
## USB Stream Component

`usb_stream` is an USB `UVC` + `UAC` host driver for ESP32-S2/ESP32-S3, which supports read/write/control multimedia streaming from usb device. For example, at most one UVC + one Microphone + one Speaker streaming can be supported at the same time.


1. Support video stream through UVC Stream interface, support both isochronous and bulk mode
2. Support microphone stream and speaker stream through the UAC Stream interface
3. Support volume, mute and other features control through the UAC Control interface
4. Support stream separately suspend and resume

### USB Stream User Guide

Please refer:

### Examples

[USB Camera + Audio stream](


# ChangeLog

## v0.4.4 - 2023-02-09

### Enhancements:

* Remove all assert, replace with error handler

### Bug Fixes:

* Fix error message during disconnect

## v0.4.3 - 2023-02-07

### Enhancements:

* Remove some unnecessary vTaskDelay
* Camera:
  * Support for bulk camera with suspend/resume control
  * Support force uvc format index if not found
  * Add support for bulk camera with MPS(Max Packet Size) equal to 512 bytes

### Bug Fixes:

* Speaker: 
  * fix some speaker resume control not work (should set freq after resume)

## v0.4.2 - 2023-01-30

### Enhancements:

* Camera:
  * Disable BULK_BYTES_PER_URB_SAME_AS_FRAME by default, support reassemble bulk package segment (will save one image frame size RAM)
  * Add config UVC_DROP_NO_EOF_FRAME, if disable(default) the frame with no EOF will be reserved (MJPEG may broken)
  * Add config UVC_DROP_OVERFLOW_FRAME, if enable(default) the overflow frame will be dropped

### Bug Fixes:

* Camera
  * fix transfer size in GET_CUR Probe stage

## v0.4.1 - 2023-01-05

### Enhancements:

* Add IRAM_ATTR to packet parsing functions
* Speaker:
  * padding zero packet if speaker buffer empty

## v0.4.0 - 2022-12-22

### Enhancements:

* Support parsing descriptors to check the device functions and capabilities
* Self-adaption appropriate interfaces based on descriptors and user's configurations
* Camera:
  * Support UVC config to any resolution, the first frame index will be used

### API Changes:

* add `optional` label to some members in `uvc_config_t` and `uac_config_t`, users can optionally set a value. The self-adaption process will first use actual configs from descriptors, if no appropriate interface found, will use the params from user's configuration

### Bug Fixes:

* USB:
  * Fix STALL (appear on some devices) during get short configuration descriptor
  * Resize endpoint 0 MPS based on device descriptor

## v0.3.3 - 2022-12-22

### Enhancements:

* print version message

### Bug Fixes:

* Camera:
  * Fix not parse header only frames

## v0.3.2 - 2022-12-16

### Enhancements:

* Mic:
  * Padding last frame data when receive zero length packet

## v0.3.1 - 2022-12-8

### Enhancements:

* add development documentation

## v0.3.0 - 2022-12-05

### Bug Fixes:

* USB:
  * Fix memory leak during hot-plug


License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/usb_stream^0.4.4"

or download archive


  • ESP-IDF >=4.4.1
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      Downloaded in total 6.8k times
    • Downloaded this version
      This version: 20 times


    espressif/usb_stream version: 0.4.4