uploaded 2 years ago
This component is an example, to be used with the IDF component manager.


# Example Component

This component is an example, to be used with the IDF component manager.

To use it with your ESP-IDF project make sure that [the component manager](https://pypi.org/project/idf-component-manager/) is installed and create the manifest `idf_component.yml` in the project's `main` component directory:

  example/cmp: "~3.3.3"

## API

This component defines only one function `void cmp_hello()` that prints a welcome message.

### Example

#include "cmp.h"

void app_main(void)


## 3.3.7

- Fix accidentally excluded header file

## 3.3.6

- Add repository url and description

## 3.3.5

- Fix function declaration isn't a prototype

## 3.3.4

- Fix function prototype

## 3.3.3

- Add use cases to the readme
- Add license


Supports all targets

License: MIT

To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "example/cmp^3.3.7"

or download archive


  • ESP-IDF >=4.1
  • Stats

    • Downloaded in total
      Downloaded in total 263.5k times
    • Downloaded this version
      This version: 82.4k times


    example/cmp version: 3.3.7