
# LED Strip Component

This directory contains an implementation for addressable LEDs using the RMT peripheral.

It's compatible with:

* [WS2812](
* SK68XX

This component is used as part of the following ESP-IDF examples:
- [Blink Example](../../get-started/blink).
- [LED Strip Example](../../peripherals/rmt/led_strip).

To learn more about how to use this component, please check API Documentation from header file [led_strip.h](./include/led_strip.h).

Please note that this component is not considered to be a part of ESP-IDF stable API. It may change and it may be removed in the future releases.

Supports all targets

License unspecified

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/led_strip^1.0.0-alpha"

or download archive


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espressif/led_strip version: 1.0.0-alpha