# esp-zigbee-lib ## Introduction This component contains a binary library supporting the esp-zigbee-lib. It provides most of the APIs that users could use in the Zigbee product project development. In this component it provides: + Varieties of ZDO, ZCL command + Standard Home Automation off-the-shelf devices + Zigbee stack related functions to support ZC, ZR and ZED + Varieties of device callback to support device handling ZCL command + Customized function to create attribute, cluster and endpoint + Zigbee security to support install code related function + More to come ... ... ## User guide For a demonstration of the library use, see the examples folder [examples](../../examples/) For information on how to program Espressif SoCs, see [ESP-IDF Programming Guide](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf) For esp-zigbee-lib related user guide and documents, see [docs](../../docs/).
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/esp-zigbee-lib^0.2.1"