM32_TOOLCHAIN_PATH="path_to_toolchain" -DSTM32_CUBE_<CHIP_FAMILY>_PATH="path_to_cube_libraries" -DSTM32_CHIP="STM32F407VG" -DPORT="STM32" .. && cmake --build .

Alternatively, those variables can be set in the top level `cmake` directory:

set(STM32_TOOLCHAIN_PATH path_to_toolchain)
set(STM32_CUBE_H7_PATH path_to_cube_libraries)
set(STM32_CHIP STM32H743VI)
set(PORT STM32)

### Zephyr support

The Zephyr port is ready to be integrated into Zephyr apps as a Zephyr module. In the manifest file (west.yml), add:

    - name: esp-flasher
      revision: master
      path: modules/lib/esp_flasher

And add


to the project configuration `prj.conf`.

For the C/C++ source code, the example code provided in `examples/zephyr_example` can be used as a starting point.

## Supporting a new host target

The port layer for the given host microcontroller can be implemented if not available, in order to support a new target, following functions have to be implemented by user:

- `loader_port_read()`
- `loader_port_write()`
- `loader_port_enter_bootloader()`
- `loader_port_delay_ms()`
- `loader_port_start_timer()`
- `loader_port_remaining_time()`

For the SPI interface ports
- `loader_port_spi_set_cs()`
needs to be implemented as well.

The following functions are part of the [io.h](include/io.h) header for convenience, however, the user does not have to strictly follow function signatures, as there are not called directly from library.

- `loader_port_change_transmission_rate()`
- `loader_port_reset_target()`
- `loader_port_debug_print()`

Prototypes of all functions mentioned above can be found in [io.h](include/io.h).

After that, the target implementing these functions should be linked with the `flasher` target and the `PORT` CMake variable should be set to `USER_DEFINED`.

## Contributing

We welcome contributions to this project in the form of bug reports, feature requests and pull requests.

Issue reports and feature requests can be submitted using [Github Issues]( Please check if the issue has already been reported before opening a new one.

Contributions in the form of pull requests should follow ESP-IDF project's [contribution guidelines]( and use the [conventional commit message style](

To automatically enforce these rules, use [pre-commit]( and install hooks with the following commands:
pre-commit install
pre-commit install -t commit-msg

## Licence

Code is distributed under Apache 2.0 license.

## Known limitations

Size of new binary image has to be known before flashing.


Supports all targets

License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/esp-serial-flasher^1.6.0"

or download archive


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    Archive size: 46.11 MB
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    Downloaded in total 142.8k times
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    This version: 14 times


espressif/esp-serial-flasher version: 1.6.0