[](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/esp_sensorless_bldc_control) ## ESP Sensorless BLDC Control Component Introduction ``esp_sensorless_bldc_control`` is a sensorless BLDC control library based on ESP32 series chips, supporting the following features: * Supports zero-crossing detection based on ADC sampling * Supports zero-crossing detection based on comparators * Supports initial rotor position detection using pulse method * Supports stall protection * Supports overcurrent and undervoltage protection [feature] * Supports phase loss protection [feature] ### ESP Sensorless BLDC Control User Guide Please refer to:https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-iot-solution/zh_CN/latest/motor/index.html ### Adding the Component to Your Project 1. Use the component manager command `add-dependency` to add `esp_sensorless_bldc_control` to your project's dependencies. The component will be automatically downloaded to the project directory during `CMake` execution. ``` idf.py add-dependency "espressif/esp_sensorless_bldc_control=*" ``` 2. Copy the `esp_sensorless_bldc_control/user_cfg/bldc_user_cfg.h` file to your project directory and rename it to `bldc_user_cfg.h`. Add the following to your `main/CMakeLists.txt` file: ``` idf_component_get_property(bldc_lib espressif__esp_sensorless_bldc_control COMPONENT_LIB) cmake_policy(SET CMP0079 NEW) target_link_libraries(${bldc_lib} PUBLIC ${COMPONENT_LIB}) ``` Note: This file is used to set motor control related parameters and must be included in the project. ## Example Usage ```C esp_event_loop_create_default(); esp_event_handler_register(BLDC_CONTROL_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &bldc_control_event_handler, NULL); switch_config_t_t upper_switch_config = { .control_type = CONTROL_TYPE_MCPWM, .bldc_mcpwm = { .group_id = 0, .gpio_num = {17,16,15}, }, }; switch_config_t_t lower_switch_config = { .control_type = CONTROL_TYPE_GPIO, .bldc_gpio[0] = { .gpio_num = 12, .gpio_mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, }, .bldc_gpio[1] = { .gpio_num = 11, .gpio_mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, }, .bldc_gpio[2] = { .gpio_num = 10, .gpio_mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, }, }; bldc_zero_cross_adc_config_t zero_cross_adc_config = { .adc_handle = NULL, .adc_unit = ADC_UNIT_1, .chan_cfg = { .bitwidth = ADC_BITWIDTH_12, .atten = ADC_ATTEN_DB_0, }, .adc_channel = {ADC_CHANNEL_3, ADC_CHANNEL_4, ADC_CHANNEL_5, ADC_CHANNEL_0, ADC_CHANNEL_1}, }; bldc_control_config_t config = { .speed_mode = SPEED_CLOSED_LOOP, .control_mode = BLDC_SIX_STEP, .alignment_mode = ALIGNMENT_ADC, .six_step_config = { .lower_switch_active_level = 0, .upper_switch_config = upper_switch_config, .lower_switch_config = lower_switch_config, .mos_en_config.has_enable = false, }, .zero_cross_adc_config = zero_cross_adc_config, }; /*!< Init hardware driver */ bldc_control_init(&bldc_control_handle, &config); /*!< Setting motor direction */ bldc_control_set_dir(bldc_control_handle, CCW); /*!< Start motor control */ bldc_control_start(bldc_control_handle, 300); ```
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/esp_sensorless_bldc_control^0.3.0"