
uploaded 2 months ago
Image process algorithms pipeline system for ISP.


# Espressif Image Process Algorithm for ISP

Espressif image process algorithm component provides a suit of image process algorithms.[![Component Registry](](

## 1. Supported Algorithms

| Algorithm | Description | 
| Auto Color Correction | Calculate lens shadow correction parameters, color correction matrix, and saturation value |
| Auto Denoising | Calculate Bayer denoising parameters and demosaic parameters |
| Auto Enhancement | Calculate GAMMA table, sharpen parameters, and contrast value |
| Auto Gain Control | Calculate exposure and gain |
| Auto White Balance | Calculate red and blue channels' gain |
| Image Analyze | Calculate image color temperature and luma |

## 2. Pipeline Global Variable

This module is to share variables between algorithm modules without local cache in one image process pipeline, for example:


    int color = 15;
    esp_ipa_set_int32(ipa_1, "color", 15);


    if (esp_ipa_has_var(ipa_2, "color")) {
        int color = esp_ipa_get_int32(ipa, "color")


    if (esp_ipa_has_var(ipa_3, "color")) {
        int color = esp_ipa_get_int32(ipa, "color")


- Note: "ipa_1", "ipa_2" and "ipa_3" should be in one IPA pipeline

## 3. JSON Configuration

Developers can refer to the configuration files in [esp_cam_sensor]( about the JSON parameters usage:

- [SC2336](
- [OV5647](
- [OV2710](

### 3.1 Global Parameters


    "version": 1,
    "SC2336": {}

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| version | Integer | >1 | JSON configuration version, this variable adds only when JSON configuration parameters change |
| SC2336 | Object | / | Target sensor name, such as "SC2336", "OV5647" and so on |


### 3.2 Algorithm Parameters

#### 3.2.1 Auto White Balance


        "min_counted": 2000,
        "min_red_gain_step": 0.034,
        "min_blue_gain_step": 0.034

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| awb | Object | / | Auto white balance configuration parameters |
|  min_counted | Integer | >0 | Minimum white points: Only when the white points number is larger than or equal to this does the auto white balance algorithm run |
| min_red_gain_step | Float | >0 | Minimum red channel gain step: Only when the red channel gain step is larger than or equal to this is the gain set into the ISP |
| min_blue_gain_step | Float | >0 | Minimum blue channel gain step: Only when the blue channel gain step is larger than or equal to this is the gain set into the ISP |


#### 3.2.2 Auto Color Correction


    "acc": {}

| Parameter | Type | Range | Descrip>0tion |
| acc | Object | / | Auto color correction configuration parameters |


            "color_temp": 0,
            "value": 128

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| saturation | Array | / | The saturation value and color temperature mapping table adopted the principle of nearest neighbor indexing |
| color_temp | Integer | >0 | Color temperature value |
| value | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">[0,255]</div> | Saturation value |


    "ccm": {}

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| ccm | Object | / | Color correction matrix configuration parameters |


        "luma_env": "ae.luma.avg",
        "threshold": 28,
            1.00,  0.00,  0.00,
            0.00,  1.00,  0.00,
            0.00,  0.00,  1.00

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| low_luma | Object | / | Color correction matrix configuration parameters in low brightness scenes |
| luma_env | String | / | Lumina variable name |
| threshold | Float | >0 | Minimum brightness: if the "luma_env" value is less than this is the low brightness CCM value set into the ISP |
| matrix | Array | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4: (-4,4)</div> | Low brightness CCM value |


            "color_temp": 2320,
                 2.0000, -0.1680, -0.8320,
                -0.3716,  2.0000, -0.6284,
                -0.7150, -0.2850,  2.0000

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| table | Array | / | The CCM and color temperature mapping table adopted the principle of nearest neighbor indexing |
| color_temp | Integer | >0 | Color temperature value |
| matrix | Array | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4: (-4,4)</div> | CCM value |


#### 3.2.3 Auto Denoising


    "adn": {}

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| adn | Array | / | Auto denoising configuration parameters |


            "gain": 1,
                "level": 3,
                    1, 3, 1,
                    3, 5, 3,
                    1, 3, 1

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| bf | Array | / | The Bayer filter parameters and sensor gain mapping table adopted the principle of nearest neighbor indexing |
| gain | Float | >0 | Sensor gain |
| param | Object | / | Bayer filter parameters |
| level | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4: [2,20]</div> | Bayer filter sigma |
| matrix | Integer | ESP32-P4: [0,15] | Bayer filter matrix |

* Note: The Bayer filter is a bilateral filter, sigma is a parameter of range kernel, and matrix is a parameter of spatial kernel


            "gain": 1,
            "gradient_ratio": 1.0

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description |
| demosaic | Array | / | The Demosaic parameters and sensor gain mapping table adopted the principle of nearest neighbor indexing |
| gain | Float | >0 | Sensor gain |
| gradient_ratio | Float | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4: (0,4)</div> | Demosaic grad ratio parameters |


#### 3.2.4 Auto Enhancement


    "aen": {}

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| aen | Object | / | Auto enhancement configuration parameters |


        "use_gamma_param": true,
        "luma_env": "ae.luma.avg",
        "luma_min_step": 16.0,

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| gamma | Object | / | GAMMA configuration parameters object |
| use_gamma_param | bool | true/false | true: use the given gamma parameter to generate gamma Y table; false: use the given gamma Y table |
| luma_env | String | / | Lumina variable name |
| luma_min_step | Float | >0 | Minimum brightness step: if the "luma_env" step value is larger than this is the new GAMMA table value set into the ISP |


                "luma": 31.1,
                "gamma_param": 0.51,
                    0, 64, 91, 112, 130, 146, 160, 173, 185, 197, 207, 218, 228, 237, 246, 255

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| table | Array | / | The GAMMA and luma mapping table adopted the principle of linear interpolation |
| luma | Float | >0 | Luma index value |
| gamma_param | Float | >0 | Parameter to generate GAMMA Y array |
| y | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">Array[Integer]</div> | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4: [0,255]</div> | GAMMA Y array |


            "gain": 1,
                "h_thresh": 16,
                "l_thresh": 3,
                "h_coeff": 2.65,
                "m_coeff": 2.95,
                    1, 2, 1,
                    2, 2, 2,
                    1, 2, 1

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| sharpen | Array | / | The sharpen parameters and sensor gain mapping table adopted the principle of nearest neighbor indexing |
| gain | Float | >0 | Sensor gain |
| param | Object | / | Sharpen parameters |
| h_thresh | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4: [0,255]</div> | Sharpen high threshold, filtered pixel value higher than this threshold multiplies by `h_coeff` |
| l_thresh | Integer | ESP32-P4: [0,255] | Sharpen low threshold, filtered pixel value higher than this threshold but lower than `h_thresh` will be multiplied by `m_coeff` and filtered pixel value lower than this threshold will be set to 0 |
| h_coeff | Float | ESP32-P4: (0,8) | High frequency pixel sharpness coefficient |
| m_coeff | Float | ESP32-P4: (0,8) | Medium frequency pixel sharpness coefficient |
| matrix | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">Array [Integer]</div> | ESP32-P4: [0,31] | 3x3 low pass filter matrix data |


            "gain": 1,
            "value": 130

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| contrast | Array | / | The contrast value and sensor gain mapping table adopted the principle of nearest neighbor indexing |
| gain | Float | >0 | Sensor gain |
| value | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4: [0,255]</div> | Contrast value |


#### 3.2.5 Auto Gain Control


    "agc": {}

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| agc | Object | / | Auto gain/exposure control configuration parameters |


        "frame_delay": 2,
        "adjust_delay": 0

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| exposure | Object | / | Exposure control configuration parameters object |
| frame_delay | Integer | >0 | The delayed frames number of setting exposure parameter taking effect, this value is from sensor hardware information |
| adjust_delay | Integer | >0 | The delayed frames number of calculating and setting new exposure parameter, higher value makes brightness change slower |


        "min_step": 0.0001,
        "frame_delay": 2

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| gain | Object | / | Gain control configuration parameters object |
| frame_delay | Integer | >0 | The delayed frames number of setting gain parameter taking effect, this value is from sensor hardware information |
| min_step | Float | >0 | Minimum gain step: Only when the gain step is larger than or equal to this value is the gain set into the sensor |


        "mode": "full",
        "ac_freq": 50

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| anti_flicker | Object | / | Anti-flicker control configuration parameters object |
| mode | String enumeration | "full"<hr>"part"<hr>"none" | `"full"`: force to use anti-flicker exposure configuration <hr>`"part"`: if the gain can adjust the image brightness, force to use anti-flicker exposure configuration, otherwise change the exposure ignore anti-flicker <hr> `"none"`: adjust exposure and gain fully ignore anti-flicker |
| ac_freq | Integer | >0 | Alternating current frequency for lighting, in general, the value is 50Hz or 60Hz |


    "f_n0": 0.32

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| f_n0 | Float | (0,1] | The parameter to control gain or exposure changing speed, with a higher value, makes the changing speed faster |


        "target_low": 105,
        "target_high": 121,
        "target": 113,
        "low_threshold": 10,
        "low_regions": 5,
        "high_threshold": 240,
        "high_regions": 3,
            1, 1, 2, 1, 1,
            1, 2, 3, 2, 1,
            1, 3, 5, 3, 1,
            1, 2, 3, 2, 1,
            1, 1, 2, 1, 1

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| luma_adjust | Object | / | Image brightness control configuration parameter |
| target_low | Integer | (0,target) | Image brightness low threshold: if the image brightness is less than this value does the AGC algorithm calculate and set exposure and gain into the sensor |
| target_high | Integer | (target,255) | Image brightness high threshold: if the image brightness is larger than this value does the AGC algorithm calculate and set exposure and gain into the sensor |
| target | Integer | [3,252] | Image brightness target value: if the image brightness is larger than the "target_high" or lower than the "target_low" does the AGC algorithm calculate exposure and gain to make the image brightness nearest to this value |
| low_threshold | Integer | [3,252] | Image brightness sampled data low threshold: if the image brightness sampled data is less than this value is the low threshold counter increased by 1 |
| high_threshold | Integer | [3,252] | Image brightness sampled data high threshold: if the image brightness sampled data is higher than this value is the high threshold counter increased by 1 |
| low_regions | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">ESP32-P4:(0,25)</div> | Image low threshold counter low regions number: if low threshold counter is less than this value will all sampled data which is less than "low_threshold" be dropped |
| high_regions | Integer | ESP32-P4:(0,25) | Image high threshold counter high regions number: if high threshold counter is less than this value will all sampled data which is higher than "high_threshold" be dropped |
| weight | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">Array[Integer]</div> | [0,255] | Image brightness sampling weight |


    "mode": "high_light_priority",

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| mode | String enumeration |"high_light_priority"<hr>"low_light_priority"<hr>"light_threshold_priority" | Measurement weight calculation mode |


        "low_threshold": 141,
        "high_threshold": 204,
        "weight_offset": 5,
        "luma_offset": -3

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| high_light_priority | Object | / | High light brightness priority configuration |
| low_threshold | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">[3,252]</div> | Image brightness sampled data low threshold: if one image brightness sampled data is higher than this value will the data's weight and total weight be increased by weight_offset |
| high_threshold | Integer | [3,252] | Image brightness sampled data high threshold: if one image brightness sampled data is less than this value will the data's weight and total weight be increased by weight_offset |
| weight_offset | Integer | [0,255] | Image brightness sampled data weight increasing value |
| luma_offset | Integer | [-127,127] | Image brightness target increasing value if one sampled data value is between "low_threshold" and "high_threshold" |

* Note: if "mode" is "high_light_priority" this configuration applies


        "low_threshold": 65,
        "high_threshold": 104,
        "weight_offset": 5,
        "luma_offset": 1

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| high_light_priority | Object | / | Low light brightness priority configuration |
| low_threshold | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">[3,252]</div> | Image brightness sampled data low threshold: if one image brightness sampled data is higher than this value will the data's weight and total weight be increased by weight_offset |
| high_threshold | Integer | [3,252] | Image brightness sampled data high threshold: if one image brightness sampled data is less than this value will the data's weight and total weight be increased by weight_offset |
| weight_offset | Integer | [0,255] | Image brightness sampled data weight increasing value |
| luma_offset | Integer | [-127,127] | Image brightness target increasing value if one sampled data value is between "low_threshold" and "high_threshold" |

* Note: if "mode" is "low_light_priority" this configuration applies


            "luma_threshold": 20,
            "weight_offset": 1

| Parameter | Type | Range | Description | 
| high_light_priority | Object | / |  Light brightness threshold priority configuration |
| luma_threshold | Integer | <div style="white-space: nowrap;">[0,255]</div> | Light brightness threshold, if one sampled data is larger than this value and less than the next the data's weight and the total weight will be increased by weight_offset |
| weight_offset | Integer | [0,255] | Image brightness sampled data weight increasing value |

* Note: if "mode" is "light_threshold_priority" this configuration applies




License: Custom

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/esp_ipa^0.2.0"

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espressif/esp_ipa version: 0.2.0