[](/LICENSE) []() [](https://components.espressif.com/components/k0i05/esp_sgp4x) [](https://registry.platformio.org/libraries/k0i05/esp_sgp4x) # Sensirion SGP4X Series of Sensors This ESP32 espressif IoT development framework (esp-idf) i2c peripheral driver was developed for the Sensirion SGP4X series of sensors (SGP40 and SGP41). Information on features and functionality are documented and can be found in the `sgp4x.h` header file and in the `documentation` folder. ## Repository The component is hosted on github and is located here: https://github.com/K0I05/ESP32-S3_ESP-IDF_COMPONENTS/tree/main/components/peripherals/i2c/esp_sgp4x ## General Usage To get started, simply copy the component to your project's `components` folder and reference the `sgp4x.h` header file as an include. The component includes documentation for the peripheral such as the datasheet, application notes, and/or user manual where applicable. The SGP40 is not fully implemented, support for the SGP40 will be revisited once a sensor is available to test with. ``` components └── esp_sgp4x ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── README.md ├── LICENSE ├── idf_component.yml ├── library.json ├── documentation │ └── datasheets, etc. ├── include │ └── sgp4x_version.h │ └── sgp4x.h └── sgp4x.c ``` ## Basic Example Once a driver instance is instantiated the sensor is ready for usage as shown in the below example. This basic implementation of the driver utilizes default configuration settings and makes a measurement request from the sensor at user defined interval and prints the results. ``` #include <sgp4x.h> #include <sensirion_gas_index_algorithm.h> void i2c0_sgp4x_task( void *pvParameters ) { // initialize the xLastWakeTime variable with the current time. TickType_t last_wake_time = xTaskGetTickCount (); // // initialize i2c device configuration sgp4x_config_t dev_cfg = I2C_SGP41_CONFIG_DEFAULT; sgp4x_handle_t dev_hdl; bool dev_self_tested = false; bool dev_conditioned = false; // // initialize gas index parameters GasIndexAlgorithmParams voc_params; GasIndexAlgorithm_init(&voc_params, GasIndexAlgorithm_ALGORITHM_TYPE_VOC); GasIndexAlgorithmParams nox_params; GasIndexAlgorithm_init(&nox_params, GasIndexAlgorithm_ALGORITHM_TYPE_NOX); // // init device sgp4x_init(i2c0_bus_hdl, &dev_cfg, &dev_hdl); if (dev_hdl == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(APP_TAG, "sgp4x handle init failed"); assert(dev_hdl); } // // task loop entry point for ( ;; ) { ESP_LOGI(APP_TAG, "######################## SGP4X - START #########################"); // // handle sensor if(dev_self_tested == false) { sgp4x_self_test_result_t self_test_result; esp_err_t result = sgp4x_execute_self_test(dev_hdl, &self_test_result); if(result != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(APP_TAG, "sgp4x device self-test failed (%s)", esp_err_to_name(result)); } else { ESP_LOGI(APP_TAG, "VOC Pixel: %d", self_test_result.pixels.voc_pixel_failed); ESP_LOGI(APP_TAG, "NOX Pixel: %d", self_test_result.pixels.nox_pixel_failed); } dev_self_tested = true; } // if(dev_conditioned == false) { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { uint16_t sraw_voc; esp_err_t result = sgp4x_execute_conditioning(dev_hdl, &sraw_voc); if(result != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(APP_TAG, "sgp4x device conditioning failed (%s)", esp_err_to_name(result)); } else { ESP_LOGI(APP_TAG, "SRAW VOC: %u", sraw_voc); } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); // 1-second * 10 iterations = 10-seconds } dev_conditioned = true; } else { uint16_t sraw_voc; uint16_t sraw_nox; int32_t voc_index; int32_t nox_index; esp_err_t result = sgp4x_measure_signals(dev_hdl, &sraw_voc, &sraw_nox); if(result != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(APP_TAG, "sgp4x device conditioning failed (%s)", esp_err_to_name(result)); } else { GasIndexAlgorithm_process(&voc_params, sraw_voc, &voc_index); GasIndexAlgorithm_process(&nox_params, sraw_nox, &nox_index); ESP_LOGI(APP_TAG, "SRAW VOC: %u | VOC Index: %li", sraw_voc, voc_index); ESP_LOGI(APP_TAG, "SRAW NOX: %u | NOX Index: %li", sraw_nox, nox_index); } } // ESP_LOGI(APP_TAG, "######################## SGP4X - END ###########################"); // // // pause the task per defined wait period vTaskDelaySecUntil( &last_wake_time, I2C0_TASK_SAMPLING_RATE ); } // // free resources sgp4x_delete( dev_hdl ); vTaskDelete( NULL ); } ``` Copyright (c) 2024 Eric Gionet (gionet.c.eric@gmail.com)
idf.py add-dependency "k0i05/esp_sgp4x^1.1.4"