# Change log for esp-sr

## 0.8.0
support ESP32S3 chip
add wakenet7 & update wakenet5 to support multi-channel detection
remove wakenet6
add AFE pipeline for speech recognition 

## 0.7.0
add chinese tts
update noise suppression v2
update AEC v3

## 0.6.0
update multinet_cn_1.4 and add CONTINUOUS RECOGNITION mode  
improve hilexin wakeNet5X3 model(v5)    
support IDFv4.0 build system  
replace MAP algorithm with MASE(Mic Array Speech Enhancement) algorithm v1.0  

## 0.5.0
add multinet1 English model v1.0  
update multinet1 Chinese model v2.0  
add Mic Array Processing(MAP) algorithm  
Fix the bug of parsing speech command  
fix the bug of decoder  

## 0.3.0
add wakenet6  
support cmake  
add free wake word: hi jeson  
update wakenet5X3 wake word model(v2)  

## 0.2.0
add acoustic algorithm, include AEC, AGC, VAD ,NS  
add wakenet5X2 and wakenet5X3  

## 0.1.0 
Initial commit, include wakenet4,wakenet5 and multinet1_cni  


License: MIT

To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "espressif/esp-sr^1.0.2"

or download archive


  • Downloaded in total
    Downloaded in total 34.3k times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 38 times


espressif/esp-sr version: 1.0.2