# SSD1681 e-Paper Driver [](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/esp_lcd_ssd1681) Implementation of the SSD1681 e-Paper controller with esp_lcd component. | LCD controller | Communication interface | Component name | Link to datasheet | | :------------: | :---------------------: | :------------: | :---------------: | | SSD1681 | SPI | esp_lcd_ssd1681| [Specification](https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/assets/assets/000/099/573/original/SSD1681.pdf) | ## Add to project Packages from this repository are uploaded to [Espressif's component service](https://components.espressif.com/). You can add them to your project via `idf.py add-dependency`, e.g. ```bash compote manifest add-dependency espressif/esp_lcd_ssd1681==0.1.0 ``` Alternatively, you can create `idf_component.yml`. More is in [Espressif's documentation](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-guides/tools/idf-component-manager.html). ## Additional Description for `esp_lcd_panel_interface` The SSD1681 e-Paper driver fully implements the `esp_lcd_panel_interface` interface. Due to the specificity of this hardware, please carefully read the description for the following API. ### `esp_lcd_panel_mirror` Original function prototype: ```c /** * @brief Mirror the LCD panel on specific axis * * @note Combined with `esp_lcd_panel_swap_xy()`, one can realize screen rotation * * @param[in] panel LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like `esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789()` * @param[in] mirror_x Whether the panel will be mirrored about the x axis * @param[in] mirror_y Whether the panel will be mirrored about the y axis * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel */ esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_mirror(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y); ``` Please note that `mirror_y` has to be false if you enabled the `non_copy_mode` when constructing the panel, otherwise the function will return `ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG`. ### `esp_lcd_panel_swap_xy` Original function prototype: ```c /** * @brief Swap/Exchange x and y axis * * @note Combined with `esp_lcd_panel_mirror()`, one can realize screen rotation * * @param[in] panel LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like `esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789()` * @param[in] swap_axes Whether to swap the x and y axis * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel */ esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_swap_xy(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool swap_axes); ``` Please note that `swap_axes` has to be false if you enabled the `non_copy_mode` when constructing the panel, otherwise the function will return `ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG`. ### `esp_lcd_panel_draw_bitmap` Original function prototype: ```c /** * @brief Draw bitmap on LCD panel * * @param[in] panel LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like `esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789()` * @param[in] x_start Start index on x-axis (x_start included) * @param[in] y_start Start index on y-axis (y_start included) * @param[in] x_end End index on x-axis (x_end not included) * @param[in] y_end End index on y-axis (y_end not included) * @param[in] color_data RGB color data that will be dumped to the specific window range * @return * - ESP_OK on success */ esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_draw_bitmap(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, int x_start, int y_start, int x_end, int y_end, const void *color_data); ``` Please note that this function will draw the bitmap but do not refresh the panel. You have to call the `epaper_panel_refresh_screen()` manually to refresh the bitmaps to the panel. ### `esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off` Original function prototype: ```c /** * @brief Turn on or off the display * * @param[in] panel LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like `esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789()` * @param[in] on_off True to turns on display, False to turns off display * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel */ esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool on_off); ``` Call with parameter `on_off` set to false will have the e-paper panel enter sleep mode. BUSY pin will stay HIGH in sleep mode and a `esp_lcd_panel_init()` call is needed to resume the panel. Call with parameter `on_off` set to true will load the panel built-in waveform LUT, it is useful if you had set a custom waveform LUT. ## Service Life Optimization - The screen should not be powered on for extended periods of time. Please use the `disp_on_off` API to put the screen into sleep mode or cut down the power when the screen is not refreshing. - Do not refresh the screen at maximum speed for a long time. E-Paper panels are not made to show dynamic contents quickly. The refresh interval should be at least 3 minutes if you want to refresh the screen continuously.
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/esp_lcd_ssd1681^0.1.0~1"