
[![Component Registry](](

## USB Stream Component

`usb_stream` is an USB `UVC` + `UAC` host driver for ESP32-S2/ESP32-S3, which supports read/write/control multimedia streaming from usb device. For example, at most one UVC + one Microphone + one Speaker streaming can be supported at the same time.


1. Support video stream through UVC Stream interface, support both isochronous and bulk mode
2. Support microphone stream and speaker stream through the UAC Stream interface
3. Support volume, mute and other features control through the UAC Control interface
4. Support stream separately suspend and resume

### USB Stream User Guide

Please refer:

### Add component to your project

Please use the component manager command `add-dependency` to add the `usb_stream` to your project's dependency, during the `CMake` step the component will be downloaded automatically

``` add-dependency "espressif/usb_stream=*"

### Examples

Please use the component manager command `create-project-from-example` to create the project from example template

* USB Camera WIFI picture transfer
``` create-project-from-example "espressif/usb_stream=*:usb_camera_mic_spk"

* USB Camera local display
``` create-project-from-example "espressif/usb_stream=*:usb_camera_lcd_display"

Then the example will be downloaded in current folder, you can check into it for build and flash.

> Or you can download examples from esp-iot-solution repository: [USB Camera + Audio stream](, [USB Camera LCD Display](

### Q&A

Q1. I encountered the following problems when using the package manager

Executing action: create-project-from-example
CMakeLists.txt not found in project directory /home/username

A1. This is because an older version package manager was used, please run `pip install -U idf-component-manager` in ESP-IDF environment to update.


# ChangeLog

## v1.3.1 - 2023-12-29

### Bug Fixes:

1. Fix link error under ESP-IDF 5.3

## v1.3.0 - 2023-12-14

* Support UVC frame type: frame based, which can be used to transmit H264 streams.

## v1.2.1 - 2023-11-27

### Bug Fixes:

* Fix `W (44) boot.esp32s3: PRO CPU has been reset by WDT.` after apply the IDF commit [2368837](

## v1.2.0 - 2023-10-11

### Enhancements:

* USB:
  * Improve control transfer timeout handling
  * Add sysviwer debug support
* UVC:
  * Change sample process task core affinity option, support config -1 to not pin to core
* UAC:
  * Add Mic data save to SDCard test case

### Bug Fixes:

* UAC:
  * Volume/Mute: remove set volume/mute default value (to walk around some camera issue), user need to set after stream start
* UVC:
  * Fix bug when specified resolution not found.

## v1.1.2 - 2023-09-18

### Bug Fixes:

* UAC:
  * Mic:disable compensation by default, the frame data_bytes in `mic_cb` varies depending on host.
  * Mic:add separate `mic_frame_buf` to restore the frame data, fix the frame data may be overwritten in special case (MPS > sizeof(frame_ms)).

## v1.1.1 - 2023-08-31

### Bug Fixes:

* UAC:
  * Fix padding 0 length
  * Continuous padding 0 with buffer empty timeout (default 80ms) to avoid speaker noise

## v1.1.0 - 2023-08-02

### Bug Fixes:

* UVC:
  * Set UVC frame interval to default if user config not match

## v1.0.6 - 2023-07-21

### Bug Fixes:

* USB:
  * Fix transfer timeout cause USB refused to work (recover usb pipe in this case)

## v1.0.5 - 2023-07-21

### Enhancements:

* UVC:
  * Enable bulk packets reassembling depends on the probe results
  * Skip check EOH in payload header for compatibility (TinyUSB UVC device not set this bit)

## v1.0.4 - 2023-07-05

### Enhancements:

* USB:
  * Add retry mechanism if device enumeration failed

## v1.0.3 - 2023-06-01

### Bug Fixes:

* Fix Quick Start Mode usb stream can not stop

### Enhancements:

* UAC:
  * Support UAC work in Quick Start Mode (Device must support skip enum process)

## v1.0.2 - 2023-05-19

### Enhancements:

* UAC:
  * Add UAC audio player example, play 48 KHz 16bit 2ch audio to USB headset

## v1.0.1 - 2023-05-18

### Enhancements:

* USB:
  * Support resume/suspend stream in `state_callback_t` callback function.

* UAC:
  * Optimize speaker zero compensation logic (When speaker stream running and buffer empty for a long time, the host will padding n(ms) zero packets to avoid device noise)
  * If UAC has multiple alt interfaces, chose the first as default

### Bug Fixes:

Add additional delay to avoid malloc error if continuous suspend and resume

## v1.0.0 - 2023-05-10

### Release v1.0.0

### Enhancements:

* USB:
  * Refactor USB state machine, handle error and hot-plug more robustly.
  * Support user submit control transfer at any time (Better to support more control requests in future).
  * Support self-define initial state through `flags`, eg `FLAG_UAC_SPK_SUSPEND_AFTER_START` to make speaker suspend as startup state.
  * Support Stream Quick Start Mode (Skip the enum process to save at least 50 ms).

* UVC:
  * Support get camera resolution list and current resolution.
  * Support dynamically config UVC frame rate and resolution.

* UAC:
  * Support config UAC `*_ch_num`, `*_samples_frequence`, `*_bit_resolution` to `*_ANY` to adapter any available device.
  * Support get audio frame rate and resolution list.
  * Support dynamically config audio channel number, rate, and bits.

* Test:
  * Add hardware test for usb_stream component.

### Bug Fixes:
  * Fix some hot-plug issues
  * Fix UAC control interface can not be 0
  * Fix UAC stereo headset volume control failed

### Breaking Changes:

* UAC:
  * Remove the configuration `mic_min_bytes` from `uac_config_t`, use KConfig option `CONFIG_UAC_MIC_CB_MIN_MS_DEFAULT` instead. The default value is 20 ms, which means the mic callback will be called every 20 ms.
  * Add the configuration `flags` to `uac_config_t` and `uvc_config_t`, users can use it to define the initial state of the device. The default value is 0.
  * Add the configuration `mic_ch_num` and `spk_ch_num` to `uac_config_t`, users can specify the number of the microphone and speaker channels. The default value is 0, which means support any number of channels.

## v0.4.13 - 2023-04-13

### Enhancements

* test_apps:
  * Update test_apps project

## v0.4.12 - 2023-04-12

### Bug Fixes:

* Mic:
  * Fix mic_min_bytes may exceed the limits

## v0.4.11 - 2023-03-22

### Bug Fixes:

* Mic:
  * Fix adaptive endpoint occasional assert "rem_len<=transfer->num_bytes" to crash

### Enhancements:

* Mic:
  * Padding last frame data if packet size not as expected

## v0.4.10 - 2023-03-16

### Enhancements:

* Add example: usb_camera_lcd_display

## v0.4.9 - 2023-03-09

### Enhancements:

* Use cu_pkg_define_version to define the version of this component.

## v0.4.8 - 2023-03-02

### Enhancements:

* Add user guide for component manager

## v0.4.7 - 2023-02-20

### Bug Fixes:

* Camera:
  * Fix incorrect isoc buffer offset when transfer error occurs

## v0.4.6 - 2023-02-17

### Enhancements:

* Camera:
  * Add additional JPEG header check for bulk transfer

# ChangeLog

## v0.4.5 - 2023-02-14

### Bug Fixes:

* Remove unnecessary header files "hal/usbh_ll.h" "hal/usb_hal.h"

### Enhancements:

* Camera:
  * Support camera with length of 2, 6 bytes MJPEG UVC header
  * Support bulk camera with EOF bit set in each payload

## v0.4.4 - 2023-02-09

### Enhancements:

* Remove all assert, replace with error handler

### Bug Fixes:

* Fix error message during disconnect

## v0.4.3 - 2023-02-07

### Enhancements:

* Remove some unnecessary vTaskDelay
* Camera:
  * Support for bulk camera with suspend/resume control
  * Support force uvc format index if not found
  * Add support for bulk camera with MPS(Max Packet Size) equal to 512 bytes

### Bug Fixes:

* Speaker:
  * fix some speaker resume control not work (should set freq after resume)

## v0.4.2 - 2023-01-30

### Enhancements:

* Camera:
  * Disable BULK_BYTES_PER_URB_SAME_AS_FRAME by default, support reassemble bulk package segment (will save one image frame size RAM)
  * Add config UVC_DROP_NO_EOF_FRAME, if disable(default) the frame with no EOF will be reserved (MJPEG may broken)
  * Add config UVC_DROP_OVERFLOW_FRAME, if enable(default) the overflow frame will be dropped

### Bug Fixes:

* Camera
  * fix transfer size in GET_CUR Probe stage

## v0.4.1 - 2023-01-05

### Enhancements:

* Add IRAM_ATTR to packet parsing functions
* Speaker:
  * padding zero packet if speaker buffer empty

## v0.4.0 - 2022-12-22

### Enhancements:

* Support parsing descriptors to check the device functions and capabilities
* Self-adaption appropriate interfaces based on descriptors and user's configurations
* Camera:
  * Support UVC config to any resolution, the first frame index will be used

### API Changes:

* add `optional` label to some members in `uvc_config_t` and `uac_config_t`, users can optionally set a value. The self-adaption process will first use actual configs from descriptors, if no appropriate interface found, will use the params from user's configuration

### Bug Fixes:

* USB:
  * Fix STALL (appear on some devices) during get short configuration descriptor
  * Resize endpoint 0 MPS based on device descriptor

## v0.3.3 - 2022-12-22

### Enhancements:

* print version message

### Bug Fixes:

* Camera:
  * Fix not parse header only frames

## v0.3.2 - 2022-12-16

### Enhancements:

* Mic:
  * Padding last frame data when receive zero length packet

## v0.3.1 - 2022-12-8

### Enhancements:

* add development documentation

## v0.3.0 - 2022-12-05

### Bug Fixes:

* USB:
  * Fix memory leak during hot-plug

readme of usb_audio_player example

                                        ## USB Host Audio Player Example

This example demonstrates how to use `usb_stream` component to handle an USB Headset device.

* The `usb_stream` driver currently support 48 KHz 16 bit dual channel at most due to the limitation of the USB FIFO strategy, if you want to play other format MP3 file, please convert it to 44.1KHz/48 KHz 16 bit dual channel first.
* If you want to test your own MP3 file, put it directly in the `spiffs` folder of the project and modify the macro definition `MP3_FILE_NAME`

> The default MP3 file is `spiffs/new_epic.mp3`, which is a 48 KHz 16 bit dual channel MP3 file From Royalty Free Music By 500Audio from

## Hardware

* Development board

  1. Any `ESP32-S2`,` ESP32-S3` board with USB Host port can be used.
  2. Please note that the `esp32-sx-devkitC` board can not output 5V through USB port, If the OTG conversion cable is used directly, the device cannot be powered.
  3. For `esp32s3-usb-otg` board, please enable the USB Host power domain to power the device

* Connection


## Build and Flash

Build the project and flash it to the board, then run the monitor tool to view the serial output:

* Run `. ./` to set IDF environment
* Run ` set-target esp32s3` to set target chip
* Run `pip install "idf-component-manager~=1.1.4"` to upgrade your component manager if any error happends during last step
* Run ` -p PORT flash monitor` to build, flash and monitor the project

(To exit the serial monitor, type `Ctrl-]`.)

See the Getting Started Guide for all the steps to configure and use the ESP-IDF to build projects.

## Example Output

I (364) USB_STREAM: UAC Streaming Config Succeed, Version: 1.0.1
I (370) USB_STREAM: USB streaming callback register succeed
I (377) USB_STREAM: Pre-alloc ctrl urb succeed, size = 1024
I (383) USB_STREAM: USB task start
I (387) USB_STREAM: USB stream task start
I (417) USB_STREAM: Port=1 init succeed, context = 0x3fcb6af8
I (417) USB_STREAM: Waiting USB Connection
I (417) USB_STREAM: USB Streaming Start Succeed
I (422) USB_STREAM: Waiting USB Device Connection
I (717) USB_STREAM: Resetting Port
I (777) USB_STREAM: Setting Port FIFO, 0
I (777) USB_STREAM: USB Speed: full-speed
I (777) USB_STREAM: ENUM Stage START, Succeed
I (788) USB_STREAM: Default pipe endpoint MPS update to 64
I (800) USB_STREAM: ENUM Stage SET_ADDR, Succeed
I (815) USB_STREAM: ENUM Stage CHECK_ADDR, Succeed
*** Device descriptor ***
bcdUSB 2.00
bDeviceClass 0x0
bDeviceSubClass 0x0
bDeviceProtocol 0x0
bMaxPacketSize0 64
idVendor 0x339b
idProduct 0x3a07
bNumConfigurations 1
*** Configuration descriptor ***

I (1131) USB_STREAM: Audio control interface = 0
I (1136) USB_STREAM: Speaker feature unit = 2
I (1141) USB_STREAM:    Support volume control, ch = 1
I (1147) USB_STREAM:    Support mute control, ch = 1
I (1152) USB_STREAM: Mic feature unit = 5
I (1157) USB_STREAM:    Support volume control, ch = 1
I (1163) USB_STREAM:    Support mute control, ch = 1
I (1168) USB_STREAM: Speaker Interface found, interface = 2
I (1174) USB_STREAM:    Endpoint(ISOC) Addr = 0x3, MPS = 384
I (1181) USB_STREAM:    Speaker frequency control  Support
I (1194) USB_STREAM: ENUM Stage SET_CONFIG, Succeed
I (1200) usb_audio_player: UAC SPK: get frame list size = 3, current = 0
I (1206) usb_audio_player:       [0] ch_num = 2, bit_resolution = 16, samples_frequence = 44100, samples_frequence_min = 0, samples_frequence_max = 0
I (1220) usb_audio_player:       [1] ch_num = 2, bit_resolution = 16, samples_frequence = 48000, samples_frequence_min = 0, samples_frequence_max = 0
I (1233) usb_audio_player:       [2] ch_num = 2, bit_resolution = 16, samples_frequence = 96000, samples_frequence_min = 0, samples_frequence_max = 0
I (1247) usb_audio_player: UAC SPK: use frame[0] ch_num = 2, bit_resolution = 16, samples_frequence = 44100
I (1258) USB_STREAM: Set volume CH0: 0xf048db (45)
I (1266) USB_STREAM: SPK Feature Control: type = 4 value = 0x2d, Done
I (1320) usb_audio_player: Device connected
I (1320) USB_STREAM: Creating SPK pipe: ifc=2-1, ep=0x03, mps=192
I (1321) USB_STREAM: Suspend SPK stream. Reason: user suspend
I (1327) USB_STREAM: USB Device Connected
I (1450) usb_audio_player: mute setting: mute
I (1451) USB_STREAM: Mute CH0
I (1453) USB_STREAM: SPK Feature Control: type = 3 value = 0x1, Done
I (1505) usb_audio_player: Playing '/new_epic.mp3'
I (1505) usb_audio_player: ctx->audio_event = 2
I (1505) USB_STREAM: Resume SPK streaming
I (1509) USB_STREAM: Set Device Interface = 2, Alt = 1
I (1519) USB_STREAM: Set Device Interface Done
I (1520) USB_STREAM: Set frequence endpoint 0x03: (44100) Hz
I (1581) usb_audio_player: AUDIO_PLAYER_REQUEST_PLAY
I (1581) usb_audio_player: mute setting: unmute
I (1581) USB_STREAM: UnMute CH0
I (1585) USB_STREAM: SPK Feature Control: type = 3 value = 0x0, Done
I (1649) usb_audio_player: Re-config: speaker rate 48000, bits 16, mode STEREO
I (1650) USB_STREAM: Suspend SPK streaming
I (1651) USB_STREAM: Set Device Interface = 2, Alt = 0
I (1662) USB_STREAM: Set Device Interface Done
I (1812) USB_STREAM: SPK frame size change, ch_num = 2, bit_resolution = 16, samples_frequence = 48000
I (1812) USB_STREAM: Resume SPK streaming
I (1815) USB_STREAM: Set Device Interface = 2, Alt = 1
I (1827) USB_STREAM: Set Device Interface Done
I (1827) USB_STREAM: Set frequence endpoint 0x03: (48000) Hz



readme of usb_camera_lcd_display example

                                        ## USB Stream Lcd Display Example

This routine demonstrates how to use the [usb_stream]( component to get an image from a USB camera and display it dynamically on the RGB screen. 

* Pressing the boot button can switch the display resolution. 
* For better performance, please use ESP-IDF release/v5.0 or above versions.
* Currently only images with a resolution smaller than the screen resolution are displayed
* When the image width is equal to the screen width, the refresh rate is at its highest.

## Try the example through the esp-launchpad

<a href="">
    <img alt="Try it with ESP Launchpad" src="" width="200" height="56">

This example has been built for `ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-Board`, you can use `esp-launchpad` to flash the binary to your board directly.

Please choose `lcd_ev_subboard3_800_480_usb_camera` or `lcd_ev_subboard2_480_480_usb_camera`, then click flash to quickly start

## Hardware

* An [ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-Board]( development board with 800\*480/480\*480 LCD.
* A USB camera (Can be connected to USB port or Expansion Connector)
* An USB Type-C cable for Power supply and programming (Please connect to UART port instead of USB port)

  Error message with `A fatal error occurred: Could not open /dev/ttyACM0, the port doesn't exist`: Please first make sure development board connected, then make board into "Download Boot" mode to upload by following steps:
  1. keep pressing  "BOOT(SW2)" button
  2. short press "RST(SW1)" button
  3. release "BOOT(SW2)".
  4. upload program and reset


The PSRAM 120M DDR feature is intended to achieve the best performance of RGB LCD. It is only available with ESP-IDF **release/v5.1** and above. It can be used by enabling the `IDF_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES`, `SPIRAM_SPEED_120M`, `SPIRAM_MODE_OCT` options. see [here]( for more details.

**Note: The PSRAM 120 MHz DDR is an experimental feature and it has temperature risks as below.**
  * Cannot guarantee normal functioning with a temperature higher than 65 degrees Celsius.
  * Temperature changes can also cause the crash of accessing to PSRAM/Flash, see [here]( for more details.

### Performance

* Displaying 800*480 images on ESP32-S3-LCD-EV-Board with psram 120M and 800*480 screen can reach `16FPS`
* Displaying 480*320 images on ESP32-S3-LCD-Ev-Board with psram 120M and 480*480 screen can reach `29FPS`

### How To Use 


1. First delete existing `build`, `sdkconfig` , `sdkconfig.old`
rm -rf build sdkconfig sdkconfig.old

2. Use the command line to enable the relevant configuration
``` -D SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS="sdkconfig.defaults;sdkconfig.psram_octal_120m" reconfigure

3. Compile and burn
``` build flash monitor

readme of usb_camera_mic_spk example

                                        ## USB Stream Example

This example demonstrates how to use `usb_stream` component with an ESP device. Example does the following steps:

1. Config a UVC function with specified frame resolution and frame rate, register frame callback
2. Config a UAC function with one microphone and one speaker stream, register mic frame callback
3. Start the USB streaming
4. In image frame callback, if `ENABLE_UVC_WIFI_XFER` is set to `1`, the real-time image can be fetched through ESP32Sx's Wi-Fi softAP (ssid: ESP32S3-UVC, http:, else will just print the image message
5. In mic callback, if `ENABLE_UAC_MIC_SPK_LOOPBACK` is set to `1`, the mic data will be write back to usb speaker, else will just print mic data message
6. For speaker, if `ENABLE_UAC_MIC_SPK_LOOPBACK` is set to `0`, the default sound will be played back

## Hardware

* Development board

  1. Any `ESP32-S2`,` ESP32-S3` board with USB Host port can be used.
  2. Please note that the `esp32-sx-devkitC` board can not output 5V through USB port, If the OTG conversion cable is used directly, the device cannot be powered.
  3. For `esp32s3-usb-otg` board, please enable the USB Host power domain to power the device

* Connection


* Camera module
  * please refer the README of `usb_stream` for the Camera requirement

## Build and Flash

Build the project and flash it to the board, then run the monitor tool to view the serial output:

* Run `. ./` to set IDF environment
* Run ` set-target esp32s3` to set target chip
* Run `pip install "idf-component-manager~=1.1.4"` to upgrade your component manager if any error happends during last step
* Run ` -p PORT flash monitor` to build, flash and monitor the project

(To exit the serial monitor, type `Ctrl-]`.)

See the Getting Started Guide for all the steps to configure and use the ESP-IDF to build projects.

## Example Output

I (489) UVC_STREAM: Resetting Port
I (549) UVC_STREAM: Setting Port FIFO
I (549) UVC_STREAM: Getting Port Speed
I (549) UVC_STREAM: Port speed = 1
I (549) UVC_STREAM: USB Speed: full-speed
I (550) UVC_STREAM: Set Device Addr = 1
I (550) UVC_STREAM: Set Device Addr Done
I (551) UVC_STREAM: get device desc
I (551) UVC_STREAM: get device desc, actual_num_bytes:26
*** Device descriptor ***
bcdUSB 2.00
bDeviceClass 0xef
bDeviceSubClass 0x2
bDeviceProtocol 0x1
bMaxPacketSize0 64
idVendor 0x1871
idProduct 0xff50
bNumConfigurations 1
I (552) UVC_STREAM: get short config desc
I (553) UVC_STREAM: get config desc, actual_num_bytes:16
I (553) UVC_STREAM: get full config desc
I (561) UVC_STREAM: get full config desc, actual_num_bytes:397
*** Configuration descriptor ***
wTotalLength 389
bNumInterfaces 2
bConfigurationValue 1
*** Interface Association Descriptor: Video ***
        *** Interface descriptor ***
        bInterfaceNumber 0
        bAlternateSetting 0
        bNumEndpoints 1
        bInterfaceClass 0xe (Video)
        bInterfaceSubClass 0x1
                *** Endpoint descriptor ***
                bEndpointAddress 0x83   EP 3 IN
                bmAttributes 0x3        INT
                wMaxPacketSize 16
                bInterval 6
        *** Interface descriptor ***
        bInterfaceNumber 1
        bAlternateSetting 0
        bNumEndpoints 0
        bInterfaceClass 0xe (Video)
        bInterfaceSubClass 0x2
        *** Class-specific VS Interface Descriptor ***
        bNumFormats 2
        *** VS Format MJPEG Descriptor ***
        bFormatIndex 0x2
        bNumFrameDescriptors 4
        bDefaultFrameIndex 1
        *** VS MJPEG Frame Descriptor ***
        bFrameIndex 0x1
        wWidth 640
        wHeigh 480
        FrameInterval[0] 666666
        *** VS MJPEG Frame Descriptor ***
        bFrameIndex 0x2
        wWidth 480
        wHeigh 320
        FrameInterval[0] 666666
        FrameInterval[1] 1000000
        FrameInterval[2] 2000000
        *** VS MJPEG Frame Descriptor ***
        bFrameIndex 0x3
        wWidth 352
        wHeigh 288
        FrameInterval[0] 666666
        *** VS MJPEG Frame Descriptor ***
        bFrameIndex 0x4
        wWidth 320
        wHeigh 240
        FrameInterval[0] 666666
        *** Interface descriptor ***
        bInterfaceNumber 1
        bAlternateSetting 1
        bNumEndpoints 1
        bInterfaceClass 0xe (Video)
        bInterfaceSubClass 0x2
                *** Endpoint descriptor ***
                bEndpointAddress 0x81   EP 1 IN
                bmAttributes 0x5        ISOC
                wMaxPacketSize 956
                bInterval 1
W (568) UVC_STREAM: VS Interface(MPS < 600) NOT found
W (569) UVC_STREAM: Try with first alt-interface config
I (569) UVC_STREAM: Actual MJPEG format index = 2, contains 4 frames
I (569) UVC_STREAM: Actual MJPEG width*heigh: 320*240, frame index = 4
I (570) UVC_STREAM: UVC Streaming Config Succeed
W (570) UVC_STREAM: UAC 1.0 TYPE1 NOT found
I (570) UVC_STREAM: Set Device Configuration = 1
I (571) UVC_STREAM: Set Device Configuration Done
I (575) UVC_STREAM: SET_CUR Probe Done
I (576) UVC_STREAM: GET_CUR Probe Done, actual_num_bytes:34
I (580) UVC_STREAM: Set Device Interface = 1, Alt = 1
I (930) UVC_STREAM: Set Device Interface Done
I (930) UVC_STREAM: usb stream task start
I (930) UVC_STREAM: uvc stream urb ready
I (931) UVC_STREAM: Sample processing task started
I (931) UVC_STREAM: Creating uvc in(isoc) pipe itf = 1-1, ep = 0x81
I (931) UVC_STREAM: uvc streaming...
I (1492) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 1, width = 320, height = 240, length = 8752, ptr = 0
I (1557) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 2, width = 320, height = 240, length = 9496, ptr = 0
I (1624) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 3, width = 320, height = 240, length = 7920, ptr = 0
I (1688) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 4, width = 320, height = 240, length = 7880, ptr = 0
I (1752) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 5, width = 320, height = 240, length = 8616, ptr = 0
I (1820) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 6, width = 320, height = 240, length = 8808, ptr = 0
I (1885) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 7, width = 320, height = 240, length = 8912, ptr = 0
I (1952) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 8, width = 320, height = 240, length = 8832, ptr = 0
I (2017) uvc_mic_spk_demo: uvc callback! frame_format = 7, seq = 9, width = 320, height = 240, length = 8816, ptr = 0




License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/usb_stream^1.3.1"

or download archive


  • espressif/cmake_utilities 0.*
  • ESP-IDF >=4.4.1
  • Examples:


    more details

    To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "espressif/usb_stream^1.3.1:usb_audio_player"

    or download archive


    more details

    To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "espressif/usb_stream^1.3.1:usb_camera_lcd_display"

    or download archive


    more details

    To create a project from this example, run: create-project-from-example "espressif/usb_stream^1.3.1:usb_camera_mic_spk"

    or download archive


    • Downloaded in total
      Downloaded in total 6.8k times
    • Downloaded this version
      This version: 475 times


    espressif/usb_stream version: 1.3.1