uploaded 4 months ago
Library for setting up WiFi and OTA (Over The Air)


# ConnectionHelper
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Arduino (using Arduino IDE or Platform I/O) and ESP-IDF (using Espressif IoT Development Framework or Platform I/O) compatible library for setting up WiFi and OTA (Over The Air)

I found myself repeating the WiFI and OTA setup in all my projects so I made a reusable library for it.

OTA gives several options.
- Using the Arduino IDE, Platform I/O and using `upload_protocol = espota` or using the esp IDF command line options, `espota`.
- Using the [ElegantOTA](https://github.com/ayushsharma82/ElegantOTA) web UI provided update tool. See [OtaHelper](src/OtaHelper.h) for more documentation.

### Usage (for Arduino)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <OtaHelper.h>
#include <WiFiHelper.h>

OtaHelper _ota_helper("hostname");
WiFiHelper _wifi_helper("wifi_ssid", "wifi_password", "hostname");

void setup() {

void loop() {

### Installation
#### Platform I/O (Arduino or ESP-IDF):
Add the following to `libs_deps`:
#### Espressif IoT Development Framework:
In your existing `idf_component.yml` or in a new `idf_component.yml` next to your main component:
    version: ">=2.0.0"

### Example
See [simple example](examples/Simple/WifiAndOta.ino).

### Functionallity verified on the following platforms and frameworks
- ESP32 (tested with platform I/O [espressif32@6.4.0](https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32) / [arduino-esp32@2.0.11](https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32) / [ESP-IDF@5.1.1](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf) on ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3)
- ESP8266 (tested with platform I/O [espressif8266@4.2.1](https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif8266) / [ardunio-core@3.1.2](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino))

Newer version most probably work too, but they have not been verified.

### Dependencies
- Arduino: https://github.com/ayushsharma82/ElegantOTA @^2.2.9


Supports all targets

License: MIT

To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "johboh/connectionhelper^2.0.0"

or download archive


  • ESP-IDF >=4.4.3
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    johboh/connectionhelper version: 2.0.0