# Memfault Firmware SDK Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [1.21.1] - 2025-03-07 ### π Fixed - General: - Disable `MEMFAULT_LOG_TIMESTAMPS_ENABLE` by default. The new timestamped log feature was enabled by default in the previous release, but only logs embedded in coredumps are fully supported. Logs captured with `memfault_log_trigger_collection()` do not yet support timestamps, so the feature should not be used in production until that support is added. ## [1.21.0] - 2025-03-06 ### π Added - General: - Logs captured by Memfault now include a timestamp by default, when the platform implements `memfault_platform_time_get_current()`. This feature can be disabled by setting `#define MEMFAULT_LOG_TIMESTAMPS_ENABLE 0` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. - ESP-IDF: - Add new built-in Wi-Fi metrics: - `wifi_primary_channel` - the primary channel ID of the associated Wi-Fi access point - `wifi_auth_mode` - the authentication mode of the associated Wi-Fi access point, for example `WPA2_PSK` - `wifi_standard_version` - the Wi-Fi version of the associated Wi-Fi access point, for example `802.11n` These metrics are enabled by default and can be disabled (along with other built-in Wi-Fi metrics) with the Kconfig option `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ESP_WIFI_METRICS` ### π οΈ Changed - ESP-IDF: - Support cases where the `IDF_VER` build variable is set to `"HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND"` (i.e. using an ESP-IDF SDK that is not a git repo), when setting the built-in metric `MemfaultSdkMetric_os_version`. In this case, the value is taken from the `ESP_IDF_VERSION_x` macros, which are less precise. - Use more specific Memfault reset reason codes for these watchdog reset types, previously all categorized as `HardwareWatchdog` - `ESP_RST_INT_WDT` -> `SoftwareWatchdog` - `ESP_RST_TASK_WDT` -> `TaskWatchdog` - `ESP_RST_WDT` (RTC watchdog, the real hardware watchdog), stays as `HardwareWatchdog` ### π Fixed - ESP-IDF: - Correctly set the Memfault Firmware SDK version inside the [espressif component](https://components.espressif.com/components/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk) version of the SDK. Prior to this fix, the SDK version reports as `"MemfaultSdkMetric_sdk_version": "0.0.0"`. No change to the SDK, only a tooling/release change. ## [1.20.0] - 2025-02-06 ### π Added - General: - Make `memfault_reboot_reason_get()` and `memfault_platform_metrics_timer_boot()` weakly defined in the [platform templates](ports/templates) to make removing them optional when first integrating - Added a configuration option, `MEMFAULT_CRC16_BUILTIN`, that permits disabling the built-in [crc16](components/util/src/memfault_crc16_ccitt.c) implementation. The user should provide a compatible implementation of `memfault_crc16_compute()`. For example, if the Zephyr CRC library is used, a compatible implementation would be: ```c #include <zephyr/sys/crc.h> uint16_t memfault_crc16_compute(uint16_t crc_initial_value, const void *data, size_t data_len_bytes) { return crc16_itu_t(crc_initial_value, data, data_len_bytes); } ``` A Zephyr Kconfig setting, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_CRC16_BUILTIN`, is also provided to control this option. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for submitting this feature request in [#84](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/84) ! - Added an example `daily_heartbeat` session to the [FreeRTOS QEMU example](examples/freertos/src/metrics.c), which demonstrates how to send a daily heartbeat session to Memfault. Daily Heartbeats are a special category of Session Metrics, and can be used to track device properties over a longer interval than heartbeat metrics. - Added an optional field to the built-in [FreeRTOS task stack usage metrics](ports/include/memfault/ports/freertos/thread_metrics.h), `.get_task_handle`, which allows the user to provide a custom function to get the task handle for a given thread name, instead of using the thread name to identify the thread. This is useful in systems where there are threads with ambiguous names. The [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32/apps/memfault_demo_app/main/metrics.c) is updated to use this feature for ESP-IDF <5.3, where on dual-core SOCs, the per-core idle threads are both named `IDLE`. - nRF Connect SDK: - Added a new Kconfig symbol `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_FOTA_HTTP_FRAG_SIZE` to enable controlling the HTTP fragment size when using NCS >=2.9.9. Previously, `CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_CLIENT_HTTP_FRAG_SIZE_1024=y` was required, but this option was deprecated in NCS 2.9.9. - Add built-in support for the `thermal_cpu_c` (CPU temperature) metric for nRF5x chips (nRF52 and nRF54 app core supported). Use the Kconfig setting `MEMFAULT_METRICS_CPU_TEMP` to disable the metric. - Zephyr - Add a new Kconfig setting, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_MS`, which controls the timeout for the Memfault HTTP client, used both for chunk upload and OTA operations. The default timeout is 5 seconds. Connections with poor latency may require a longer timeout to avoid premature disconnection. Thanks to [@chirambaht](https://github.com/chirambaht) for submitting this in [#86](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/86)! ### π Fixed - ESP-IDF: - Use the configuration `MEMFAULT_LOG_MAX_LINE_SAVE_LEN` to set the max length of a log line when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOG_USE_VPRINTF_HOOK=y`, which is the default setting in ESP-IDF. Previously, the log line was arbitrarily truncated in the Memfault vprintf hook before being saved to the Memfault log buffer. - General: - Remove the `MEMFAULT_PACKED` attribute for the `eMemfaultRebootReason` declaration; this compiler extension is not supported on IAR EWARM's compiler. Change the assembly shim to properly zero-extend the enum constant to avoid ABI issues when invoking the C fault handling code. ### π οΈ Changed - General: - Remove an extra underscore in the folder name when using the [`eclipse_patch.py`](scripts/eclipse_patch.py) utility with a port name that is one folder deep (e.g. `freertos`) - Rename the `memfault_crc16_ccitt_compute()` function to `memfault_crc16_compute()`. The CRC-16 algorithm used is canonically named `CRC-16/XMODEM`, **not** `CRC-16/CCITT` (aka `CRC-16/KERMIT`). The file implementing that function is left as `memfault_crc16_ccitt.c` for backwards compatibility. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this issue in [#83](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/83)! - Zephyr: - Add a missing Kconfig dependency to `MEMFAULT_METRICS_THREADS`, `INIT_STACKS`. Also add missing dependencies to the Kconfig option `MEMFAULT_METRICS_DEFAULT_SET_ENABLE`: - `INIT_STACKS` - `THREAD_RUNTIME_STATS` - `THREAD_STACK_INFO` Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this problem in [#86](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/86) ! - Update the [memfault_zephyr_port_post_data()/memfault_zephyr_port_post_data_return_size()](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_platform_http.c) functions to only open the TLS socket if there is data ready to send, which is otherwise wasteful, as the socket will be closed without sending any Memfault data. - Add an explicit module name, `memfault-firmware-sdk`, to the module manifest. This avoids issues when the SDK is registered in a Zephyr manifest under a directory name other than `memfault-firmware-sdk`. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this issue in [#81](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/81)! - Exclude unused stack space when capturing thread stacks, via the `thread.stack_info.delta` property. This reduces the amount of coredump storage used to capture thread stacks, especially when `CONFIG_STACK_POINTER_RANDOM` or `CONFIG_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE` is enabled. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this issue in [#81](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/85)! - Fix a configuration issue when building for any of the following parts, but NOT using nRF-Connect SDK (i.e. using Zephyr instead): - SOC_SERIES_NRF52X - SOC_SERIES_NRF53X - SOC_SERIES_NRF54LX - SOC_SERIES_NRF91X The Memfault SDK now correctly enables nRF-Connect-SDK-specific functionality ONLY when that SDK is included as a Zephyr module. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this issue in [#81](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/89)! - nRF Connect SDK: - Remove use of child and parent image functionality in the nRF9160 sample app, and replace with sysbuild support. Child image support was deprecated in NCS 2.7.0 in favor of sysbuild. - Use the downloader library instead of the download client library when using NCS >= 2.9.9. The download_client was recently deprecated in favor of the downloader. Download client support is now in `memfault_fota_legacy.c`. ## [1.19.0] - 2025-01-10 ### π Added - General: - Add an option to set the [Self Test component](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/self-test) output log level, `MEMFAULT_SELF_TEST_OUTPUT_LOG`, to control the verbosity of the Self Test output. Set it by selecting the Memfault Log macro to use, for example `#define MEMFAULT_SELF_TEST_OUTPUT_LOG MEMFAULT_LOG_DEBUG`. The default level is the same as before, `MEMFAULT_LOG_INFO`. - Add an [implementation of `memfault_reboot_reason_get()`](ports/stm32cube/u5/rcc_reboot_tracking.c) for the STM32U5xx series of MCUs, using the `RCC-CSR` register to determine the reset reason. Add the file to your project to make use of it! - Add an [implementation for flash-backed coredump storage](ports/stm32cube/u5/flash_coredump_storage.c) for the STM32U5xx series of MCUs, using the internal flash memory to store coredumps. Add the file to your project to make use of it! - Enable the MPU (Memory Protection Unit) in the [FreeRTOS QEMU example](examples/freertos/), to demonstrate Memfault's [MPU region analysis feature](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/platform/trace-details#mpu-analysis). This feature is enabled in a Memfault project by setting `#define MEMFAULT_COLLECT_MPU_STATE 1` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. The MPU registers are captured as part of a coredump, and Memfault will analyze the configuration and include the result in the Trace viewer. - Add a new reboot reason code, `kMfltRebootReason_TaskWatchdog`, for marking crashes due to a Task Watchdog. Memfault has a [built-in Task Watchdog system](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/blob/master/components/include/memfault/core/task_watchdog.h), and [Zephyr](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/services/task_wdt/index.html) and [ESP-IDF](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/api-reference/system/wdts.html#task-watchdog-timer-twdt) both implement Task Watchdog systems. - FreeRTOS: - Add support for tracking per-thread stack usage in the [Memfault FreeRTOS port](ports/freertos/src/memfault_sdk_metrics_thread.c). This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting `#define MEMFAULT_FREERTOS_COLLECT_THREAD_METRICS 0` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. The default threads monitored are `IDLE` and `Tmr Svc`. Threads are registered for tracking by defining `MEMFAULT_METRICS_DEFINE_THREAD_METRICS()` in the application. For example: ```c //! Set the list of threads to monitor for stack usage. The metric keys must //! be defined in memfault_metrics_heartbeat_config.def, ex: //! //! MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY_DEFINE_WITH_SCALE_VALUE( //! memory_main_pct_max, kMemfaultMetricType_Unsigned, //! CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_THREADS_MEMORY_SCALE_FACTOR //! ) #include "memfault/ports/zephyr/thread_metrics.h" MEMFAULT_METRICS_DEFINE_THREAD_METRICS ( // monitor the main thread stack usage { .thread_name = "main", .stack_usage_metric_key = MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(memory_main_pct_max), }, // monitor the shell_uart thread stack usage { .thread_name = "shell_uart", .stack_usage_metric_key = MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(memory_shell_uart_pct_max), }); ``` - Add example usage of per-thread stack usage support to the [FreeRTOS QEMU example](examples/freertos/) for the idle, timer service, console input, metrics, and heap tasks. - Add tracking of libc heap usage via the `memory_pct_max` metric to the [FreeRTOS QEMU example](examples/freertos/) - Zephyr: - Add support for tracking per-thread stack usage in the [Memfault Zephyr port](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_platform_metrics.c). This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_THREADS=n`. The default threads monitored are `main` and `sysworkq`. Threads are registered for tracking by defining `MEMFAULT_METRICS_DEFINE_THREAD_METRICS()` in the application. For example: ```c //! Set the list of threads to monitor for stack usage. The metric keys must //! be defined in memfault_metrics_heartbeat_config.def, ex: //! //! MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY_DEFINE_WITH_SCALE_VALUE( //! memory_main_pct_max, kMemfaultMetricType_Unsigned, //! CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_THREADS_MEMORY_SCALE_FACTOR //! ) #include "memfault/ports/zephyr/thread_metrics.h" MEMFAULT_METRICS_DEFINE_THREAD_METRICS ( { .thread_name = "main", .stack_usage_metric_key = MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(memory_main_pct_max), }, { .thread_name = "shell_uart", .stack_usage_metric_key = MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(memory_shell_uart_pct_max), }); ``` - Update to support removal of the global `CSTD` compiler property (deprecated in Zephyr v3.7.0, and just removed in Zephyr `main`), when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COMPACT_LOG` is enabled. Thanks to [@fouge](https://github.com/fouge) for providing this fix in [#78](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/78) ! - Add a new built-in metric, `cpu_usage_pct`, which reports the percentage of the CPU used. This metric is enabled by default as part of the default set of metrics, controlled with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_DEFAULT_SET_ENABLE`. - For ARM targets implementing and enabling the MPU, automatically capture the and [analyze the MPU configuration](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/platform/trace-details#mpu-analysis) as part of a coredump. This can be controlled with the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_MPU_STATE` Kconfig option. - Add a new Kconfig option, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_SECS`, which should be used instead of `#define MEMFAULT_METRICS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_SECS xxx` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. A build error will occur if the value is set in `memfault_platform_config.h` to enforce migrating the setting. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this feature request in [#80](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/80) - ESP-IDF: - Add support for correctly marking crashes triggered due to a Task Watchdog. A test command, `esp_task_watchdog <cpuid>`, has been added to the [esp32 sample app](examples/esp32) to trigger a Task Watchdog fault on the specified core. Be sure to enable the Kconfig option `CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT_PANIC=y` to have the system panic when a Task Watchdog fault occurs. Memfault will capture and tag the fault appropriately, as for other fault types. - Add a new Kconfig option, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_SECS`, which should be used instead of `#define MEMFAULT_METRICS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_SECS xxx` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. A build error will occur if the value is set in `memfault_platform_config.h` to enforce migrating the setting. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Add an implementation for reboot reason tracking on the nRF54Lx series of MCUs, using the `RESETREAS` register to determine the reset reason. This will be automatically enabled when building for an nRF54Lx series device (`CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF54LX=y`). - Add example usage of per-thread stack usage support to the [nRF9160 example](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160) for the idle, sysworkq, mflt http, WDT, and shell uart tasks. ### π Fixed - Zephyr: - Fix the `MEMFAULT_METRICS_CPU_TEMP` Kconfig dependencies, to correctly check for presence of the DT `die-temp0` alias, and remove the dependency on `ADC`, which doesn't apply to all boards implementing a temp sensor. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this issue in [#79](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/79) ! ### π οΈ Changed - General: - The [`eclipse_patch.py`](scripts/eclipse_patch.py) utility `--memfault-sdk-dir` argument is now optional, and defaults to the parent directory of the script folder. - FreeRTOS: - Renamed the [FreeRTOS QEMU sample app](examples/freertos) heap metrics from `Example_HeapFreeBytes` and `Example_HeapMinFreeBytes` to `FreeRTOS_HeapFreeBytes` and `FreeRTOS_HeapMinFreeBytes`. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Update the [nRF91 sample app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf91) to only enable the UART log backend. Previously both the SHELL and UART log backends were enabled, resulting in duplicate log lines emitted to the console. - Update the [nRF91 sample app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf91) and the [nRF5x sample app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5) to use the latest version of the nRF-Connect SDK, v2.9.0. - Zephyr: - Renamed the [QEMU sample app](examples/zephyr/qemu/) metric `main_thread_cpu_time_permille` -> `cpu_usage_main_pct`. ## [1.18.0] - 2024-11-25 ### π Added - General: - Add a new built-in metric, `uptime_s`, which reports the total uptime of the device in seconds. This metric is enabled by default, and can be disabled with `#define MEMFAULT_METRICS_UPTIME_ENABLE 0` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. - Zephyr: - Update the [QEMU sample app](examples/zephyr/qemu) to use newly-released Zephyr v4.0.0 π₯³. - ESP-IDF: - Added support for dual-core coredumps on ESP32 and ESP32-S3. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled with the Kconfig option `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_CPU_COUNT=1`. Note: not all fault conditions will cause both CPU cores to be captured in the coredump. The SDK will always capture the core that triggered the fault, and if the non-faulting core is available for capture, it will be included as well. ### π οΈ Changed - ESP-IDF: - Updated the [ESP32 example](examples/esp32) to no longer read some non-volatile values into stack-allocated buffers. This reduces overall stack usage for the `main` thread by about 350 bytes. ## [1.17.0] - 2024-11-14 ### π Added - General: - Add parsing of an optional log message argument for the `test_trace` command in the [core demo cli](components/demo). This argument will be inserted as a custom log message with the trace event, which can be useful for testing the insertion of custom log messages into trace events at runtime. - Add the following built-in metrics, enabled by default (and quota-exempt): - `MemfaultSDKMetric_log_recorded_lines` : the total number of log lines written into the Memfault log buffer during the heartbeat interval - `MemfaultSDKMetric_log_dropped_lines` : the total number of log lines dropped (overwritten or not recorded) due to buffer exhaustion during the heartbeat interval For example, if the buffer is sufficiently large to store 10 logs, and 15 logs are written: - `MemfaultSDKMetric_log_recorded_lines` will be 15 - `MemfaultSDKMetric_log_dropped_lines` will be 5 If 5 more logs are written: - `MemfaultSDKMetric_log_recorded_lines` will be 20 - `MemfaultSDKMetric_log_dropped_lines` will be 10 - Cosmetic updates to the `examples/freertos/` app log format, including applying ANSI color codes based on log level. ```bash # Before: mflt> test_log Raw log! MFLT:[INFO] Info log! MFLT:[WARN] Warning log! MFLT:[ERRO] Error log! # After: mflt> test_log Raw log! 2024-11-14T17:01:12Z|4284 I Info log! 2024-11-14T17:01:12Z|4284 W Warning log! 2024-11-14T17:01:12Z|4284 E Error log! ``` - ESP-IDF: - Enable NTP time synchronization by default, controlled with the Kconfig option `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_NTP_SYNC`. After NTP synchronization, events (heartbeats and trace events) will be timestamped with the current device time. - Add a `test_trace` command to the ESP-IDF demo cli to capture an example trace event. This behaves the same as the `test_trace` command in the [core demo cli](components/demo). - Mark coredumps with the `Software Watchdog` crash reason if the IWDT triggered the fault, instead of marking them as `Hard Fault`. - Add OTA update check-ins to the HTTP client's periodic upload, controlled with the Kconfig option `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD_OTA`. When enabled, the system will be restarted after downloading the update. To customize this behavior, enable `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD_OTA_CUSTOM_CBS`, and implement the global callback struct `g_memfault_ota_update_handler`. This feature is disabled by default. ### π Fixed - General: - Add missing type promotion rules for variants of `char` pointers when encoding compact logs. Previously, these types that should promote to a string in the compact logging encoding fell into the default case of `int`, causing compact logging decode to fail when processed by the Memfault backend. - ESP-IDF: - Fix an issue when using compact logs with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_USE_MEMFAULT_BUILD_ID=y` (default). The command would always run (was always out-of-date) when any `idf.py [build|flash]` command is run, even if the original .elf file did not change. This caused the `log_fmt` section (used for decoding compact logs) to be removed from the `/memfault-esp32-demo-app.elf.memfault_log_fmt` file, which causes Memfault Compact Logs to fail to decode. The command is fixed to only run when the .elf file changes. ## [1.16.0] - 2024-10-24 ### π₯ Removed - Removed support for Zephyr < 2.7.0 - Removed support for nRF-Connect SDK < 1.9.2 - Removed support for ESP-IDF < 4.4.0 Please [contact us](https://mflt.io/contact-support) if you need support for earlier versions! ### π Fixed - General: - Correct an issue where `eMemfaultRebootReason` is expressed as a 4-byte type instead of 2-bytes when compiling with Clang with high optimization, when targeting ARM. This results in Coredumps tagged as `Unknown` instead of the correct reason code. ### π Added - General: - Add a pair of optional user-provided functions, `memfault_reboot_tracking_load()` / `memfault_reboot_tracking_save()`, to allow users to provide their own implementations for saving and loading reboot tracking data. This is useful when the default implementation is not suitable for the platform or when the user wants to store the data in a different location. - The [Stable Sessions Device Vital](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/platform/memfault-core-metrics#stable-sessions) added in SDK version `1.15.0` is fully available and no longer considered experimental. - Add an optional `memfault_port_coredump_save_begin()` callback, for use by Memfault ports. This allows `memfault_platform_coredump_save_begin()` to be implemented by the platform instead, for custom pre-coredump operations. Thanks to @finger563 for reporting this issue in [#77](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/77)! - Improved API docs for events and data packetizer components by noting restrictions for use in ISR contexts - Zephyr: - Update the Qemu app to support the `nucleo_l496zg` board, with support for the Zephyr `bbram` subsystem, and implement the new `memfault_reboot_tracking_load()` / `memfault_reboot_tracking_save()` functions to demonstrate the functionality. - Added a Kconfig flag, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_LOGS_ENABLE`, to control the new log lines metrics. - ESP-IDF: - New Kconfig setting, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ENABLE_REBOOT_DIAG_DUMP`, to print the ESP-IDF reboot reason code on system boot, for debugging purposes. This feature is disabled by default. - Added a Kconfig flag, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_LOGS_ENABLE`, to control the new log lines metrics. ### π οΈ Changed - General: - Update support links to refer to the preferred site <https://mflt.io/contact-support> instead of the Memfault support email. This link will redirect to a form where questions can be sent to the Memfault support team. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Changed the Kconfig symbol `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_GET_CUSTOM` to be `imply` instead of `select` when the nRF-Connect SDK is enabled. This permits users to disable the `nrfx`-based reboot reason tracking if needed. ## [1.15.0] - 2024-10-13 ### π Added - General: - **EXPERIMENTAL**: Metrics Sessions now include a built-in metric for the [Stable Sessions Device Vital](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/platform/memfault-core-metrics#stable-sessions) (`session.operational_crashes`) which tracks crashes that occurred when a session is active. ### π οΈ Changed - General: - Minor changes to support compiling with GCC ARM v4.9.3. ### π Fixed - Corrected a spelling error, renamed <!-- spellchecker:off --> `MEMFAULT_METRIS_KEY_DEFINE_WITH_SESSION_AND_SCALE_VALUE()` to <!-- spellchecker:on --> `MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY_DEFINE_WITH_SESSION_AND_SCALE_VALUE()` ## [1.14.0] - 2024-10-09 ### π Added - ESP-IDF: - The Memfault port will now disable the `IWDT` (Interrupt Watchdog Timer) before starting coredump saving, to prevent interrupting the coredump process. The ESP-IDF fault handler enables the `WDT_RWDT` hardware watchdog when a fault occurs, so there is still protection if the fault handling hangs. ## [1.13.0] - 2024-10-07 ### π Added - FreeRTOS: - The SDK now has a config to control whether to split CPU usage per core when building for a multi-core device. Enable this setting by adding `#define MEMFAULT_FREERTOS_RUNTIME_STATS_MULTI_CORE_SPLIT 1` to `memfault_platform_config.h`. This setting is disabled by default. - ESP-IDF: - Added a Kconfig, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_FREERTOS_RUNTIME_STATS_MULTI_CORE_SPLIT`, to control `MEMFAULT_FREERTOS_RUNTIME_STATS_MULTI_CORE_SPLIT`. This Kconfig is enabled by default for multi-core devices. ### π οΈ Changed - FreeRTOS: - Changed previous idle task run time percent metrics to measure CPU usage (i.e. the complement of the idle task run time) - Renamed the following metrics: - Single-Core + Multi-Core Default: - `idle_task_run_time_percent` -> `cpu_usage_pct` - Multi-Core Split: - `idle0_task_run_time_percent` -> `cpu_usage_pct` - `idle1_task_run_time_percent` -> `cpu1_usage_pct` - ESP-IDF: - Unknown or unclassified reboot reason codes returned by `get_reset_reason()` are now correctly recorded as `kMfltRebootReason_Unknown` instead of `kMfltRebootReason_UnknownError` (`UnknownError` is reserved for an "unexpected" reboot path, where `Unknown` is used when the reboot reason cannot be determined). ### π© Deprecated Support for the following vendor platform versions is deprecated in this release, and will be removed in a future release: - ESP-IDF < `v4.4` (Jan 26, 2022) - Zephyr < `v2.7.0` (Oct 16, 2021) - nRF-Connect SDK < `v1.9.2` (Jul 14, 2022) Please [contact us](https://mflt.io/contact-support) if you need support for earlier versions! ## [1.12.0] - 2024-09-25 ### π Added - ESP-IDF: - The SDK now supports being installed as an [ESP Component](https://components.espressif.com/) from the Espressif registry, by adding the following lines to an esp-idf project's `idf_component.yml` manifest: ```yaml dependencies: memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk: version: "1.12.0" ``` - [Heap Allocation Tracking](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/heap-stats) is now enabled by default for ESP-IDF projects, controlled with the Kconfig symbol `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HEAP_STATS`. The Memfault Trace UI will show information about the most recent heap allocations for `malloc()` calls. ### π οΈ Changed - ESP-IDF: - The [Memfault Build ID](https://mflt.io/symbol-file-build-ids) will be applied by default, controlled by the Kconfig setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_USE_MEMFAULT_BUILD_ID`. This is _only_ valid for ESP-IDF versions >= **4.2.5** , and will cause a build error on older versions, requiring it to be set to `n`. Updating to this version of the SDK will **require** removing the similar logic in the project's `CMakeLists.txt` file (a build error will occur if both are present). - The Memfault Core Vital for [Periodic Connectivity](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/platform/memfault-core-metrics#periodic-connectivity) will now count failures to sync Memfault data if the HTTP connection cannot be established, but WiFi connectivity is available. This can occur when the WAN connection is down but the access point is still up, or if there is an external DNS failure. Previously this was not counted as a failure. - Zephyr - The Memfault HTTP client, enabled with Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_ENABLE`, requires `POSIX_API` to be enabled on newer versions of Zephyr. Previously, not explicitly enabling `POSIX_API` would result in a build error. Update it to be enabled by default in the Zephyr SDK, via Kconfig `imply POSIX_API`. - Zephyr 3.7.0+ requires enabling `CONFIG_MBEDTLS_SHA1` when using Zephyr's mbedtls implementation. Memfault added a build-time check for this setting in Memfault SDK 1.11.2, but that check would also trip when not using Zephyr's mbedtls implementation. Update the build check to be more precise. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Minor changes to provide compatibility with NCS versions > 2.7.0, which target a Zephyr fork that is compatible with 3.7.0 but provides a "development" version number, 3.6.99. ### π Fixed - ESP-IDF: - Corrected a theoretical integer overflow issue in the demo CLI `crash` command, detected by static analysis tools. The impacted function was and is exclusively called with an argument of `10`, so this issue was not exploitable in practice. ## [1.11.5] - 2024-09-18 ### π Added - General: - Add two new core metrics, `MemfaultSdkMetric_os_name` and `MemfaultSdkMetric_os_version`. These are string metrics that map to the OS / platform name and version string respectively, and are included in the the ELF at build time, and processed out-of-band by Memfault for NCS, Zephyr, and ESP-IDF. They **are not** ever transmitted over the air (no bandwidth impact). For example, for Zephyr these metric string values would be `zephyr` and `3.7.0` for a project on Zephyr v3.7.0. These metrics are attributes by default and will not be counted towards attribute quotas. - Zephyr: - Add the following built-in WiFi metrics for Zephyr devices, enabled by default on systems with WiFi: - `wifi_connected_time_ms` : time in milliseconds the device has been connected to a WiFi network - `wifi_disconnect_count` : number of times the device has disconnected from a WiFi network - `wifi_ap_oui` : the OUI of the WiFi AP the device is connected to The metrics can be disabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_WIFI=n`. - The Memfault Zephyr fault handler now labels faults as Stack Overflow, Bus Fault, MemManage Fault, and Usage Fault, among others, in addition to the existing Hard Fault label. Note that this does not change the types of faults collected (all these faults are already supported), but it does correct the label presented in the Memfault UI. - Add a new test command, `mflt test stack_overflow`, that will trigger a stack overflow fault when `CONFIG_STACK_SENTINEL` or `CONFIG_MPU_STACK_GUARD` is enabled. - The `cpu_temp` metric has been renamed to `thermal_cpu_c` to better reflect the metric's purpose. The metric is still collected by default on platforms with an enabled `die-temp0` sensor, and can be disabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_CPU_TEMP=n`. - Add a new metric, `memory_pct_max`, which captures the max percentage of the heap used. It is enabled by default. This metric and the existing `Heap_BytesFree` metric are controlled with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_MEMORY_USAGE`. - ESP-IDF: - Add an option to upload logs by default when using `MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD`, controlled with the Kconfig symbol `MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD_LOGS`. This can also be controlled at runtime with the included API `memfault_esp_port_http_periodic_upload_logs(bool enable)` - Add a new metric, `memory_pct_max`, which captures the max percentage of the heap used. It is enabled by default. This metric and the existing `heap_*` metrics are now controlled with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_MEMORY_USAGE`. - Print the Memfault OTA URL from `memfault_esp_port_ota_update()` when a new update is available, for example: ```bash esp32> memfault_ota_check I (98125) mflt: Checking for OTA Update Download URL: https://ota-cdn.memfault.com/2950/9757/19036619757?token=0123456789abcdef&expires=1726192800&v=2 I (98775) mflt: Update available! esp32> memfault_ota_perform I (15515) mflt: Checking for OTA Update Download URL: https://ota-cdn.memfault.com/2950/9757/19036619757?token=0123456789abcdef&expires=1726192800&v=2 I (16205) mflt: Starting OTA download ... ``` ### π οΈ Changed - Zephyr: - The `cpu_temp` metric has been renamed to `thermal_cpu_c` to better reflect the metric's purpose. The metric is still collected by default on platforms with an enabled `die-temp0` sensor, and can be disabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_CPU_TEMP=n`. - ESP-IDF: - The `cpu_temp` metric has been renamed to `thermal_cpu_c` to better reflect the metric's purpose. The metric is still collected by default on ESP32 variants that support it (all but ESP32), and can be disabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_CPU_TEMP=n`. - The Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ESP_HEAP_METRICS` has been replaced with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_MEMORY_USAGE`. ## [1.11.4] - 2024-09-10 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Fix a minor issue where MEMFAULT_LOG_x() macros (MEMFAULT_LOG_ERROR() etc ) would be recorded twice in the log buffer. - General: - Fix an error in the unit test CI build due to the addition of the `-Wc11-c2x-compat` compiler warning flag. This flag is not valid for the C++ compiler, and has been changed to be enabled only for the C compiler. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Fix a possible stack overflow when tracking the Memfault Connectivity Connected Time Vital for the nRF9160 LTE connection, due to a change in the nRF-Connect SDK v2.7.0 from prior versions. ## [1.11.3] - 2024-09-05 ### π Improvements - General: - Improve assert stack unwinding for Clang builds when `-flto` is enabled. - Zephyr: - Add a new Kconfig option, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_SOC_FAMILY_ESP32`, to resolve an error when referencing the deprecated `CONFIG_SOC_FAMILY_ESP32` Kconfig (removed in [Zephyr 3.7.0](https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/commit/8dc3f856229ce083c956aa301c31a23e65bd8cd8) as part of Hardware Model V2). This new option is used in the Memfault Zephyr port to check if an ESP32 SOC is being used. - Remove references to the deprecated `BOOTLOADER_ESP_IDF` Kconfig symbol in the Memfault Zephyr port (removed in Zephyr 3.7.0). ## [1.11.2] - 2024-08-29 ### π Improvements - nRF-Connect SDK: - Add support for the following reboot reasons on nRF series SOCs. These reboot reasons are tracked as `kMfltRebootReason_DeepSleep`. - `NRF_POWER_RESETREAS_OFF_MASK` - `NRF_POWER_RESETREAS_NFC_MASK` - `NRF_POWER_RESETREAS_CTRLAP_MASK` - Zephyr: - Use `MEMFAULT_ASSERT_HALT_IF_DEBUGGING_ENABLED` to control whether coredumps trigger a halt when a debugger is attached. - Add a new Kconfig option, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_RAM_BACKED_COREDUMP_REGION`, to set the RAM region used for storing RAM-backed coredumps. - Fix a π when trying to communicate via HTTPS with Memfault on the nRF91x. On the nRF91x, socket operations are offloaded to the nRF modem lib, which does not currently support the socket option `TLS_CERT_NO_COPY`. In v1.9.4, this socket option was applied when TLS was enabled (`!g_mflt_http_client_config.disable_tls`) and Zephyr version was >=3.0.0 (when support for this socket option was added). Therefore, devices on SDK versions >=1.9.4 and <1.11.2 trying to communicate with Memfault will run into a no protocol support error (`ENOPROTOOPT`) in the nRF modem lib. Since this option is only required to use the DER format, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_TLS_CERTS_USE_DER` now depends on the Zephyr-implemented socket operations being used (`!NET_SOCKET_OFFLOAD`). - Fix the build when using Zephyr 3.7.0 and leveraging the HTTP client and/or ESP32 port. The Memfault HTTP client would fail to build due to the wrong `crypto.h` header getting picked up in the build. Additionally, due to the [removal of default support for mbedTLS hash algorithms in Zephyr](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/releases/migration-guide-3.7.html#mbed-tls), `CONFIG_MBEDTLS_SHA1` now must be enabled explicitly when using any of Memfault's CA certificates. When using PEM and leveraging Zephyr's in-tree mbedTLS and config file (`CONFIG_MBEDTLS_BUILTIN=y && CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CFG_FILE="config-tls-generic.h"`), `CONFIG_MBEDTLS_PEM_CERTIFICATE_FORMAT=y` is required for PEM certificate support. To simplify certificate format selection, a new choice Kconfig called `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_TLS_CERTS_FORMAT` has been added. Use the configs `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_TLS_CERTS_USE_PEM` and `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_TLS_CERTS_USE_DER` to choose the certificate format.`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_TLS_CERTS_USE_DER` is the default choice config. Finally, the Kconfig `CONFIG_SOC_FAMILY_ESP32` is now deprecated. References of this Kconfig now also check the new Kconfig `CONFIG_SOC_FAMILY_ESPRESSIF_ESP32`. See [Zephyr's 3.7 Migration guide](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/releases/migration-guide-3.7.html) for more details. - Dialog - Add support to the existing DA145xx port for the DA14535 by adding the correct memory region for `memfault_platform_sanitize_address_range()`. - Fix several πs in `memfault_reboot_reason_get()` and `memfault_platform_reboot()` implementations in the DA146x port. In `memfault_reboot_reason_get()`, the bit masks were incorrectly applied and a block was missing to reset the reboot reason register if `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_CLEAR` is set. In `memfault_platform_reboot()`, the mechanism to reboot the system has been updated from `hw_cpm_reboot_system()` to `SWRESET`. ## [1.11.1] - 2024-08-12 ### π Improvements - General: - Add additional stubs to `ports/templates/memfault_platform_port.c` to help when integrating on a new platform - ESP-IDF: - Trigger a null dereference crash when the `BOOT` button is pressed on the ESP32 example app. This is useful for testing the Memfault crash handling functionality without using the serial console. ## [1.11.0] - 2024-08-07 ### π₯ Breaking Changes - Add support for namespacing [Session Metrics](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/metrics-api#session-metrics) to support duplicate key names across heartbeats and sessions (eg `heartbeat.cpu_temp` and `session.cpu_temp`). This requires a change to how Session Metrics keys are set: - Before: `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_SIGNED(cpu_temp, 25)` (only 1 metric key `cpu_temp` supported across heartbeats/sessions) - After: - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_SIGNED(cpu_temp, 25)` for setting `heartbeat.cpu_temp` - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SESSION_SET_SIGNED(cpu_temp, session, 25)` for setting `session.cpu_temp` ### π Improvements - General: - Fix a π in reboot tracking classification when calling `memfault_reboot_tracking_boot()` with a `bootup_info` parameter containing an unexpected type of reboot reason (or no reboot reason) after a previously recorded expected reason. This results in ["Expected Reboots"](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h#L33) recorded using `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_MARK_RESET_IMMINENT()` to be incorrectly flagged as an "Unexpected Reboot" and causes an incorrect `operational_crashfree_hours` metric getting reported and a lower Stability score. - Cleanup comment to old packetizer API - Add `-fdebug-prefix-map` to FreeRTOS QEMU example - ESP-IDF: - Improved the CLI results when running the `post_chunks` test command (used to trigger an upload to Memfault) to be more informative, for example: ```bash esp32> post_chunks I (12593) mflt: Data posted successfully, 262285 bytes sent esp32> post_chunks I (204093) mflt: No new data found ``` - Zephyr - Update samples to use the newly-released Zephyr v3.7.0 π₯³ - Add explanatory output to Memfault `test busfault|hardfault` shell commands when Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) is in use - The RTC-based implementation of [`memfault_platform_time_get_current()`](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_platform_system_time.c) used a define named `RTC`, which conflicts with the STM32 HAL definition [here](https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/hal_stm32/blob/f1317150eac951fdd8259337a47cbbc4c2e6d335/stm32cube/stm32h7xx/soc/stm32h7b3xxq.h#L2441-L2442). Rename the define to `MFLT_RTC_NODE` to avoid the conflict. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Fix a compilation error when building NCS v2.7.0 with the latest Memfault firmware SDK (v1.10.1, the previous SDK release). ## [1.10.1] - 2024-07-24 ### π Improvements - General: - Removed a warning when compiling the SDK for Cortex-A targets (ARM v7a). Support for this target is no longer experimental. - Improve coredump capture on ARMv7-A/R (Cortex-A/R), capturing additional CPU registers `r8` + `r9` in the coredump. - Fix a compilation issue with older versions of `gcc-arm-none-eabi` that do not support the `PRIu64` format specifier (or are missing C99 format specifiers). Thanks to @iotengtr for reporting this issue in [#72](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/72) ! - Zephyr: - Include the Zephyr Device Tree output in the ELF file in a debug section, which can be used for reference. Memfault is exploring other use cases for this data in our backend. This feature is controlled with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_DTS_IN_ELF`, enabled by default. ## [1.10.0] - 2024-07-12 ### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Add support for Memfault Logging when `CONFIG_LOG_MODE_MINIMAL=y`, in addition to the previously supported `LOG_MODE_DEFERRED` (Zephyr default) and `LOG_MODE_IMMEDIATE`. [Zephyr minimal log mode](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.6.0/kconfig.html#CONFIG_LOG_MODE_MINIMAL) disables all backends- logs are simply sent to `printk`. - For ESP32 chips, place the reboot reason tracking into a dedicated section, `.rtc_noinit`, to ensure the reboot reason is preserved across reboots. This was previously only supported on Zephyr ESP32-S3/S2 devices (all ESP32 devices on ESP-IDF already support this). - Fix a bug where the default `memfault_platform_get_device_info()`, which uses the hwinfo subsystem, when available, was incorrectly disabled when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_GET_CUSTOM=y`. - General: - Improve the `memfault_demo_cli_cmd_busfault()` function (accessed via `test_busfault`/`mflt test busfault` demo CLI commands) to produce BusFaults on more devices. Previously, certain chips would either not produce a fault, or would produce a MemManage exception instead. ## [1.9.4] - 2024-07-01 ### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Updated the Memfault fault handler to support deprecated exception info structure coming in Zephyr v3.7.0. This change is backward compatible with older Zephyr versions. - By default, include the `zephyr.meta` build metadata in the output ELF file as an unallocated section. This provides a list of module SHAs, useful when reconstructing the dependencies used to build a particular ELF file. This feature is controlled with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_BUILD_META_IN_ELF`. - Add a new Kconfig option, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_USE_MEMFAULT_BUILD_ID`, which will apply a [Memfault Build ID](https://mflt.io/symbol-file-build-ids) instead of a GNU Build ID when enabled. It defaults to enabled when `CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_ESP_IDF` is enabled- this applies to ESP32 boards that are using the ESP-IDF bootloader, instead of an MCUBoot bootloader. MCUBoot bootable images are compatible with the standard GNU Build IDs. - Add a new API, `memfault_zephyr_fota_download_callback()`, to the Zephyr FOTA implementation to allow users to write their own callback that is invoked when the download of a OTA payload is complete. The default download callback will mark the new image as pending, set a firmware update reboot reason, and reboot the system. Custom callbacks may, for example, be used to perform application-specific system shutdown procedures, or allow the FOTA update call to return to the calling context so a testing framework could mark the operation successful. Users can override the default callback with their own implementation using a new Kconfig option `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ZEPHYR_FOTA_DOWNLOAD_CALLBACK_CUSTOM`. - ESP-IDF: - Add a periodic HTTP upload task. This feature starts a task dedicated to posting any available Memfault data via HTTPS. Enable with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD=y`. - General: - Add 2 new QEMU targets for the FreeRTOS QEMU example, for Cortex-M4F and Cortex-M33. The targets can be found [here](examples/freertos/boards/) ## [1.9.3] - 2024-06-10 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - The default Device Info Software Version (Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_DEVICE_INFO_SOFTWARE_VERSION`) has been updated to `0.0.0` from `1.0.0-dev` for the built-in Device Info implementation. See `menuconfig` or [`ports/esp_idf/memfault/Kconfig`](ports/esp_idf/memfault/Kconfig) for details. This should only affect users who are using the default value for that Kconfig. - Fix a bug when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LWIP_METRICS=y` that may cause invalid metric values. LwIP stats by default are only 16-bits wide and this can cause underflow when calculating heartbeat values. This fix forces `LWIP_STATS_LARGE=1` to make LwIP use 32-bit counters. - Add a feature to the [esp32 example app](examples/esp32) to enable overriding the Memfault server URLs (ex: for a proxy). - Improve docs and comments in example app - General: - Updated the default exception handler name for Memory Management exceptions from `MemoryManagement_Handler` to `MemManage_Handler` (set by `MEMFAULT_EXC_HANDLER_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT` in [`default_config.h`](components/include/memfault/default_config.h) when not overridden by the user). This aligns with the more recent CMSIS naming convention for exception handlers. A backwards-compatible implementation is included to avoid breaking users relying on the previous default. - Add [`libcurl`-based samples](examples/libcurl) for posting chunks to Memfault and checking for latest OTA release. ## [1.9.2] - 2024-05-29 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Fix CLI command, `memfault_ota_check`, to return 0 to the console component when an update is available. - Add the temperature metric `cpu_temp` which is measured using an internal temperature sensor that many ESP32 boards have built-in. This metric is collected by default with the Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_CPU_TEMP=y`. - Enable recording vprintf data into the Memfault log buffer through a vprintf hook. Users can call `memfault_esp_port_vprintf_log_hook()` from their vprintf handler so they can use both their vprintf handler and record logs into Memfault's log buffer. To use this feature, set `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOG_USE_VPRINTF_HOOK=n`. - Zephyr: - Fix a bug in `memfault_zephyr_port_post_data_return_size()` where a positive value could be returned in the event of a failure instead of a negative value. This would result in `mflt post_chunks` returning a successful post message even though there was a failure such as a DNS lookup failure. - Add the temperature metric `cpu_temp` which is measured using an internal temperature sensor that some Zephyr boards have. Similar to ESP-IDF, this metric is collected by default with the Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_CPU_TEMP=y`, but the board must have the device tree node `die-temp0` for this option to be used. - Add an example for collecting thread stack usage metrics when the thread handles are not accessible in the desired scope. Users can leverage the Zephyr routine `k_thread_foreach()` to register a callback that will be called with each thread's `k_thread` handle. In the callback, users can read the stack usage via the handle and set their metrics. ### π₯ Breaking Changes - Zephyr: - Change the error return value for `memfault_zephyr_port_http_upload_sdk_data()` to a negative value instead of 1. This change aligns with the error return value for the other Zephyr HTTP client APIs, and simplifies logic in the HTTP client. ### π Fixes - ESP-IDF: - Fix a case where `esp_http_client_cleanup()` was not called in certain scenarios (for example, if the access point is connected, but there is no outside internet access), which resulted in a memory leak. Thanks to @mykmelez for providing the fix in [#71](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/71) π! ## [1.9.1] - 2024-05-21 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Fix an issue with the Memfault ESP-IDF integration to support the newly released ESP-IDF v5.1.4. - Zephyr: - Add support for tracking ESP32 reboots in `.rtc_noinit` section. This improves tracking of the OTA [Reboot Reason](https://mflt.io/reboot-reasons) when the device reboots after an OTA update. - Fix compilation warnings when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_FULL_THREAD_STACKS=y` is enabled. Thanks to @fouge for providing this fix in [#70](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/70) π! - General: - Extend [`eclipse_patch.py`](scripts/eclipse_patch.py) to support adding the Memfault SDK files to an STM32Cube IDE project. ## [1.9.0] - 2024-05-10 ### π Improvements - General: - Correctly compile out the [non-volatile event storage feature](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/metrics-api/#non-volatile-event-storage) when `MEMFAULT_EVENT_STORAGE_NV_SUPPORT_ENABLED` is set to `0`. This feature was previously not fully disabled, leaving some unused code in the final executable. This is a minor code size improvement (approximately 300 bytes) when the system is disabled (default). - Zephyr: - Improve support for [event timestamps](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/event-timestamps) using Zephyr RTC devices, by adding support for RTC nodes identified using `DT_ALIAS()` in addition to `DT_NODELABEL()`. Thanks to @corytodd for providing the fix in [#68](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/68)! - Add a Memfault HTTP OTA client backend for Zephyr MCUBoot platforms. This is enabled with the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ZEPHYR_FOTA_BACKEND_MCUBOOT` Kconfig flag. The OTA process is triggered by calling the `memfault_zephyr_fota_start()` function, which is also exposed in the shell via the `mflt get_latest_release` command. - Add basic support for Xtensa targets in the Memfault Zephyr port. This specifically targets the ESP32-S3 SOC. - Add a success message when the Zephyr HTTP client posts data to Memfault. - ESP-IDF: - Wrap calls to `esp_event_loop_create_default()` to prevent crashes if called multiple times. This feature is enabled by default and is disabled with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_WRAP_EVENT_LOOP_CREATE_DEFAULT=n` - Add an example [Session Metric](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/metrics-api/#session-metrics) to the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32), which tracks statistics during the ESP32 OTA session (bytes sent + received, etc). - nRF Connect SDK: - Enable periodic upload, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD=y`, by default for nRF91x builds - Default to `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD_USE_DEDICATED_WORKQUEUE` when periodic upload is enabled - Improve the stability of the [nRF9160 sample app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160), by increasing the `CONFIG_SYSTEM_WORKQUEUE_STACK_SIZE` to `2048`. ### π₯ Breaking Changes - Zephyr: - Add a built-in implementation of `g_mflt_http_client_config` for Zephyr devices using the Memfault HTTP client, which holds the [Memfault Project Key](https://mflt.io/project-key) set via the Kconfig symbol `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_PROJECT_KEY`. Users updating from a previous version will have to set this Kconfig symbol when building, and any existing implementation of `g_mflt_http_client_config` should be removed. ## [1.8.1] - 2024-04-24 ### π Improvements - General: - A new platform function, `memfault_platform_metrics_connectivity_boot()`, can be enabled to be called from the Memfault SDK `metrics_boot()` function after the metrics subsystem is initialized. This platform function is used for setting any initial state information for Connectivity metrics, and has default implementations for ESP-IDF (WiFi) and nRF9160 (LTE) devices. - ESP-IDF: - Add a new Kconfig setting, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_STORAGE_WRITE_OFFSET_SECTORS`, which can be used to set an offset into the coredump storage area where coredumps are written. The full partition will still be erased, but coredumps will be written starting at the sector offset selected with this setting. The skipped sector will remain at the erased value, `0xff` for all bytes. - Zephyr: - Added a built-in weakly defined implementation of `memfault_platform_get_device_info()`, which provides: - `.device_serial` : A default device serial based on the SOC's unique ID registers, via the [`hwinfo` subsystem](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.6.0/hardware/peripherals/hwinfo.html). This is the default device serial when `CONFIG_HWINFO=y`. If `CONFIG_HWINFO=n`, the fallback device serial is `CONFIG_SOC "-testserial"`. - `.software_type` : Configurable with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_BUILTIN_DEVICE_INFO_SOFTWARE_TYPE`, defaults to `"app"` - `.software_version` : Configurable with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_BUILTIN_DEVICE_INFO_SOFTWARE_VERSION`. Defaults to an identifier based on the `VERSION` file in the application, using the Zephyr [Application Version](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.6.0/build/version/index.html) feature, or `"0.0.0"` if unavailable. - `.hardware_version` : Configurable with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_BUILTIN_DEVICE_INFO_HARDWARE_VERSION`. Defaults to an identifier based on `CONFIG_BOARD` and `CONFIG_BOARD_REVISION` (if set). - Add a new Zephyr example app for the [ST NUCLEO-WBA55CG board](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.6.0/boards/st/nucleo_wba55cg/doc/nucleo_wba55cg.html), under [`examples/zephyr/nucleo_wba55cg`](examples/zephyr/nucleo_wba55cg). This example demonstrates the Memfault SDK integration on the NUCLEO-WBA55CG board. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Add [Connected Time Vital](https://mflt.io/connectivity-metrics) out-of-the-box for nRF9160 projects, tracking modem connected time. This is controlled with the Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_NRF_CONNECTIVITY_CONNECTED_TIME_NRF91X`, enabled by default. ## [1.8.0] - 2024-04-17 ### π Improvements - General: - Scale values now fully supported. This metric metadata will scale down metric values by the specified factor. Metrics with no specified scale value will not be scaled - Fix a π that would reset metric values after running a session start callback. This prevented setting metrics at the start of a session. - Zephyr: - Add a metric using a scale value to our Zephyr QEMU example. This metric measures CPU usage (in permille, 0.0-100.0%) of the main thread. ## [1.7.7] - 2024-04-15 - FreeRTOS: - Add a compile time error when the [`ports/freertos/config/memfault_metrics_heartbeat_freertos_config.def`](memfault_metrics_heartbeat_freertos_config.def) file is not included from the user `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_config.def` file. Compilation would fail previously with hard-to-follow errors due to missing metrics definitions. This change makes the compilation error explicit. - ESP-IDF: - Permit disabling the Memfault logging hook into `esp_log_set_vprintf()` (by default this is enabled on system boot). Use `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOG_USE_VPRINTF_HOOK=n` to disable the Memfault hook. Note that this will disable capturing ESP-IDF logs in Memfault. - Allow disabling the built-in Connectivity [Core Metric](https://mflt.io/core-metrics?platform=MCU) collection, which is enabled by default to track WiFi uptime. Use `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ESP_WIFI_CONNECTIVITY_TIME_METRICS=n` to disable the built-in implementation. - General: - EXPERIMENTAL: Add the option to set a scale factor when defining a Metric. The scale factor will in the future be used to divide the uploaded metric values. For example, if a Metric is defined with a scale factor of `10`, all values reported for that Metric will be divided by `10` when received by Memfault. The resulting value is stored as a floating point number in Memfault. - Minor tweak to the [Eclipse patcher script](scripts/eclipse_patch.py) to better handler folders with partially common path prefixes. ## [1.7.6] - 2024-04-03 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Fix missing call to `memfault_boot()` in the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32) that was causing the device to not boot correctly. This was a regression in v1.7.4. - FreeRTOS: - Add a built-in metric for tracking the FreeRTOS Timer Task stack bytes free, `timer_task_stack_free_bytes`. This metric is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting `#define MEMFAULT_FREERTOS_COLLECT_TIMER_STACK_FREE_BYTES 0` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. ## [1.7.5] - 2024-03-29 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Modify a message when coredump storage is detected to be too small from an error to a warning - FreeRTOS: - Fix an integer overflow issue affecting long heartbeat intervals (>> 1 hour), due to a limitation in the implementation of `pdMS_TO_TICKS()` in older FreeRTOS versions. Newer version of FreeRTOS (as of `V11.0.0` published December 2023) have fixed this [issue](https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel/commit/9c649ea7d1dd0206092697d73c894fd2c4fe29b3). - Add a stack usage metric to the FreeRTOS example app ## [1.7.4] - 2024-03-26 ### π Improvements - nRF-Connect SDK: - Update the Memfault SDK's nRF-Connect SDK [example apps](examples/nrf-connect-sdk) to nRF-Connect SDK v2.6.0 - In the Memfault SDK [nRF9160 example app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160), set the Kconfig flag `CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_CLIENT_HTTP_FRAG_SIZE_1024=y` in `prj.conf` instead of via a conditional `CMakeLists.txt` expression. This makes the setting more explicit for users that are referencing the sample app. - ESP-IDF: - Enable disabling the Memfault component by setting the `MEMFAULT_DISABLE=1` environment variable in the build environment (ex: `MEMFAULT_DISABLE=1 idf.py build`). This is useful in cases where the Memfault component can not be n-selected in the application's root `CMakeLists.txt` but needs to be conditionally excluded, for example when building a reduced factory firmware image. ## [1.7.3] - 2024-03-19 ### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Add new Kconfig flags for the following Memfault Core Metrics: - `MEMFAULT_METRICS_SYNC_SUCCESS` (default=y) - `MEMFAULT_METRICS_MEMFAULT_SYNC_SUCCESS` (default=y) - `MEMFAULT_METRICS_CONNECTIVITY_CONNECTED_TIME` (default=y) - `MEMFAULT_METRICS_BATTERY_ENABLE` (default=n) Additionally, a Kconfig flag `MEMFAULT_BATTERY_METRICS_BOOT_ON_SYSTEM_INIT` will enable auto-initialization of battery metrics on system init (requires `memfault_platform_get_stateofcharge()` to be implemented). See <https://mflt.io/core-metrics> for more information on Core Metrics. - ESP-IDF: - Add preliminary support for the upcoming ESP-IDF v5.3.0 release. ## [1.7.2] - 2024-03-09 ### π Improvements - General: - The Memfault Self Test component boot check now prints all components that are booted (previously only un-booted components would print): ```plaintext MFLT:[INFO] ============================= MFLT:[INFO] Component Boot Test MFLT:[INFO] ============================= MFLT:[INFO] Component | Booted?| MFLT:[INFO] ----------------------------- MFLT:[INFO] Event Storage | yes| MFLT:[INFO] Logging | yes| MFLT:[INFO] Reboot Tracking | yes| MFLT:[INFO] Trace Event | yes| MFLT:[INFO] All components booted MFLT:[INFO] ============================= ``` - Restore the Memfault Demo CLI `heartbeat` command, which was unintentionally removed in v1.7.1. This command triggers a heartbeat on-demand, for testing heartbeat functionality. - Zephyr: - A few minor changes to support the upcoming Zephyr 3.6 release, specifically for devices that use mbedTLS for TLS connections. - ESP-IDF: - v1.7.0 of the SDK added a Kconfig flag to enabled Compact Logs, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COMPACT_LOG_ENABLE`. Updating from older versions of the SDK would require opting in to that option, even if Compact Logging was enabled via the Memfault config flag, `MEMFAULT_COMPACT_LOG_ENABLE`. Instead, support enabling Compact Logs both via the Memfault config flag or the Kconfig flag, to require no changes when updating the SDK for existing users. ## [1.7.1] - 2024-02-28 ### π Improvements - General: - Fix a reboot reason test on MacOS by adding a stub implementation of a function to avoid an empty archive not allowed by the system clang install - Add a new macro `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_MARK_RESET_IMMINENT_CUSTOM()` that is more concise for custom reboot reasons by taking the reboot reason name directly. Previously, `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_MARK_RESET_IMMINENT()` was the only option, which requires passing a key with `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_KEY()`. - Add a session start callback with `memfault_metrics_session_register_start_cb()`. This change enables, for example, tracking battery percent drop across sessions; battery state tracking variables can now be initialized at the start of a session. - Add a coredump storage test to the self test which will now test the coredump storage implementations and check available storage capacity. This is currently experimental and must be explicitly enabled with the Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_SHELL_SELF_TEST_COREDUMP_STORAGE=y` on Zephyr, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_CLI_SELF_TEST_COREDUMP_STORAGE=y` on ESP-IDF, or by adding `#define MEMFAULT_DEMO_CLI_SELF_TEST_COREDUMP_STORAGE 1` to your `memfault_platform_config.h` for other platforms. - Convert the previous `heartbeat_dump` command to `metrics_dump` that can either dump all current heartbeat metrics with `metrics_dump heartbeat` or all session metrics with `metrics_dump sessions` that haven't yet been exported. These commands help with testing metrics collection locally without needing to push chunks to Memfault. - Apply a handful of changes to fix items raised by a new static analyzer - Fix a minor formatting issue that was causing a compilation error for CC ARM - Update support links to refer to the preferred site <https://mflt.io/contact-support> instead of the Memfault support email. This link will redirect to a form where questions can be sent to the Memfault support team. - Update the `README.md`s in example apps to point to the [Demo CLI](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/demo-cli) page on the Memfault docs website where comprehensive information is available on commands and their output - nRF-Connect SDK: - Fix a problem caused by mismatched root certificates in modem storage. This change will ensure that all certificates are updated if they do not match expected contents. Prior to v1.7.1, the SDK would only update a certificate by checking each tag for certificate existence, not certificate content. In v1.3.0, the order of root certificates was changed and one was removed. On devices running pre-1.3.0 firmware, updating to later versions can hit a mismatch between the expected certificates and those in modem storage. - Remove a root certificate deprecated in v1.3.0 if present in modem storage. Devices using an SDK version before v1.3.0 may contain a now deprecated root certificate. ## [1.7.0] - 2024-02-15 ### π New Features - General: - πCustom Reboot Reasons!π The SDK now allows creating custom reboot reasons in addition to those defined in [`components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h`](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h). Users can create custom reboot reasons for both expected and unexpected reboots. For more information see [`components/include/memfault/core/reboot_tracking.h`](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_tracking.h). Enable this feature with Kconfigs in Zephyr and ESP-IDF (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_CUSTOM_ENABLE=y`) or by adding `#define MEMFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_CUSTOM_ENABLE 1` to your `memfault_platform_config.h`. - Added an option to include a Project Key in a chunk message header. This allows a chunk to specify which project the included data should be sent to. The default behavior is to use the project specified by the Project Key header in the POST upload. To enable, add `#define MEMFAULT_MESSAGE_HEADER_CONTAINS_PROJECT_KEY 1` and `#define MEMFAULT_PROJECT_KEY "<project key string>"` to your `memfault_platform_config.h`. Any chunks sent using this configuration will be sent to the project routed with `MEMFAULT_PROJECT_KEY` rather than the project routed with the POST header's Project Key. ### π Improvements - General: - Improved suggested linker snippets defining coredump memory regions - Added a self test to validate platform time functions, `memfault_platform_get_time_since_boot_ms()` and `memfault_platform_time_get_current()`. This test will catch errors like non-monotonically increasing counters and current time reported as near epoch time - Fixed backspace handling in the FreeRTOS QEMU example console - Added `-fsanitize=leak` to the SDK unit tests (Linux only) - Fixed a missing `strnlen()` definition when enabling the self test with some libc implementations. This function is part of a POSIX standard that might be missing from some libc implementations - Added the previous release commit for 1.6.2 to `.git-blame-ignore-revs` to allow for better `git blame` output since this commit contains _only_ formatting changes. - Zephyr: - Added an example CDR implementation to the example QEMU app - Added a Kconfig, (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_RECORD_REBOOT_ON_SYSTEM_INIT`) to allow deferring reboot reason collection to a later point in time. Setting this option to `n` is intended to help when device info is only available after boot completes. - Added built-in metrics for Zephyr's IP subsystem, (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_TCP_IP`) - Added Kconfig to select either PEM or DER formats for TLS certificates, (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_TLS_CERTS_USE_DER`) - ESP-IDF: - Added a Kconfig to enable/disable compact logging (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COMPACT_LOG_ENABLE`) - Improved build compatibility when building with PlatformIO - Added support for networking over Ethernet interfaces - Added a built-in `connectivity_connected_time` core metric for WiFi devices, (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ESP_WIFI_CONNECTIVITY_TIME_METRICS`) ## [1.6.2] - 2024-01-29 ### π Improvements - General: - Apply `clang-format` to the entire codebase, to ensure consistent code formatting. The formatting rules are defined in [`.clang-format`](.clang-format). No other changes are included in this release. A [`.git-blame-ignore-revs`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#Documentation/git-config.txt-blameignoreRevsFile) entry will be added in the next release, to enable ignoring this commit when running `git blame`. Use this ignore file in your local repo with `git config blame.ignoreRevsFile=.git-blame-ignore-revs`. ## [1.6.1] - 2024-01-29 ### π Improvements - General: - Add a reboot reason self test, which validates the reboot reason data is correctly preserved through device reboot. This test first sets a custom reboot reason, then calls `memfault_platform_reboot()` to reboot the system. To verify the operation succeeded, the self test is called again to check the reboot reason was saved. The reboot reason self test can be performed by passing the appropriate flags when calling the `memfault_self_test_run()` file (see [`components/include/memfault/core/self_test.h`](components/include/memfault/core/self_test.h) for details), and from the demo CLI as `self_test reboot`/`self_test reboot_verify`. - Fix a `ti-armcl` compiler warning due to enumeration mismatch in initialization (`#190-D`). - Add a compile-time option to enable the self-test module. Enabling the self-test increases code space utilization, and is usually of use during set-up and SDK integration testing. The self-test can be enabled by setting `#define MEMFAULT_SELF_TEST_ENABLED 1` in `memfault_platform_config.h`, or via `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_CLI_SELF_TEST=y` for ESP-IDF and `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_SHELL_SELF_TEST=y` for Zephyr. - ESP-IDF: - Expose a new function `memfault_esp_port_ota_get_release_url()` for fetching the OTA release URL without performing a download. This is useful for cases where the URL is needed for other purposes, such as for fetching a downstream device OTA artifact. See [`ports/esp_idf/memfault/include/memfault/esp_port/http_client.h`](ports/esp_idf/memfault/include/memfault/esp_port/http_client.h) for details. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Add support for the new `fota_download_any()` (see documentation [here](https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf/blob/0692684d0e0b924335882969bc7bf474c673ac81/doc/nrf/releases_and_maturity/releases/release-notes-changelog.rst#L847-L848)), which accepts a list of certificates to use when executing FOTA downloads. This API is expected to be included in the upcoming nRF-Connect SDK v2.6.0 release. ## [1.6.0] - 2024-01-09 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - In the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32), disable the shell history cache for the FatFS shell command handler, which saves some ~20kB of heap memory. - Also in the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32), add a new built-in metric `sync_successful` which is set to `1` when a successful Memfault OTA check-in is performed. Primarily added for demonstration purposes for the metric. See more information about Memfault Core Metrics [here](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/platform/memfault-core-metrics). - General: - Enhanced the Self-Test component with the following new features: - Check that other components are initialized correctly (boot test) - Check that exporting data over the console is supported (primiarly checking that the output buffer is large enough) - Print information about the coredump regions that would be collected during a crash, for diagnostic purposes - nRF-Connect SDK: - Fix a use-after-free problem in the Memfault FOTA helper code ([`ports/zephyr/ncs/src/memfault_fota.c`](ports/zephyr/ncs/src/memfault_fota.c)), where the allocated Memfault OTA download URL was freed too early. This issue was introduced in Memfault SDK v1.5.0, where support for FOTA on nRF-Connect SDK v2.4+ was improved. - Zephyr: - Fix a concurrent access bug in the Memfault Zephyr Logging Backend. Only affected configurations with `CONFIG_LOG_MODE_IMMEDIATE=y`. In certain cases the logging `ctx` could be corrupted, causing unpredictable behavior. Replace the synchronization approach with an atomic primitive and correct a potential concurrency issue in the log panic handler. - Fix a build warning for certain Zephyr configurations (when using `CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC=y`) due to a missing declaration for `strnlen`. This warning was introduced with the Memfault Self-Test additions in Memfault SDK v1.5.2. ### π₯ Breaking Changes - General: - The Battery Metrics platform API has been consolidated into a single function, `int memfault_platform_get_stateofcharge(sMfltPlatformBatterySoc *soc)`, where the platform data is loaded into the `soc` struct. This should simplify the platform implementation, and enables platforms to return a non-zero value to indicate state-of-charge is unknown. See the new API in the header file [`memfault/metrics/platform/battery.h`](components/include/memfault/metrics/platform/battery.h) ## [1.5.2] - 2023-12-12 ### π Improvements - General: - Add a self-test component which checks the device's integration state. This self test is available via the demo cli command `self_test`, or can be called directly via `memfault_self_test_run()` (see [`self_test.h`](components/include/memfault/core/self_test.h) for details). Currently, it validates device info and the build ID. - Add a helper macro called `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_MARK_RESET_IMMINENT` in order to make marking an imminent reboot easier. It takes the reboot reason as an argument. - ESP-IDF: - Add an opt-in assert on malloc failure, controlled with `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ASSERT_ON_ALLOC_FAILURE`. This is useful for tracking heap memory issues. Depending on the design, a system may in general not have any expected malloc failures, and may not be set up to handle them. This feature will generate issues tagged as `Out Of Memory` in the Memfault platform. - Zephyr: - Adjust the implementation of `memfault_zephyr_port_http_upload_sdk_data()` to check the socket before each incremental call to the `send()` socket operation and wait for the socket to become available. If the socket takes too long (a healthy 5 second timeout is given), the function will return with an error. Note this function was previously blocking, but may now abort mid-transfer. This check was primarily added to prevent a busy loop that hogs the CPU, preventing lower priority threads from running. This situation could occur with larger HTTP transfers during which the socket may be busy processing tx data when another send request occurs. - Fix a build error in the Zephyr RTC port. ## [1.5.1] - 2023-12-07 ### π Improvements - nRF-Connect SDK: - Correct a build error that occurs when `CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_CLIENT=y` + `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_FOTA=n`. This fixes the second issue reported in [#66](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/66#issuecomment-1845301737) ### π₯ Breaking Changes - General: - The SDK config flag `MEMFAULT_EVENT_STORAGE_NV_SUPPORT_ENABLED` now defaults to `0`, disabled. This saves a minor amount of code space. Most implementations don't need the feature; for users that require it, the flag will now need to be set in `memfault_platform_config.h` as `#define MEMFAULT_EVENT_STORAGE_NV_SUPPORT_ENABLED 1`. ## [1.5.0] - 2023-11-29 ### π New Features - General: - Added support for Session Metrics. These are similar to Heartbeat Metrics, except they are set on an arbitrary session interval (not required to be aligned to Heartbeat interval). Session metrics are useful for tracking device operation sessions- for example, measuring properties for a BLE connected stove top during a single cooking session. Session metrics automatically include a "session duration" timer metric. Session metrics must be defined using the new session-specific APIs, but are set using the same `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_*` APIs as Heartbeat metrics. See the [`metrics.h` header file](components/include/memfault/metrics/metrics.h) for usage details. - New built in metrics for measuring the following properties: - **crash-free hours**: enabled by default, generates `operational_hours` and `operational_crashfree_hours` metrics, which are automatically processed by Memfault - **battery drop**: enabled with `#define MEMFAULT_METRICS_BATTERY_ENABLE 1` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. See more information in the [header file](components/include/memfault/metrics/battery.h) for how to use the metric. - **connectivity**: enabled with `MEMFAULT_METRICS_SYNC_SUCCESS`/`MEMFAULT_METRICS_MEMFAULT_SYNC_SUCCESS`/`MEMFAULT_METRICS_CONNECTIVITY_CONNECTED_TIME`. See more information in the [header file](components/include/memfault/metrics/connectivity.h) for how to use the metric. These metrics are considered first-class metrics by Memfault, are exempt from quota limits, and are automatically processed by Memfault. - Zephyr: - By default, set the `sync_memfault_successful`/`sync_memfault_failure` metrics for devices using Memfault's Zephyr HTTP chunk upload functionality. This feature is controlled with the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_SYNC_MEMFAULT_METRICS` Kconfig flag. - Automatically set captured timestamps for events for devices that either implement the RTC subsystem, or use the Nordic `date_time` library. The appropriate option is enabled by default based on which features are available, and can be controlled with the Kconfig flags: `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_SYSTEM_TIME_SOURCE_DATETIME` or `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_SYSTEM_TIME_SOURCE_RTC`. - ESP-IDF: - By default, set the `sync_memfault_successful`/`sync_memfault_failure` metrics for devices using Memfault's ESP-IDF HTTP chunk upload functionality. This feature is controlled with the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_SYNC_MEMFAULT_METRICS` Kconfig flag. ### π Improvements - General: - Add the ability to extend the Memfault Demo Shell command table with custom commands. This is used in the [`examples/freertos`](examples/freertos) demo project to add 2 new commands: - `freertos_tasks` : print FreeRTOS task information, via `vTaskList()` - `freertos_vassert` : trigger a `vAssertCalled` FreeRTOS assert, via `configASSERT()` The Shell extension API is documented in [`components/include/memfault/demo/shell_commands.h`](components/include/memfault/demo/shell_commands.h), and must be enabled by setting `#define MEMFAULT_DEMO_SHELL_COMMAND_EXTENSIONS 1` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. - Zephyr: - Remove a warning in Zephyr 3.5+ where the `zephyr/random/rand32.h` header was renamed to `zephyr/random/random.h`. This was reported in [#66](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/66)- thanks to @nordicjm for reporting this! - Add test commands for exercising Secure Faults in ARM TrustZone-enabled chips: - `mflt test badptr` - `mflt test isr_badptr` Note that non-TrustZone chips may not trigger a fault when running those commands. - nRF-Connect SDK: - Add the `CONFIG_AT_SHELL` setting to the [`examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160`](nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160) sample app. This permits sending raw AT commands, useful for testing. - Specific to nRF-Connect based apps using FOTA, add a warning if `CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_CLIENT_HTTP_FRAG_SIZE > 1024`, which can sporadically error out on nRF9160 devices (there is a limitation in the modem, see `CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_CLIENT_HTTP_FRAG_SIZE_2048=y`) and DevZone note [here](https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/68601/tls-2303-bytes-packet-limit/281107). - Improve FOTA support for nRF-Connect SDK 2.4+, by improving the technique used to find the correct Memfault server root cert. Memfault uses a fast CDN to improve OTA payload delivery, which uses a different root cert than the Memfault device server. Please [contact support](https://mflt.io/contact-support) immediately if you encounter any cert-related issues. ### π₯ Breaking Changes - The metrics convenience API added in v1.4.3 (`MEMFAULT_HEARTBEAT_SET_*` and others) have been renamed to `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_*`, to better support the new Session Metric feature. ## [1.4.4] - 2023-11-13 ### π Improvements - General: - Rename this file from [`CHANGES.md`] to [`CHANGELOG.md`]. - For FreeRTOS, add a warning when `configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS` is not enabled. Memfault uses this to show stack sizes in the coredump view for coredumps on FreeRTOS systems. The warning can be disabled by enabling the `configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS` FreeRTOS config flag, or by setting `#define MEMFAULT_FREERTOS_WARN_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS_UNAVAILABLE 0`. - Make `memfault_packetizer_get_chunk()` return `false` if the buffer was too small to load a full chunk. Previously the function would return `true` but with `0` bytes loaded into the output buffer and `*buf_len` set to `0`. - Update all example Metrics implementations to use the new API from v1.4.3 (eg `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_UNSIGNED` instead of `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_set_unsigned`). - Fix compilation for systems not integrating the [Metrics](https://mflt.io/embedded-metrics) component but using the Demo CLI (this regressed in v1.4.3). ## [1.4.3] - 2023-11-08 ### π New Features - General: - Add a new streamlined Metrics setter API: - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_SIGNED(key_name, signed_value)` - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_UNSIGNED(key_name, unsigned_value)` - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_SET_STRING(key_name, value)` - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_TIMER_START(key_name)` - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_TIMER_STOP(key_name)` - `MEMFAULT_METRIC_ADD(key_name, amount)` These APIs can be used in place of the original APIs: - `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_set_signed(MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(key_name), signed_value)` - `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_set_unsigned(MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(key_name), unsigned_value)` - `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_set_string(MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(key_name), value)` - `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_timer_start(MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(key_name))` - `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_timer_stop(MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(key_name))` - `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_add(MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY(key_name), amount)` Saving some typing! - Add the ability to compute FreeRTOS task stack high watermarks when storing coredumps. This is useful only if the entire RAM (`.data` + `.bss`) cannot be saved in the coredump. The feature is opt-in with the config flag `#define MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COMPUTE_THREAD_STACK_USAGE 1`. - Add a `heartbeat` command to the [core demo cli](components/demo). This behaves the same as the commands of the same name already present in the Zephyr + ESP-IDF port. - Add a `test_cassert` command to the core demo cli. This command executes a C stdlib `<assert.h>``assert(0)` call. For platforms that do not implement a `assert()` handler, a config flag `MEMFAULT_DEMO_DISABLE_CASSERT` can be defined to `0` to disable the command. - ESP-IDF: - Add a new out-of-box metric, `wifi_ap_oui`, which will record the associated AP's Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) in the Memfault heartbeat. - Zephyr: - Organize the Memfault Coredump Kconfig settings under a `Memfault Coredump Settings` submenu, for easier navigation when using graphical Kconfig frontends like menuconfig. ### π Improvements - General: - Disable a warning emitted by the ARM C Compiler v5 (`#188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type`) when initializing a structure in [`components/core/src/memfault_log.c`:314](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/blob/1.4.3/components/core/src/memfault_log.c#L313). - Improve the quality of Assert backtraces when using the ARM C Compiler v5. Certain frames in the assert call stack were missing link register information, due to compiler optimizations based on the `noreturn` and unreachable compiler hints. These hints have been removed for `armcc`, which should permit full stack unwinding for Assert coredumps generated from builds on that toolchain. - Perform an update of the timer when calling the `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_timer_read()` debug function. Fixes [#65](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/65). Thanks to @LuskeyNoah for providing this fix! - ESP-IDF: - Fix a missing piece enabling the "zero-config" integration (originally added in `1.4.0`)- the `memfault_platform_port.h` file was still incorrectly required. This is now fixed. ## [1.4.2] - 2023-11-02 ### π Improvements - General: - Improve the trace quality for asserts when using the IAR compiler and high optimization settings (`-Oh`) - Add demo CLI command to print the current values of heartbeat metrics. Try this out in your demo CLI implementation or with the built-in CLI with Zephyr! ## [1.4.1] - 2023-10-31 ### π New Features - ESP-IDF: - Add the following built-in heap allocation metrics by default. These can be disabled with the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ESP_HEAP_METRICS` Kconfig flag. - `heap_free_bytes` - `heap_largest_free_block_bytes` - `heap_allocated_blocks_count` - `heap_min_free_bytes` ### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Enable capturing [Memfault-style compact logs](https://mflt.io/compact-logs) on Zephyr systems. Note that this does not enable decoding [Zephyr "dictionary logs"](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.5.0/services/logging/index.html#dictionary-based-logging), but requires using the Memfault logging APIs directly (i.e. `MEMFAULT_LOG_INFO("...")` instead of `LOG_INF("...")`). - General: - Add a `coredump_size` CLI command to the Zephyr, ESP-IDF, and demo CLI implementations. This command will print the computed size of the coredump and the available storage space. Can be used to tune coredump size. - Enable providing the Memfault HTTP Client with a custom `memfault_platform_get_device_info()` callback, for when the device is uploading data for a downstream device, with different device info. - When [compact logging](https://mflt.io/compact-logs) is enabled, route all `MEMFAULT_LOG_x()` statements through the compact serializer (`MEMFAULT_COMPACT_LOG_SAVE`). Previously, logs had to explicitly use the `MEMFAULT_COMPACT_LOG_SAVE` API to store in the compact form. - Capture C stdlib `assert.h` asserts, by implementing the correct assert hooks for Newlib/Picolibc and IAR libc's. This can be disabled with the Memfault platform config `MEMFAULT_ASSERT_CSTDLIB_HOOK_ENABLED`. This should improve the Trace quality for systems that are using the C stdlib `assert(x)` functions. ### π Improvements ## [1.4.0] - 2023-10-23 ### π New Features - ESP-IDF: - Implement support for a "zero-config" integration on ESP-IDF. This change makes the template + platform config files optional. See the [ESP32 Integration Guide](https://mflt.io/esp-tutorial) section on configuration files for details. ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Fix a build issue when overriding the default device-info implementation, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_DEFAULT_GET_DEVICE_INFO=n`. This was a regression in **1.3.3**. - Add a new Kconfig flag, `MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE`, which can be used to set the Memfault SDK's built-in [ESP-IDF coredump storage implementation](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/blob/master/ports/esp_idf/memfault/common/memfault_platform_coredump.c) to artificially limit the maximum coredump storage size. This is useful for situations where the default `memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions()` function is still desirable, but the coredump maximum size needs to be limited (eg for bandwidth reasons). - Switch to using `ESP_DRAM_LOGE` when logging an error from Memfault's FreeRTOS task tracking when the number of tasks created on the system exceeds `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_MAX_TRACKED_TASKS` (default of 16). - General: - Remove the setting of the Memfault Firmware SDK version into a string metric on system boot. This value is now automatically extracted by the Memfault backend from the symbol file, and does not need to be set by devices. ## [1.3.5] - 2023-10-14 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Fix build errors when building the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32) project on ESP-IDF versions earlier than v5. This was a regression in **1.3.4**. - Conditionally remove a redundant call to `esp_timer_init()` during the `memfault_boot()` sequence, which was causing a runtime error message. This call was originally required when `memfault_boot()` was called as part of ESP-IDF system init, which was disabled by default in **0.31.4** and deprecated in **0.40.0**. The redundant call was harmless but generated a nuisance error message. - Fix another build error in the public unit tests caused by the `-fanalyzer` flag. The `-fanalyzer` static analyzer was generating a false positive on GCC 11. Updating the GCC version to 12 removes the false positive. ## [1.3.4] - 2023-10-12 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Add a missing dependency to the `memfault` component, `esp_https_ota`. It's only linked into the target project if the `memfault_esp_port_ota_update()` API is used. This was previously an implicit dependency from the `common` component dependencies, when building `memfault` into an ESP-IDF component-style project. This change fixes building for non-component-style ESP-IDF projects, where the default component dependencies might not be included. - Multiple changes to the [`examples/esp32`](examples/esp32/apps/memfault_demo_app) sample project: - Add a new `coredump_size` shell command, which prints out the maximum coredump size and the available coredump storage capacity. - Add new `settings_[get|set]` shell commands, and enable setting the LED brightness and blink interval to NVS. This is intended as a minor quality-of-life change for internal Memfault users of the example app. - Fix a build error in the public unit tests, caused by the recent addition of the `-fanalyzer` flag to the unit test compilation options. ## 1.3.3 - Oct 10, 2023 ### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Add a new Kconfig flag, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_FAULT_HANDLER_RETURN`, which will call the normal `z_fatal_error` handler at the end of Memfault fault processing instead of rebooting the system. This is useful when user code needs to run within `k_sys_fatal_error_handler()` just prior to system shutdown. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for the patch! Fixes [#59](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/59). - Add a timeout to the initial `send()` socket operation in `memfault_zephyr_port_http_upload_sdk_data()`, to abort the transfer if the socket is blocking for too long. That function will execute repeated `send()` calls to drain all the buffered Memfault data; this update only changes the initial call to check for a timeout, but otherwise will keep trying until the process completes, or a watchdog triggers. This is to balance the existing behavior, where a badly performing socket will still eventually push data through, but improves the case where the socket fails on the initial send (more common failure mode). - Remove a nuisance build warning generated when configured with `CONFIG_LOG_PRINTK=y && CONFIG_LOG_MODE_DEFERRED=y`. This impacts the usability of exporting base64-encoded chunks on the shell for testing (`mflt export` command), but is otherwise harmless. - ESP-IDF: - Multiple changes to the [`examples/esp32`](examples/esp32/apps/memfault_demo_app) sample project: - Disable WiFi SoftAP by setting `CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SOFTAP_SUPPORT=n`, since it's unused in the sample app. This saves about 40kB flash. - Permit setting the Memfault Project Key at runtime, with a new cli command `project_key`. The key is saved in Non-Volatile Storage on the ESP32 board. - General: - Enable using compact logs with the IAR build tools, by adding the needed `__no_alloc` attribute to the compact log symbols, to have the IAR linker set the `NO_LOAD` attribute correctly on the compact log output section. ### π₯ Breaking Changes - ESP-IDF: - The [ESP-IDF port](ports/esp_idf/) now implements a default `memfault_get_device_info()` function, which uses the device MAC address for the Memfault Device Serial. When updating the Memfault SDK in an existing project, this implementation will cause a **linker error** due to duplicate definition. To disable the built-in definition, set `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_DEFAULT_GET_DEVICE_INFO=n`. ## 1.3.2 - Sept 26, 2023 ### π Improvements - Zephyr: - use `<cmsis_core.h>` instead of `<nmi.h>`. Thanks @kmeinhar for this change! (see [#64](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/64)) - nRF Connect SDK: - Add missing Kconfig flags `CONFIG_FLASH_MAP=y` + `CONFIG_STREAM_FLASH=y` for the [`examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5/`](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5/) example app, for compatibility with nRF Connect SDK v2.4.1+. This was required due to an [upstream Zephyr change](https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/commit/1b4b979f8789af6087f877c0daad0a660c1b9b28). - General: - Add support for Memfault Compact Logs for C++ source files (previously only supported in C source files). Compact logging can be enabled by setting `MEMFAULT_LOG_COMPACT_ENABLE=1` in `memfault_platform_config.h`. See [the docs](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/compact-logs/) for more details. - Fix a missing include of `<intrinsics.h>` required by the IAR compiler ## 1.3.1 - Sept 21, 2023 ### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Add a new Kconfig, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COMPUTE_THREAD_STACK_USAGE`, to control whether thread stack usage is computed and collected on device during a coredump. ## 1.3.0 - Sept 20, 2023 ### π Improvements - General: - Remove an unused root certificate and adjust the order of certs to minimize additional TLS handshakes; DigiCert G2 is the most likely root cert so it is now the first one attempted in every place certificates are used. This update is trickled down from [DigiCert's pivot in March 2023](https://knowledge.digicert.com/generalinformation/digicert-root-and-intermediate-ca-certificate-updates-2023.html) to their G2 root cert as their default certificate. - Zephyr: - Add support for the new location of the `nmi.h` header which [moved recently](https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/pull/60031). ## 1.2.5 - Sept 18, 2023 ### π Improvements - Add MQTT transport to esp32 example app ## 1.2.4 - Sept 12, 2023 ### π Improvements - Fix a unit test failure introduced in 1.2.3. No on-target code was impacted. ## 1.2.3 - Sept 12, 2023 ### π Improvements - General: - Include the current MCU SDK version in the http client user agent header - Zephyr: - Update include paths for CMSIS headers for upcoming Zephyr support. Thanks @gmarull for the patch! - Modus Toolbox: - Allow a user application to override `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_collect_data`. ## 1.2.2 - Sept 5, 2023 ### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Correct the heartbeat metrics key definition include configuration to generate a consistent key index across the application. This regressed in version 1.0.1 of the SDK. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 - Sept 1, 2023 #### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Add a `heartbeat` cli command to the ESP-IDF port that does the same thing as in Memfault's default demo console + Zephyr's console. - Zephyr: - Add a new Kconfig option to the Zephyr port, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE=y`, which causes `memfault_platform_config_extra.h` to be included in platform configurations. This can be utilized by a third party consumer of Zephyr to more easily extend the platform configurations set by Zephyr and avoid potentially losing a user's platform configurations set in `memfault_platform_config.h`, which [happened in the nRF Connect SDK recently](https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/103188/memfault-sdk-integration-missing-user-memfault_platform_config). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.1.3 and 1.2.0 - Aug 30, 2023 #### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Eliminate several build warnings for our example app - FreeRTOS: - Fix a build error in our QEMU example when building on macOS - Modus Toolbox: - Update port to handle user override of SDK configs, metrics, trace_reasons, etc - Update port to fix errors when disabling built-in WiFi metrics - nRF Connect SDK: - Enable mcuboot & NCS 1.4 with our example apps - Silicon Labs: - Add a demo CLI component for the emblib port. Check out our [Simplicity Studio example app](https://github.com/memfault/simplicity-studio-example) for usage - Fix a build warning in emblib port flash storage (MSC) module - Zephyr: - Fix a π when building with LOG_MODE_DEFERRED that prevent log messages from flushing during a coredump - Fix a π and warnings involving older Zephyr header paths. Resolves [#62](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/62) and [#57](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/57). Thanks [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) and @YHusain1 for reporting these issues. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 - Aug 8, 2023 #### π Improvements - Set Memfault SDK version in a string metric on device boot, for easier tracking of SDK versions in the Memfault UI - Support using a different identifier for the GNU build id symbol (previously was fixed to `__start_gnu_build_id_start`). Use the `MEMFAULT_GNU_BUILD_ID_SYMBOL` define in `memfault_platform_config.h` to override the default. For Zephyr, the Kconfig option `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_GNU_BUILD_ID_SOURCE_BUILTIN` can be used to override the builtin section specifier + linker fragment for the GNU build ID. Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for posting this change in [#60](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/60) π - Improvements to the ARMv7-R exception handling when the supervisor processor mode is active - Zephyr: - Add an optional mode to create and open the HTTP socket in separate function calls, if the user needs to set additional socket options before connecting. See [ports/zephyr/include/memfault/ports/zephyr/http.h](ports/zephyr/include/memfault/ports/zephyr/http.h) for details. Fixes [#52](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/52)- thanks to @anicare-tero for posting this π ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 - July 11, 2023 #### π Improvements - Improve compatibility in [reboot reason tracking](ports/emlib/rmu_reboot_tracking.c) and [watchdog implementation](ports/emlib/wdog_software_watchdog.c) on Silicon Labs Series 2 MCUs - Zephyr: - Fix a build error when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOGGING=n`, see [#56](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/56). Thanks to [@JordanYates](https://github.com/JordanYates) for reporting this issue! - Fix a potential bug in the Memfault Log Backend when `CONFIG_LOG_MODE_IMMEDIATE=y` when flushing of fault logs during a crash ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 - June 30, 2023 #### π Improvements - Reduce the amount of error logs emitted by the MbedTLS port HTTP client while polling for session established. This regressed in SDK version 1.1.0. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.0.1 and 1.1.0 - June 29, 2023 #### π Improvements - New built-in metrics π ! - FreeRTOS Idle Task runtime percentage metric: `idle_task_run_time_percent`. This is automatically enabled for FreeRTOS builds with the correct tracing options enabled, see [ports/include/memfault/ports/freertos/metrics.h](ports/include/memfault/ports/freertos/metrics.h) for details on how to enable or disable this metric. - MbedTLS metrics for maximum and current memory used: `mbedtls_mem_max_bytes` and `mbedtls_mem_used_bytes`. These are automatically enabled for ESP-IDF projects, see [ports/mbedtls/memfault_mbedtls_metrics.c](ports/mbedtls/memfault_mbedtls_metrics.c) for usage details - Renamed the built-in LwIP metrics added in SDK version 1.0.1 from `Tcp_Drop_Count`/`Tcp_Rx_Count`/`Tcp_Tx_Count`, `Udp_Drop_Count`/`Udp_Rx_Count`/`Udp_Tx_Count` to be all lowercase `tcp_drop_count`/`tcp_rx_count`/`tcp_tx_count`, `udp_drop_count`/`udp_rx_count`/`udp_tx_count` - Add the following automatically enabled WiFi performance metrics to the ESP-IDF port: - `wifi_connected_time_ms` - `wifi_disconnect_count` - `wifi_sta_min_rssi` - Fix a bug in the [mbedtls port](ports/mbedtls/) causing an infinite loop under certain error conditions on TLS handshake - Zephyr: - Improve log flushing in the Memfault log backend during fault when deferred logging is enabled. This ensures the latest log statements are included in the coredump log data, when the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOGGING_ENABLE=y` - ESP-IDF: - `ESP_ERROR_CHECK()` assert coredumps will now correctly show as assert in the Memfault coredump analysis view, instead of "Hard Fault" ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.0.1 and 1.0.0 - June 9, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Improve the quality of Zephyr stack usage detection when capturing less than the full stack contents for each thread. This feature was originally released in SDK `0.43.0`. - ESP-IDF: - Add Memfault Metrics tracking LwIP runtime statistics (packet counts). A new Kconfig flag `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LWIP_METRICS` controls this feature, which is enabled by default. The LwIP metrics helper is available for non-ESP-IDF projects using LwIP, see [`ports/lwip/memfault_lwip_metrics.c`](ports/lwip/memfault_lwip_metrics.c) for details ### Changes between Memfault SDK 1.0.0 and 0.43.3 - June 1, 2023 πππ The Memfault Firmware SDK is now version `1.0.0` as of this release! Note that this is just a procedural change, there are no breaking backwards-incompatible changes in this release. We forgot to update our major version back in 2019, but better late than never π ! Hopefully the remaining 281,474,976,710,656 versions are enough π€. πππ #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Add a new built-in metric `FileSystem_BytesFree` for tracking VFS bytes free. This is enabled automatically when `CONFIG_FILE_SYSTEM=y`. Use the Kconfig option `MEMFAULT_FS_BYTES_FREE_VFS_PATH` to set the VFS mount point to monitor utilization (default value is `/lfs1`). The Kconfig option `MEMFAULT_FS_BYTES_FREE_METRIC` can be used to disable the metric. - Update a few spots in the Zephyr demo CLI to use `shell_print` instead of `MEMFAULT_LOG` for command usage errors ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.43.3 and 0.43.2 - May 22, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Add more granular Kconfig settings to control what's collected in [`memfault_zephyr_coredump_get_regions()`](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_platform_coredump_regions.c). Default settings are identical to before this change. - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_STACK_REGIONS` - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_KERNEL_REGION` - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_TASKS_REGIONS` - Fix a build error when an application is configured without `CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE=y` (i.e. no `kmalloc` in use). - Fix a build error when building the [nRF9160 example](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160) on nRF-Connect SDK v2.3.0. - ESP-IDF: - Add support for upcoming v5.1 release of the ESP-IDF SDK - Add support in the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32) for the ESP32-C6 chip ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.43.2 and 0.43.1 - May 3, 2023 #### π Improvements - Fix a bug π where metrics accumulated with `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_add()` would no longer be included in the serialized heartbeat data. This regression occurred in `0.42.0`. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.43.1 and 0.43.0 - April 26, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - The `z_NmiHandlerSet` function is renamed for the upcoming Zephyr 3.4. Support the new name. Fixes [#49](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/49). Thanks @mbolivar-nordic for filing this issue! ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.43.0 and 0.42.1 - April 18, 2023 #### π New Features - Add coredump support for Cortex-R chips (ARMv7-R) #### π Improvements - Add a QEMU-based FreeRTOS example project, find it under [examples/freertos](examples/freertos) - Switch `printf` function attribute to use `__printf__`, to avoid collision with user code that redefines the `printf` token - Zephyr: - Compute thread stack high watermark values on-target when capturing a coredump. This enables showing high watermark information in the Memfault coredump analysis view without capturing the full stack for a thread ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.42.1 and 0.42.0 - April 4, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Remove `LEGACY_CONFIG_PATH` Kconfig selection, now that the `zephyr.h` header is no longer used as of Memfault SDK `0.42.0`. This option no longer exists after Zephyr v3.3.0. Fixes [#48](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/48) - Minor changes to the [ESP8266 port](ports/esp8266_sdk) to improve out-of-the-box compilation - Add new functionality to output buffered log data via `memfault_log_export_logs()`. See the [`log.h` header](components/include/memfault/core/log.h) for detailed usage. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.42.0 and 0.41.2 - Mar 22, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Add option to capture full thread stacks for classifying stack overflows and determining stack high watermarks. This feature is enabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_FULL_THREAD_STACKS=y` - Remove usage of the `zephyr.h` header in preparation for Zephyr v3.4.0. Thanks to @jfischer-no for the patch! - `memfault_gdb.py`: - Add support for exporting data from GCC 12 compiled symbol files - Add arguments to override device serial ID, software type, software version, and hardware revision #### π₯ Breaking Changes - Metrics: - Integer type metrics (signed/unsigned) will reset to NULL when not set during a heartbeat interval. This NULL value will be discarded by Memfault when received. The previous behavior was to reset to 0 which makes discarding values difficult as 0 is a valid value for these types. For more info please see the [Metrics](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/metrics-api#setting-metric-values) docs. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.41.2 and SDK 0.41.1 - Mar 10, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr / nRF-Connect SDK: - Improve compatibility with Zephyr pre-3.0 deferred logging, when using the Memfault backend - Add an option to the [examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5) to enable capturing all of RAM in a coredump. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.41.1 and SDK 0.41.0 - Mar 1, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr / nRF-Connect SDK: - Fix a bug π in the Memfault Logging backend, that causes coredump saving to fail when building with Zephyr versions before 3.0 (nRF-Connect SDK < 2.0). This regression was introduced in Memfault Firmware SDK **0.33.3**. - ESP-IDF: - Updated the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32) for the ESP32-C3 on ESP-IDF v5.0.1 to use size optimizations, to more closely mirror real world environments and codesize. - Fix a compilation error in the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32) when targeting ESP-IDF >=4.4,<4.4.3 . This regression was introduced in Memfault Firmware SDK **0.39.1**. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.41.0 and SDK 0.40.0 - Feb 22, 2023 #### π New Features - ESP-IDF: - Added coredump support for the ESP32-C3 (RISC-V) chip. Thank you to @jlubawy for your work on this in [#42](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/42) π! ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.40.0 and SDK 0.39.1 - Feb 15, 2023 #### π₯ Breaking Changes - ESP-IDF: - The Kconfig `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_AUTOMATIC_INIT` has been deprecated and is no longer supported. Users of this Kconfig should refactor their application to call `memfault_boot` during initialization. Use of this Kconfig now results in a build error. For more information please see <https://docs.memfault.com/docs/mcu/esp32-guide#initializing-memfault> ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.39.1 and SDK 0.39.0 - Feb 3, 2023 #### π New Features - **Experimental** - CMSIS-Pack support - Out Of Memory reboot reason added #### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - The default implementation of `memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions` is changed to collect the current active stack, .bss, .data, and .heap regions. Additionally if you are using ESP-IDF >= 4.4.0, the SDK will prioritize collecting FreeRTOS regions containing task TCB and stack data. - Assert coredumps are now labeled with the Assert reason ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.39.0 and SDK 0.38.0 - Feb 3, 2023 #### π₯ Breaking Changes - Breaking changes to the [`memfault_freertos_get_task_regions()`](ports/freertos/src/memfault_freertos_ram_regions.c) function, which can be used to capture FreeRTOS tasks when coredumps are sized smaller than all available RAM. The function will now, by default, capture a truncated copy of each FreeRTOS TCB, instead of the complete structure. This makes better use of coredump storage space; the TCB structures can be very large (>1kB), but Memfault only needs the first few fields for coredump decoding. The configuration flag `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_FREERTOS_TCB_SIZE` (see [`default_config.h`](components/include/memfault/default_config.h)) can be set to `0` in `memfault_platform_config.h` to return to the previous behavior. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.38.0 and SDK 0.37.2 - Feb 1, 2023 #### π New Features - Enable coredumps on the ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 chips. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.37.2 and SDK 0.37.1 - Jan 31, 2023 #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Support building with `CONFIG_POSIX_API=y` in the Zephyr port HTTP client - ESP-IDF: - Reduce the spamminess of the esp32 example app logging - Update [`scripts/memfault_gdb.py`](scripts/memfault_gdb.py): - When explicitly listing a region to insert into the coredump via `memfault coredump --region x y`, now support parseable GDB expressions for the range arguments instead of requiring integer values. Thanks to @alvarop for this patch [#43](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/43) ! - Use the `info all-registers` command when dumping registers, instead of the deprecated `info registers all` command, which works better on certain arch/monitor setups. Thanks to @alvarop for this patch [#44](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/44) ! ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.37.1 and SDK 0.37.0 - Jan 17, 2023 #### π Improvements - FreeRTOS - Add support for collecting truncated TCBs. This is particularly useful with limited coredump space. Enable by defining `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_FREERTOS_TCB_SIZE` in `memfault_platform_config.h". - ESP-IDF - Add support for esp32s2/s3 platforms to the esp32 example application #### π Internal - Fixup some documentation typos/errors - Add support for Python 3.10 ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.37.0 and SDK 0.36.1 - Dec 16, 2022 #### π Improvements - Built-in Metrics - Add `MemfaultSdkMetric_UnexpectedRebootDidOccur` metric. This metric uses the platform's reboot register and any reasons by the SDK function `memfault_reboot_tracking_mark_reset_imminent` to classify a reboot. When reboot tracking determines a reboot is unexpected, this metric is set to 1. Otherwise this metric is 0. - [ModusToolboxβ’οΈ Software](https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software/) - Add log capture during coredump to port - Demo CLI - Add `mflt test loadaddr` command. This command is used to test specific faults due to protected regions #### π₯ Breaking Changes - Built-in Metrics - The built-in metric, `MemfaultSdkMetric_UnexpectedRebootDidOccur`, classifies all reboot reasons greater than or equal to `kMfltRebootReason_UnknownError` **or** equal to `kMfltRebootReason_Unknown` as "unexpected reboots". It is recommended to ensure your platform's implementation of `memfault_reboot_reason_get` classifies the reboot register values as accurately and precisely as possible to avoid incorrect metric values. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.36.1 and SDK 0.36.0 - Dec 9, 2022 #### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Fix a bug π in the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32), where wifi join fails when using versions of ESP-IDF prior to 5.0 ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.36.0 and SDK 0.35.0 - Dec 6, 2022 #### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: - Add support for [just-released ESP-IDF v5](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/releases/tag/v5.0) π! Thanks to @jlubawy and the patch supplied in #39 for this, very much appreciated! - Add an auto-OTA (and auto-WiFi-join) feature to the [ESP32 example app](examples/esp32)- enabled by default but can be disabled with Kconfig - The [Heap Stats tracing component](https://mflt.io/mcu-heap-stats) has been revamped to make more efficient usage of the bookkeeping structure. Usage should be the same as before, but now should provide more data without significantly expanding the memory utilization. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.35.0 and SDK 0.34.2 - Nov 22, 2022 #### π New Features - **Experimental** Custom Data Recording API - Allows sending custom data collected over the course of a recording period #### π Improvements - Zephyr: - Modify heap stats to only collect info during allocations/deallocations from threads - ESP-IDF: - ESP32 reboot tracking into RTC noinit - nRF5 SDK: - NRF5 coredump regions -Wunused-macros, fixes warning for unused macros #### π Internal - Experiment: pytest as fw test frontend - README: Add additional details on port integration ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.34.2 and SDK 0.34.1 - Nov 8, 2022 #### π Improvements - [ModusToolboxβ’οΈ Software](https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software/) - Updates SDK for compatibility with MTB 3.0 ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.34.1 and SDK 0.34.0 - Nov 7, 2022 #### π Improvements - nRF-Connect: - Updates for Zephyr upmerge 2022.11.03 (see #35 + #36) - Fix watchdog test (`mflt test hang`) in [`examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5/`](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5/) - Zephyr: - Set `CONFIG_QEMU_ICOUNT=n` in [`examples/zephyr/qemu/`](examples/zephyr/qemu/), which fixes the emulated target execution speed - Add heap free and stack usage Metrics to [`examples/zephyr/qemu/`](examples/zephyr/qemu/) - Update the `memfault_demo_cli_cmd_assert()` test command to take a single arg, which is used in `MEMFAULT_ASSERT_RECORD()`. This enables testing that assert variant from the CLI. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.34.0 and SDK 0.33.5 - Nov 1, 2022 #### π Improvements - Misc ESP32 [port](ports/esp_idf) & [example app](examples/esp32/apps/memfault_demo_app) improvements - Added diagnostic print line containing Build Id at boot up - Improved messaging displayed when using `memfault_ota_check` test command - Example app now prints device info on bootup - Fix an issue where incremental build (`idf.py build && idf.py build`) would report a nuisance failure. - Flatten + simplify the directory structure of the QEMU based example project - A new [`ports/mbedtls`](ports/mbedtls) is available, which implements a basic Mbed TLS client for performing Memfault data upload. - Zephyr: Collect sysheap stats using the [Memfault Heap Tracking](https://mflt.io/mcu-heap-stats) component. This is configured with the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HEAP_STATS` Kconfig option (enabled by default), and will track allocations done with `k_malloc()`. - Fix an enum-mismatch warning in `memfault_metrics.c` when using the ARMCC v5 compiler. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are using the ESP32 HTTP Client, the Memfault Project Key is now configured directly via the [ESP32 Project Configuration System](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/kconfig.html). You need to do the following: 1. Remove the `g_mflt_http_client_config` in your platform port 2. Add `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_PROJECT_KEY="YOUR_PROJECT_KEY"` to your projects `sdkconfig.defaults` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.33.4 and SDK 0.33.5 - Oct 19, 2022 #### π Improvements - nRF-Connect: Update the nRF9160 example application, `examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160`, to build and run correctly with nRF-Connect SDK v2.1.0 - Zephyr: Add an example Zephyr application targeting the QEMU board - ESP-IDF: - Add a configuration option for setting the ESP-IDF HTTP client timeout value - Fix compilation for the ESP32-S3. _Note: coredumps are currently only supported on the ESP32, not the ESP32-S2, -S3, or -C3. This change only fixes compiling for the -S3 platform_ - Add support for ESP-IDF v4.2.3 #### π Internal - Support building the unit tests with GCC 12 - Miscellaneous fixes to unit test infrastructure to better support building in Mac OSX ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.33.3 and SDK 0.33.4 - Sept 15, 2022 #### π Improvements - Zephyr port updates: - Handle thread abort in the task stack capture hook. Previous to this change, aborted tasks would remain on the captured task list, and restarting the task would create a duplicate entry. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.33.2 and SDK 0.33.3 - Sept 14, 2022 #### π Improvements - Zephyr port updates: - Add a call to `LOG_PANIC()` before running the Memfault fault handler, to flush any deferred logs before the reboot ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.33.1 and SDK 0.33.2 - Sept 7, 2022 #### π Improvements - Zephyr port updates: - fix a few minor nuisance build warnings on niche Zephyr configurations - enable `LOG_OUTPUT` when `MEMFAULT_LOGGING_ENABLE` is enabled- this fixes a build error if all other log backends are disabled. thanks to @balaji-nordic for this fix! closes #33 - Add a debug cli test command to the nRF-Connect SDK port for printing the OTA url ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.33.0 and SDK 0.33.1 - Aug 26, 2022 #### π Improvements - Fix a π in the heap stats component (#32), thanks @christophgreen for reporting it! - Zephyr port updates: - add support for the newly namespaced Zephyr include path in upcoming Zephyr v3.2 (`#include <zephyr.h>` β `#include <zephyr/zephyr.h>`). The includes were moved [prior to v3.1](https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/commit/53ef68d4598b2f9005c5da3fc0b860ca1999d350) of Zephyr, but v3.2 [changes the backwards compatibility support to opt-in](https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/commit/1ec0c6f5308937dc8e77acc2567d6f53cdd7a74e). The Memfault SDK is now updated to support both. - fix Zephyr Memfault log capture to have the correct prefix in the decoded output when using LOG2 - previously all log lines regardless of level would have an `E` prefix (regression introduced in Memfault SDK version 0.32.0) - fix Zephyr Memfault log capture when in `CONFIG_LOG_MODE_IMMEDIATE` and using LOG2 to capture the full log line instead of each logged character as a separate line. #### π Internal - Zephyr port folder for `v2.x` migrated to `common`, now that Zephyr v1.14 support has been removed (done in v0.32.0 of the Memfault SDK) - Update README's for the example projects to match the new demo shell command structure (`crash 1` β `test_hardfault`, etc). - Tidy up nrf9160 example app Kconfig setup - Fix parallel unit test invocation ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.33.0 and SDK 0.32.2 - Aug 18, 2022 #### π Improvements - Extend [memfault demo shell](components/demo/src/memfault_demo_shell.c) to support terminals that only emit CR for line endings - nRF5 SDK Updates: - Added a [software watchdog](https://mflt.io/root-cause-watchdogs) reference port for nRF5 SDK which makes use of the RTC Peripheral. See [ports/nrf5_sdk/software_watchdog.c](ports/nrf5_sdk/software_watchdog.c) for more details. - Updated [nRF5 example app](examples/nrf5/apps/memfault_demo_app/) to make use of hardware and new software watchdog port. - Zephyr Port Updates: - Added Kconfig option to fallback to using `printk` by default when no logging is enabled. This can be disabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_LOG_FALLBACK_TO_PRINTK=n`. - nRF Connect SDK Updates: - Fixed a π which could result in download errors when using [Memfault nRF Connect SDK FOTA client](ports/nrf-connect-sdk/zephyr/include/memfault/nrfconnect_port/fota.h) and enabled client in example application by default. - Added new example application for trying Memfault with nRF53 & nRF52 based development kits. See [examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf5) for more details. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.32.2 and SDK 0.32.1 - Aug 16, 2022 #### π Improvements - Zephyr port: added a fix for upcoming Zephyr 3.2 compatibility, thanks @nordicjm for the fix! ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.32.1 and SDK 0.32.0 - Aug 8, 2022 #### π Internal - Added default config header for PSoC 6 port [ports/cypress/psoc6/psoc6_default_config.h](ports/cypress/psoc6/psoc6_default_config.h) so user doesn't have to create it ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.32.0 and SDK 0.31.5 - Aug 8, 2022 #### π Improvements - [ModusToolboxβ’οΈ Software](https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software/) port updates - Added heartbeat metrics for heap and Wi-Fi performance tracking when using the default port for [CAT1A (PSoCβ’οΈ 6)](https://github.com/Infineon/mtb-pdl-cat1). See [ports/cypress/psoc6/memfault_platform_core.c](ports/cypress/psoc6/memfault_platform_core.c) for more details - Fixed reboot reason reported when PSoC 6 is fully reset to report "Power On Reset" instead of "Unknown" - Zephyr port updates - Memfault logs (eg `MEMFAULT_LOG_DEBUG()` etc) are now routed to the Zephyr logging infrastructure. The typical set of Kconfig options for Memfault logs are available (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_WRN` etc). See details in "Breaking Changes" below for enabling logs in your project. - Added a new Kconfig option, `MEMFAULT_ZEPHYR_FATAL_HANDLER`, which can be used to disable the Zephyr fault handler print facilities. - Streamline support for nRF-Connect SDK based applications that don't need the Memfault root certificates (eg nRF53 or nRF52 devices), via a new Kconfig option `MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERT_STORAGE`, to avoid a nuisance build error #### π₯ Breaking Changes - Users will no longer see internal Memfault log output by default, but will have to enable it explicitly to see the output: ```ini # enable LOG CONFIG_LOG=y # not required- enabling the Memfault logging component enables including the # log buffer in coredumps CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOGGING_ENABLE=y # if on pre-v3.1.0 zephyr, you can choose either the default LOG v1 # implementation, or select a LOG2 mode to enable LOG2. on zephyr 3.1.0+, LOG # v1 is removed and LOG v2 is now the only log implementation # CONFIG_LOG2_MODE_DEFERRED=y # make sure to select a log backend to see the output CONFIG_LOG_BACKEND_UART=y ``` The log statements affected by this change are likely only the internal Memfault SDK logs (`MEMFAULT_LOG_DEBUG()` etc), unless those macros are used in the user application. - Removed support for Zephyr LTS release 1.14 as it was superseded by [LTS V2 almost a year ago now](https://www.zephyrproject.org/zephyr-lts-v2-release/). A project using this release of Zephyr must target a memfault-firmware-sdk release less than 0.32.0. #### π Internal - More logically grouped Kconfig settings in Zephyr example app's [prj.conf](examples/zephyr/apps/memfault_demo_app/prj.conf) - Fixed a few typos in particle port documentation - Simplified compilation steps for the [nRF91 sample test app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160/memfault_demo_app) when compiling with older releases of the nRF Connect SDK and refreshed the example to target the v2.0.2 release by default - Updated default demo CLI commands to better align with [our suggested integration test commands](https://mflt.io/mcu-test-commands). The default set now looks like this: ```bash mflt> help clear_core: Clear an existing coredump drain_chunks: Flushes queued Memfault data. To upload data see https://mflt.io/posting-chunks-with-gdb export: Export base64-encoded chunks. To upload data see https://mflt.io/chunk-data-export get_core: Get coredump info get_device_info: Get device info test_assert: Trigger memfault assert test_busfault: Trigger a busfault test_hardfault: Trigger a hardfault test_memmanage: Trigger a memory management fault test_usagefault: Trigger a usage fault test_log: Writes test logs to log buffer test_log_capture: Trigger capture of current log buffer contents test_reboot: Force system reset and track it with a trace event test_trace: Capture an example trace event help: Lists all commands ``` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.31.5 and SDK 0.31.4 - July 22, 2022 #### π Improvements - Zephyr port: enable proper backtraces for Zephyr `__ASSERT()` macro on aarch32/cortex_m. Prior to this fix, crashes from `__ASSERT()` triggering would show an incorrect PC/LR for the active thread. - Support for pre-release nRF Connect SDK v2.0.99 and Zephyr > v3.1: - Upcoming nRF Connect SDK and Zephyr releases removed logging v1. Add build support for these changes, and keep backwards compatibility for previous nRF Connect SDK/Zephyr releases - Correct an issue in the Memfault logging v2 backend, when the system was invoked from an ISR context. This could happen due to a recent change, in Memfault SDK v0.31.1, where the Zephyr fatal informational logs were output from `memfault_platform_reboot()` by default. It did not impact the collected backtrace, but it would show a nuisance `__ASSERT()` in the console output, if `CONFIG_ASSERT=y`. #### π Internal - Fix a compilation issue in the Dialog example app from the removal of `memfault_demo_cli_cmd_print_chunk()` in Memfault SDK release v0.31.4. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.31.4 and SDK 0.31.3 - July 19, 2022 #### π Improvements - ESP32 port: add new Kconfig option, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_AUTOMATIC_INIT`, that can be explicitly set to `n` to skip automatically initializing the Memfault SDK on boot. This can be useful if Memfault SDK initialization needs to be deferred to application start. - Zephyr port: add Kconfig options, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_INIT_PRIORITY`/`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_INIT_LEVEL_POST_KERNEL` for controlling the Memfault SDK initialization level and priority. This can be useful when needing Memfault to initialize earlier in the system startup sequence, for example for diagnosing crashes in an early driver initialization. - Partial support, still in progress, for NRF Connect SDK + Zephyr v3.1: - Remove reference to the now-removed Kconfig symbol, `NET_SOCKETS_OFFLOAD_TLS` to enable building without warnings. **NOTE:** if mbedtls is enabled (`CONFIG_MBEDTLS=y`), but is _not_ being used for HTTP transfers (eg, mbedtls is used for security functions, but the device does not use HTTP for transferring data), it may be necessary to explicitly set `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_USES_MBEDTLS=n`. #### π Internal - Zephyr port: remove an unused header file, `ports/zephyr/common/memfault_zephyr_http.h` - Remove `memfault_demo_cli_cmd_print_chunk()` demo function. `memfault_data_export_dump_chunks()` can be used instead, which is intended to be used with the "Chunks Debug" UI in the Memfault web application- see [here](https://mflt.io/chunk-data-export) for more details ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.31.3 and SDK 0.31.2 - July 8, 2022 #### π Improvements - Support Zephyr v3.1+ by conditionally compiling out Logger v1 code, thanks to @tejlmand for the patch! ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.31.2 and SDK 0.31.1 - June 24, 2022 #### π Improvements - Fixed a π in the [Zephyr port HTTP implementation](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_platform_http.c), where a socket file descriptor was leaked. This caused every HTTP operation after the first to fail on Zephyr platforms. Thanks to @rerickson1 for the fix! - Added an update to improve the quality of stack traces when using `MEMFAULT_ASSERT` with the TI ARM Clang Compiler ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.31.1 and SDK 0.31.0 - June 16, 2022 #### π Improvements - Enable the Zephyr fault handler (including console fault prints) after Memfault handler runs. Can be disabled by implementing `memfault_platform_reboot()`. See details in [ports/zephyr/include/memfault/ports/zephyr/coredump.h](ports/zephyr/include/memfault/ports/zephyr/coredump.h) #### π Internal - Fixed compiler error in [nRF91 sample test app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160/memfault_demo_app) when compiling with the nRF Connect SDK v2.0.0 release ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.31.0 and SDK 0.30.5 - June 6, 2022 #### π Improvements - Added reference port for [CAT1A (PSoCβ’οΈ 6)](https://github.com/Infineon/mtb-pdl-cat1) based MCUs using the [ModusToolboxβ’οΈ Software](https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software/) stack. For more details see [ports/cypress/psoc6](ports/cypress/psoc6) directory. - Added a convenience utility function for posting chunks using the Memfault http client. See [`memfault_http_client_post_chunk`](components/include/memfault/http/http_client.h#L101) for more details! #### π Internal - Fixed compiler error in [nRF91 sample test app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160/memfault_demo_app) when compiling with the nRF Connect SDK 1.8 release ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.30.5 and SDK 0.30.4 - May 24, 2022 #### π New Features - ESP-IDF: add Memfault Compact Log example integration to the [`examples/esp32`](examples/esp32) project #### π Improvements - ESP-IDF: Fix backtraces when using ESP-IDF v4.4+ - nRF-Connect SDK: enable the Kconfig flag `MEMFAULT_NRF_CONNECT_SDK` by default when targeting the nrf52 + nrf53 series SOCs (previously only enabled by default for nrf91 series) #### π Internal Added clarifications around licensing in ports and examples folders. See [README](README.md) for more details. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.30.4 and SDK 0.30.3 - May 4, 2022 #### π Improvements - minor updates to [`scripts/eclipse_patch.py`](scripts/eclipse_patch.py) to support NXP's MCUXpresso IDE ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.30.3 and SDK 0.30.2 - April 25, 2022 #### π Improvements - Particle's Device OS port improvements: - A user initiated reboot will now be recorded as a User Shutdown instead of a Low Power reset - A custom hardware_version can now be specified using the `hardware_version` argument when initializing the Memfault library - Default hardware version now uses the `PLATFORM_NAME` macro instead of `PRODUCT_SERIES` macro - Zephyr port improvements - Exposed lower level APIs to Memfault's HTTP post implementation to allow easier custom handling. See [`ports/zephyr/include/memfault/ports/zephyr/http.h`](ports/zephyr/include/memfault/ports/zephyr/http.h) for more details #### π Internal - Misc README documentation improvements ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.30.2 and SDK 0.30.1 - April 12, 2022 - Fix a build regression on nRF Connect SDK v1.2 caused by the new Kconfig flag `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_USES_MBEDTLS` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.30.1 and SDK 0.30.0 - April 6, 2022 #### π Improvements - Fix stack selection when in ISR context in some Zephyr versions - Fix a build error when building Zephyr with `CONFIG_NORDIC_SECURITY_BACKEND` enabled. New Kconfig flag `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_USES_MBEDTLS` can be used to manually control this configuration if necessary (default should be set correctly in most cases) #### π Internal - Fix CI unit test build error from older version of gcc ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.30.0 and SDK 0.29.1 - Mar 31, 2022 #### π New Features - Added a Task Watchdog optional module. This can be used to monitor and trigger a fault in the case of a task or thread that becomes stuck. See information in [components/include/memfault/core/task_watchdog.h](components/include/memfault/core/task_watchdog.h) for how to configure and use the module #### π Improvements - Fix compilation when building for a Zephyr target that does not have the `CONFIG_ARM_MPU` flag enabled - Fix compilation errors to enable compatibility with Zephyr v3.0.0 ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.29.1 and SDK 0.29.0 - Mar 16, 2022 #### π Internal - Updated Memfault Diagnostic GATT Service (MDS) based on feedback. This service can be used to transparently forward data collected by the SDK to a Bluetooth Low Energy gateway and proxied to the cloud. See [ports/include/memfault/ports/ble/mds.h](ports/include/memfault/ports/ble/mds.h#L1) - Updated Mbed OS invoke commands to be more resilient against python package conflicts #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If your project is based on Zephyr < 2.6, you now need to explicitly set `CONFIG_OPENOCD_SUPPORT=y` in your `prj.conf` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.29.0 and SDK 0.28.2 - Feb 28, 2022 #### π New Features - Added a port to Particle's Device OS. More details can be found in [`ports/particle/README.md`](ports/particle/README.md). - Added several more [reboot reason options](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h#L16): - `kMfltRebootReason_KernelPanic` for explicitly tracking fatal resets from within a OS or RTOS - `kMfltRebootReason_FirmwareUpdateError` for explicitly tracking resets due to firmware update failures or rollbacks #### π Improvements - Added a convenience utility function for base64 encoding data in place. See [`memfault_base64_encode_inplace`](components/include/memfault/util/base64.h#L35) for more details! - Fixed compiler error in ESP-IDF port when compiling for ESP32-S2 targets #### π Internal - Added configuration option, [`MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_INCLUDE_BUILD_ID`](components/include/memfault/default_config.h#L1), which can be used to disable storing the Build Id in a coredump. - Fixed stale link in Mbed example app [`README`](examples/mbed/README.md). - Added [utility script](scripts/create_arduino_library.py) that can be used to "arduino-ify" the code in this repo. - Fixed linter errors in python scripts after addition of flake8-bugbear linter in CI. - Fixed compiler error in [nRF91 sample test app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160/memfault_demo_app) when compiling with the nRF Connect SDK 1.2 release ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.28.2 and SDK 0.28.1 - Feb 1, 2022 #### π Internal - Updated [nRF91 sample test app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160/memfault_demo_app) to be compatible with nRF Connect SDK 1.9 release - Updated python scripts to be compatible with new flake8 linter options - Updated where `lcov` is sourced from when running unit tests in CI ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.28.1 and SDK 0.28.0 - Jan 20, 2022 #### π Improvements - Add an optional override flag to control the name used for Zephyr data regions- see [`ports/zephyr/common/memfault_zephyr_ram_regions.c`](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_zephyr_ram_regions.c). Only needed for unusual Zephyr + Memfault configurations prior to Zephyr v2.7 (for example, nRF Connect SDK v1.7.1 with Memfault SDK v0.27.3+) - Fix the STM32F7xx reboot reason port to correctly account for the internally wired Pin Reset - Fix a function prototype mismatch in the STM32L4 flash port (thanks to @schultetwin for reporting this in #22!) ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.28.0 and SDK 0.27.3 - Jan 4, 2022 #### π New Features - Add support for setting string metrics, see `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_set_string()` in [`components/include/memfault/metrics/metrics.h`](components/include/memfault/metrics/metrics.h) for the new API. See the [Memfault Docs](https://mflt.io/embedded-metrics) for general information on using the metrics API. - Updated `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_debug_print()` to also print current timer values, instead of showing `0`. See [`components/include/memfault/metrics/metrics.h`](components/include/memfault/metrics/metrics.h) for details #### π Improvements - Update the STM32 QP/C example ([`examples/qp`](examples/qp)) to compile and run correctly now - Add instructions for exercising Memfault OTA in the ESP32 example, see the "Testing OTA" section in [`examples/esp32/README.md`](examples/esp32/README.md) - Update the Memfault HTTP client to URL-encode query params when checking for OTA updates (in the case of Device properties containing reserved characters, eg `+`). Update the ESP port to check for reserved characters in query params and emit an error - Fix an outdated comment in `cmake/Memfault.cmake`, as reported in [issue #21](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/21) (thank you @C47D !) #### π Internal - Update Python tests to use a mocked-out gdb instance ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.27.3 and SDK 0.27.2 - Nov 22, 2021 #### π Improvements - Fix a build error for the Nordic Connect SDK v1.7.99 development version - Correct an error in header file include order in the Mynewt port - Update the esp32 and zephyr examples to use `1.0.0-dev` instead of `1.0.0+<6 digits of build id>` for the version specifier. Build id is no longer required for symbol file reconciliation and the `+` character is a reserved character for URI schemes; this impacted OTA release requests. See this document for [Memfault's recommended versioning strategy](https://docs.memfault.com/docs/platform/software-version-hardware-version/#software-version) - Add a reboot reason port for the STM32F7xx family. #### π Internal - Re-run python `black` and `isort` formatters on python code ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.27.2 and SDK 0.27.1 - Nov 5, 2021 #### π Improvements - The Mynewt integration now supports the Memfault demo shell via `mflt_shell_init()`, see the [Mynewt port README.md](ports/mynewt/README.md) for details. Huge thanks to @t3zeng for providing this implementation! - Add support for ESP-IDF v4.3.1. This update should fix the bootlooping issue seen when using the port with v4.3.1+ of ESP-IDF. - Add support for `LOG2` deferred mode on zephyr. This should fix bootloops when enabling `LOG2`. - Fix flipped args passed from `MEMFAULT_ASSERT_RECORD()` to `MEMFAULT_ASSERT_EXTRA_AND_REASON()` (regression in v0.23.0). This affected the `_extra` additional context value passed via this macro. - Fix a typo in [`ports/esp_idf/memfault/common/memfault_platform_http_client.c`](ports/esp_idf/memfault/common/memfault_platform_http_client.c) which caused the OTA example to always return "OTA Update Available" when the current version is already the latest. #### π Internal - Updated list of sample apps in [`examples/README.md`](examples/README.md) ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.27.1 and SDK 0.27.0 - Oct 11, 2021 #### π Improvements - Extended mynewt RTOS port to capture coredumps via a [`os_coredump_cb`](ports/mynewt/src/memfault_platform_port.c) implementation when `MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_CB=1` #### π Internal - Fixed a few compiler warnings emitted when compiling with clang - Improved documentation for [coredump config with nRF5 SDK](ports/nrf5_sdk/nrf5_coredump_regions.c) ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.27.0 and SDK 0.26.1 - Oct 5, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added support for using [compact logs](https://mflt.io/compact-logs) with the Memfault [log subsystem](https://mflt.io/logging). - Added port for mynewt RTOS to Memfault SDK. (Huge thanks to @t3zeng for the help here!) See [sdk/embedded/ports/mynewt](sdk/embedded/ports/mynewt/README.md) for more details. - Added support for [Zephyr 2.7](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/releases/release-notes-2.7.html) release. #### π Internal - Fixed a missing symbol linker error for `memfault_fault_handler` that could arise when compiling with `-flto`. - Fixed a compiler error in `memfault_fault_handling_arm.c` that arose when using certain versions of the Clang compiler. - Cleaned up python scripts after enabling additional PEP8 naming convention linters. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.26.1 and SDK 0.26.0 - Sept 20, 2021 #### π Internal - Updated [`modem_key_mgmt_exists`](ports/zephyr/ncs/src/memfault_nrf91_root_cert_storage.c) API usage to be compatible with changes upcoming in nRF Connect SDK 1.8. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.26.0 and SDK 0.25.0 - Sept 15, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added preview of the Memfault Diagnostic GATT Service (MDS). This service can be used to transparently forward data collected by the SDK to a Bluetooth Low Energy gateway and proxied to the cloud. See [ports/include/memfault/ports/ble/mds.h](ports/include/memfault/ports/ble/mds.h#L1) for more details! - Added reference port of MDS for the DA1469x SDK to [ports/dialog/da1469x/memfault_diagnostic_service.c](ports/dialog/da1469x/memfault_diagnostic_service.c#L1) - Implemented [utility python script](scripts/eclipse_patch.py#L1) which can be used for quickly adding a `memfault-firmware-sdk` port to an eclipse project. For more details, run ```bash python scripts/eclipse_patch.py --help ``` - Added example project demonstrating integration of Memfault on Cypress' [CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W](https://www.cypress.com/documentation/development-kitsboards/psoc-64-standard-secure-aws-wi-fi-bt-pioneer-kit-cy8ckit) running [Amazon-FreeRTOS](https://github.com/aws/amazon-freertos) publishing data using an [AWS IoT MQTT broker](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/freertos/latest/userguide/getting_started_cypress_psoc64.html). For more details about how to run the Memfault example, see [examples/cypress/CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W/README.md](examples/cypress/CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W/README.md). - Fixed a compiler warning emitted when using TI's GCC Compiler as reported by @albertskog in [issue #18](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/issues/18) #### π Internal - Apply some suggestions emitted by `flake8-pytest-style` linter to [scripts/tests/test_memfault_gdb.py](scripts/tests/test_memfault_gdb.py). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.25.0 and SDK 0.24.2 - August 30, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added a workaround to [`event_storage.h`](components/include/memfault/core/event_storage.h) to prevent compilation errors when using [the unity test framework](http://www.throwtheswitch.org/unity) to generate mocks. - Updated [`makefiles/MemfaultWorker.mk`](makefiles/MemfaultWorker.mk) to use `sort` to guarantee a deterministic file list order irrespestive of [make version](https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?52076). A consistent order is useful for [reproducible builds](https://mflt.io/reproducible-builds). - Make use of `__has_include()` in Zephy port to remove the requirement of always needing to create`memfault_platform_config.h`, `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_config.def`, & `memfault_trace_reason_user_config.def` for a build to compile. To force a compile failure instead when any of these files do not exist, a user can set [`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_USER_CONFIG_SILENT_FAIL=n`](ports/zephyr/Kconfig) #### π Internal - The current version of the Memfault Firmware SDK can now be accessed programmatically from the [`memfault/version.h`](components/include/memfault/version.h). - Improved HTTP util parser when dealing with malformed status codes - Updated [nRF91 sample test app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160/memfault_demo_app) to be compatible with nRF Connect SDK 1.6 ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.24.2 and SDK 0.24.1 - August 17, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added a new utility API, `memfault_packetizer_set_active_sources`, to the [data_packetizer](components/include/memfault/core/data_packetizer.h) module, which let's one control the exact data sources that will get packetized. See description in the header for more details - Port Improvements: - NXP i.MX RT102x - [rich reboot reason info derived from SRC_SRSR register](ports/nxp/rt1021/src_reboot_tracking.c) ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.24.1 and SDK 0.24.0 - August 9, 2021 #### π Improvements - Applied suggestions from @elliot-wdtl for the Zephyr ports ([#15](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/15)): - Updated software watchdog port to make use of `MEMFAULT_SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG` macro - Applied suggestions from @ioannisg & @mbolivar-nordic in ([#14](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/14)) to change the KConfig options used to select `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_ENABLE` & `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERT_STORAGE_NRF9160_MODEM` & `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_NRF_CONNECT_SDK` when using nRF91 targets. #### π Internal - Added `export` command to the demo cli to better mirror [our suggested integration test commands](https://mflt.io/mcu-test-commands) #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are were using a custom nRF91 based board config (i.e neither `BOARD_NRF9160DK_NRF9160NS` or `BOARD_THINGY91_NRF9160NS`), the following KConfig options will now be enabled by default. The following can be added to your `prj.conf` to restore the original behavior: - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_ENABLE=n` - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_NRF_CONNECT_SDK=n` - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERT_STORAGE_TLS_CREDENTIAL_STORAGE=y` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.24.0 and SDK 0.23.0 - July 27, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added "compact log" support to trace events. When enabled, the format string will be removed at compile time from calls to `MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG` and an integer along with arguments will be serialized instead. The actual string will recovered and formatted when it arrives in the Memfault cloud. This leads to a massive reduction in space & bandwidth needed to send trace events. For more details about how to set up, [check out this guide!](https://mflt.io/compact-logs) - Fixed a `-Wshadow` compiler error that would arise in [`memfault_coredump_regions_armv7.c`](components/panics/src/memfault_coredump_regions_armv7.c) when `MEMFAULT_COLLECT_MPU_STATE` was enabled - Updated debug print utility in [`memfault_coredump_storage_debug.c`](components/panics/src/memfault_coredump_storage_debug.c) to guard against potentially printing an uninitialized string. - Removed unnecessary extra argument from `MEMFAULT_SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG` #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you were already using `MEMFAULT_SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG`, you will need to update your call site invocations to remove the argument being passed. i.e ```diff - MEMFAULT_SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG(0); + MEMFAULT_SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG(); ``` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.23.0 and SDK 0.22.0 - July 8, 2021 #### π Improvements - Support for Dialog DA1469x chip family (Huge thanks to @iandmorris for the help here!) - Example eclipse project and more details about how to add the port to any DA1469x based project [can be found here](examples/dialog/da1469x). - Added a simple utility to track heap allocations. This can be used to more easily debug what allocations led to out of memory situations with the addition of only several hundred bytes to a coredump capture. For more details, see [`memfault/core/heap_stats.h`](components/include/memfault/core/heap_stats.h) - For FreeRTOS users, automatic tracking of heap allocations can be enabled with the Memfault port. To enable, see the "Heap Tracking" section in the README at [ports/freertos/](ports/freertos). - Added new convenience utilities for asserting when a watchdog event is detected, [`MEMFAULT_SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG`](components/include/memfault/panics/assert.h#L65). This will result in the issue in the Memfault UI being classified for as a "Software Watchdog" instead of an "Assert" for easier classification. - Fixed a π in [Zephyr port](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_platform_metrics.c) where cpu runtime metrics were never getting reset after a heartbeat was collected leading to always increasing runtime values getting reported. #### π Internal - Improved support for running [tests](tests/) against different versions of clang and gcc and enabled more address sanitizers such as [`-fsanitize=undefined`](https://interrupt.memfault.com/blog/ubsan-trap) - Misc documentation edits ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.22.0 and SDK 0.21.1 - June 17, 2021 #### π Improvements - Reduced code space utilized by metric subsystem by transitioning from a string representation of metric names to an enum representation. - Updated [`memfault_gdb.py`](scripts/memfault_gdb.py) helper script to use latest Memfault API for uploading symbol files. - Removed "DST Root CA X3" from the required Memfault [root certificate list](components/include/memfault/http/root_certs.h) as there is no infrastructure that relies on it anymore. - Updated PEM representation of all root certificates to include newlines after 64-character intervals to improve portability with various TLS stacks. #### π Internal - Updated [`fw_build_id.py`](scripts/fw_build_id.py) script. The same script can now also be installed via [`pypi`](https://pypi.org/project/mflt-build-id/): `pip install mflt_build_id` - Various improvements to example app documentation ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.21.1 and SDK 0.21.0 - June 9, 2021 #### π Improvements - Zephyr / nRF Connect SDK port: - Made periodic upload a named choice, `MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD_CONTEXT`, so the default can be overridden from other Kconfig files. - Added prompt text for `MEMFAULT_HTTP_DEDICATED_WORKQUEUE_STACK_SIZE` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.21.0 and SDK 0.20.2 - June 8, 2021 #### π Improvements - Zephyr / nRF Connect SDK port: - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_NRF_CONNECT_SDK` is now only enabled by default when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT=y` - `CONFIG_DEBUG_THREAD_INFO=y` is now selected by default (in prep for deprecation of `CONFIG_OPENOCD_SUPPORT`) - Added new option (`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_USER_CONFIG_ENABLE=y`) which can be used to remove requirement of providing any user specific configuration. - Added two choices for periodic posting of memfault data: - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD_USE_SYSTEM_WORKQUEUE`. This is the default and matches previous release behavior of posting data to Memfault from the system work queue - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD_USE_DEDICATED_WORKQUEUE` This is a new option which can be used to post data from a dedicated worker queue. This can be useful if the network stack may block for extended periods of time which would stall other system work queue jobs from getting processed. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - The Zephyr & nRF Connect SDK ports will now only enable the `MEMFAULT_SHELL` by default when the Zephyr shell is enabled. `CONFIG_SHELL=y` must now be enabled explicitly in your `prj.conf` for the Memfault Shell to be enabled. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.20.2 and SDK 0.20.1 - June 4, 2021 #### π Internal - Updated `sMemfaultBuildIdStorage` structure to track the build id length used for event serialization and updated [`fw_build_id.py`](scripts/fw_build_id.py) script to extract information. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.20.1 and SDK 0.20.0 - May 28, 2021 #### π Improvements - Zephyr / nRF Connect SDK port: - Replaced `MEMFAULT_DEFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_IMPL` Kconfig option with `MEMFAULT_REBOOT_REASON_GET_CUSTOM` and updated default configuration for the nRF Connect SDK. This fixes an issue resulting in the [generic memfault_reboot_reason_get](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_platform_core.c#L53) getting linked rather than the [nRF Connect SDK port](ports/zephyr/ncs/src/nrfx_pmu_reboot_tracking.c#L139). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.20.0 and SDK 0.19.0 - May 27, 2021 #### π Improvements - Updated [memfault_fault_handling_arm.c](components/panics/src/memfault_fault_handling_arm.c) to work around a compiler bug when using 6.x of the GNU ARM Toolchain - Port Improvements: - SAML10/SAML11 - [rich reboot reason info derived from RCAUSE register](ports/atmel/saml1x/rcause_reboot_tracking.c#L1) - Updated [esp-idf port](ports/esp_idf) to streamline integrations making use of the [amazon-freertos](https://github.com/aws/amazon-freertos) - Zephyr - Added several Kconfig options for better control over information collected in a coredump: - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_DATA_REGIONS` to enable/disable collection of `.data` region - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_BSS_REGIONS` to enable/disable collection of `.bss` region - `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_STORAGE_CUSTOM=y` can be used to opt out of the default RAM backed coredump implementation and provide a custom one in the port. - Reduced instruction cycles required to update a [heartbeat metric](metrics/src/memfault_metrics.c) - Events will now store an abbreviated build id when serialized ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.19.0 and SDK 0.18.0 - May 19, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added support for collecting additional register information when a Hardfault takes place when using the Zephyr port. This information will be decoded and displayed in the Memfault UI in the "Exceptions" tab. - Updated [`buffered_coredump_storage.h`](ports/include/memfault/ports/buffered_coredump_storage.h) to use `memmov` instead of `memcpy` since `dst` and `src` buffers may overlap when all of `.bss` is saved in a coredump capture. - Added a new Kconfig option to the Zephyr port, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS_EXTRA_DEFS_FILE=y`, which causes `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_extra.def` to be included in the metric definitions. This can be utilized by a third party consumer of Zephyr to more easily extend the default heartbeat metrics collected when using memfault. #### π Internal - Updated [`memfault_gdb.py`](scripts/memfault_gdb.py) helper script to use latest Memfault API for uploading symbol files. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are using [nRF Connect SDK / Zephyr port](ports/zephyr/ncs/), the SDK will now automatically be picked up as a Zephyr Module! You will need to make two changes: 1. Remove the `ZEPHYR_EXTRA_MODULES` addition from your projects CMakeLists.txt, i.e ```diff --- a/your_application/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/your_application/CMakeLists.txt @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ - list(APPEND ZEPHYR_EXTRA_MODULES $ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE}/../modules/memfault-firmware-sdk/ports/nrf-connect-sdk) ``` 2. Add `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_NRF_CONNECT_SDK=y` to your projects `prj.conf` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.18.0 and SDK 0.17.1 - May 14, 2021 #### π Improvements - Support for Dialog DA145xx chip family (Huge thanks to @iandmorris for the help here!) - GCC & Keil based demo application for the DA14531 & DA14585/DA14586 [can be found here](examples/dialog/da145xx). - Ports for applications using the DA145xx SDK [can be found here](ports/dialog/da145xx). - ESP32 port improvements - Added example of periodically posting data to memfault via a background task. - Added a new Kconfig option, `MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_USE_OTA_SLOT=y` which can be used to save a coredump in an unused OTA slot rather than the default coredump partition. This can be useful in situations where Memfault is being integrated after a product has shipped and updating the partition table is no longer possible. - Added `MEMFAULT_EVENT_STORAGE_NV_SUPPORT_ENABLED=0` which can be used to disable dynamic configuration of non-volatile storage. Setting this flag when the non-volatile event storage API is not in use will save several hundred bytes of codespace. - Hardened [memfault_http_parse_response()](components/http/src/memfault_http_utils.c) utility to parse HTTP responses with headers that exceed a length of 128 bytes - Fixed a π in`memfault_log_save_preformatted()` leading to invalid logs being reported when attempting to save log lines > 128 bytes. (thanks @alvarop for the report!) - Added a convenience API, [`memfault_create_unique_version_string()`](components/include/memfault/core/platform/device_info.h), which can be used for easily appending a build id on the software version reported. #### π Internal - Updates to demo cli: - `MEMFAULT_DEMO_SHELL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE` can be used to shrink the maximum amount of bytes that can be buffered on a single line. - Made `memfault_demo_shell_commands.h` public and moved it to [`memfault/demo/shell_commands.h`](components/include/memfault/demo/shell_commands.h) to facilitate easier overriding of the default set of commands used in a build. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.17.1 and SDK 0.17.0 - April 30, 2021 #### π Improvements - ESP32 Example App Updates: - Added `export` command to demonstrate how data can be dumped via the console - Added [Memfault Build ID](examples/esp32/apps/memfault_demo_app/CMakeLists.txt) to example app as a reference - Fixed a π in [`memfault_platform_sanitize_address_range()`](ports/templates/memfault_platform_port.c) template example. - Refactored nRF5 example app to mirror integration steps listed in the [latest integration guide](https://mflt.io/cortex-m-getting-started) - Added a new configuration option, `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_FAULT_HANDLER_CUSTOM`, which can be used to explicitly disable the stub [`memfault_platform_fault_handler()` implementation](components/panics/src/memfault_fault_handling_arm.c) - Improve the quality of backtrace recovery for asserts when using Arm Compiler 5 by removing use of noreturn function attribute for `memfault_fault_handling_assert()` declaration. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.17.0 and SDK 0.16.1 - April 26, 2021 #### π New Features - Added support for collecting ARMv7-M MPU regions as part of coredump collection. To enable, set [`MEMFAULT_COLLECT_MPU_STATE=1`](components/include/memfault/default_config.h#L1) in your `memfault_platform_config.h`. Once enabled, the MPU will be automatically analyzed for configuration errors and results will be presented in the "MPU" tab in the Memfault UI for a coredump. - Added a new API, [`memfault_log_trigger_collection`](components/include/memfault/core/log.h#L143), which can be used to "freeze" the current contents of the log buffer when unexpected behavior takes place on the device for upload to Memfault. The logs can then be [uploaded to Memfault](https://mflt.io/data-to-cloud) just like any other data and appear in the UI for a device. For more details about the Memfault log subsystem see <https://mflt.io/logging> #### π Improvements - Fixed compilation error when compiling the panics component against Cortex-M0+ with ARM Compiler 5 - Added several [default heartbeat metrics to the Zephyr port](ports/zephyr/config/memfault_metrics_heartbeat_zephyr_port_config.def) around timer task stack usage and execution time. #### π Internal - Refreshed esp32 example app README and updated instructions for the v3.3.5 esp-idf - Added `test_log` & `trigger_logs` CLI commands to nRF5 & Zephyr example applications to exercise new log collection functionality. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.16.1 and SDK 0.16.0 - April 12, 2021 #### π Improvements - Fixed a π in Zephyr port leading to a compilation error with nRF Connect SDK when `CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_CLIENT=y` & `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_NRF_SHELL=y` - Dialog DA1468x [QSPI coredump storage port](ports/dialog/da1468x/qspi_coredump_storage.c#L1) updates: - default storage partition (`NVMS_LOG_PART`) can be overridden `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_COREDUMP_STORAGE_PARTITION` - Max space used within partition can be limited using `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_COREDUMP_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_BYTES` - Updated [zephyr example application](examples/zephyr/README.md) and docs to be compatible with v2.5 release. #### π Internal - Added `memfault_log_save` stub to unit tests to facilitate easier testing of logging dependencies - Improved correctness of strategy used to capture `msp` & `psp` register in Cortex-M fault handler. - Added new convenience utility, `memfault_circular_buffer_read_with_callback()`, to [circular buffer api](components/include/memfault/util/circular_buffer.h). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.16.0 and SDK 0.15.0 - April 8, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added new convenience APIs, `memfault_event_storage_bytes_used()` & `memfault_event_storage_bytes_free()`, to [event storage module](components/include/memfault/core/event_storage.h#L1). - Added a new configuration option, [`MEMFAULT_ASSERT_HALT_IF_DEBUGGING_ENABLED`](components/include/memfault/default_config.h#L1). By default, it is off, but when enabled will cause `memfault_platform_halt_if_debugging()` to be called prior to triggering the full coredump capture. - Fixed a type conversion compiler warning emitted by IAR and ARMCC in [`resetreas_reboot_tracking.c`](ports/nrf5_sdk/resetreas_reboot_tracking.c#L1). - Port Updates: - Dialog DA1468x - [QSPI coredump storage port](ports/dialog/da1468x/qspi_coredump_storage.c#L1) - [Added `memfault_platform_reboot_tracking_boot()` implementation](ports/dialog/da1468x/reset_stat_reboot_tracking.c) #### π Internal - Removed "Heartbeat triggered!" print when `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_debug_trigger()` is called #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you were using [`ports/dialog/da1468x/reset_stat_reboot_tracking.c`](ports/dialog/da1468x/reset_stat_reboot_tracking.c), the `memfault_platform_reboot_tracking_boot()` implementation from your `memfault_platform_port.c` file can be removed and the one in the port can be picked up. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.15.0 and SDK 0.14.0 - March 24, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added a new convenience API, [`memfault_device_info_dump()`](components/include/memfault/core/device_info.h#L1) which can be used to pretty print the device information populated in the `memfault_platform_get_device_info()` dependency function. - Added [`memfault_platform_sanitize_address_range()`](components/include/memfault/panics/platform/coredump.h#L95). This functrions is intended for use in your `memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions()` implementation when capturing regions that are not defined at compile time. - Fixed a π with `memfault_coredump_storage_debug_test_*` which would generate a false positive test failure when the coredump storage area was not divisible by 16. - C++ header guards are now included in all headers in the ports/ directory for easier integration in mixed C/C++ environments - Port Updates: - Dialog DA1468x: Added patch which can be used to add [GNU Build ID](ports/dialog/da1468x/gnu-build-id.patch#L1) - Added support for FreeRTOS 8 to the [FreeRTOS port](ports/freertos/). - STM32H7 family / STM32CubeH7: - [rich reboot reason info derived from RCC RSR register](ports/stm32cube/h7/rcc_reboot_tracking.c#L1) - STM32WBxx family / STM32CubeWB: - [internal flash coredump storage](ports/stm32cube/wb/flash_coredump_storage.c#L1) - Improved configurability of [RAM backed coredump storage port](ports/panics/src/memfault_platform_ram_backed_coredump.c#L1) with new configuration options for to control where RAM is allocated, what memory regions are collected, and stack size to collect. - Added additional comments to [`ports/templates`](ports/templates) directory to facilitate porting. #### π Internal - [Demo CLI Shell commands](components/demo/src/memfault_demo_shell_commands.c#L50) are now defined as weak symbols so they can be overridden with a custom set. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you were using the [`ports/emlib/msc_coredump_storage.c`](ports/emlib/msc_coredump_storage.c) port in your system, you must add `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_COREDUMP_STORAGE_USE_FLASH=1` to your `memfault_platform_config.h` - If you were using `ports/panics/src/memfault_platform_ram_backed_coredump.c`: - [`memfault_platform_sanitize_address_range()`](components/include/memfault/panics/platform/coredump.h) must be implemented. - The default coredump storage RAM size was changed from 700 to 1024 bytes so more information can be captured. The original size can be restored by setting `MEMFAULT_PLATFORM_COREDUMP_STORAGE_RAM_SIZE 700` in your `memfault_platform_config.h` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.14.0 and SDK 0.13.1 - March 18, 2021 #### π Improvements - Renamed `platforms` folder to [`examples`](examples/) to better capture that the folder contains "example" integrations of the Memfault SDK into hello world style apps from various SDKs - Port Updates: - Zephyr: added a [software watchdog port](ports/zephyr/common/memfault_software_watchdog.c#L1) which can be used for capturing coredumps ahead of a hardware watchdog reset. - EFR32: [rich reboot reason info derived from EMU_RSTCAUSE register](ports/emlib/rmu_reboot_tracking.c#L1) - Updated [nRF9160 Demo Application](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160) to be compatible with [nRF Connect SDK 1.5](https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf/tree/v1.5-branch) - Added support for capturing coredumps with GDB from GNU GCC 4.9 to [`memfault_gdb.py`](scripts/memfault_gdb.py) #### π Internal - Added support for automatically capturing logs with Zephyr when logging in synchronous mode `CONFIG_LOG_IMMEDIATE=y` - Unified nomenclature for references to the "Project Key" used to push data to Memfault #### π₯ Breaking Changes If you were linking any files from the `platforms` folder into your project, the path needs to be updated to `examples`: ```diff - ${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/platforms/ + ${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/examples/ ``` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.13.1 and SDK 0.13.0 - March 10, 2021 #### π Improvements - Reference platform API implementations for DA1468x: - [rich reboot reason info derived from RESET_STAT_REG register](ports/dialog/da1468x/reset_stat_reboot_tracking.c#L1) - Fixed a π that led to a unit test failure in `test_coredump_storage_debug` in some environments where `const` arrays were getting dynamically built on the stack at runtime. - Worked around a limitation in GNU GCC 4.9's extended ASM to fix a compiler bug that would arise when compiling `memfault_fault_handling_arm.c` for Cortex-M0 targets. - Added a new [`ports/templates`](ports/templates) folder that can be copy/pasted into a project and used as a starting point for a Memfault port! ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.13.0 and SDK 0.12.0 - March 4, 2021 #### π Improvements - Improved documentation in [README](README.md) and [components](components/) directories. - Added coredump capture support to panics component for the AARCH64 architecture. - Reference platform API implementations for the following MCUs/SDKs: - STM32WBxx family / STM32CubeWB: - [rich reboot reason info derived from RCC CSR register](ports/stm32cube/wb/rcc_reboot_tracking.c#L1) - nRF5 SDK - [app_timer based port for metric dependencies](ports/nrf5_sdk/memfault_platform_metrics.c#L1) - [`fw_build_id.py`](scripts/fw_build_id.py) script improvements - script is now compatible with Python2 environments. - Added new `--dump <chars>` option to simplify extraction of build id in automation, i.e: ```bash python scripts/fw_build_id.py <ELF> --dump 7 3a3e81f ``` #### π Internal - Started work to enable automatic capture of logs in a coredump for the Zephyr & nRF Connect SDK. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you were linking `memfault_nrf5_coredump.c` in your project: - the file has been split into `nrf5_coredump_regions.c` (which defines the regions to collect in a coredump) & `nrf5_coredump_storage.c` (which implements the port for saving coredumps to internal flash). Both of these files must be added to your build system. - Linker script names for region to save coredump to and regions to collect need to be updated: - Update`__CoreStart` & `__MemfaultCoreStorageEnd` to `__MemfaultCoreStorageStart` & `__MemfaultCoreStorageEnd` in linker script. - Update `__MfltCoredumpRamStart` & `__MfltCoredumpRamEnd` to `__MemfaultCoredumpRamStart` & `__MemfaultCoredumpRamEnd` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.12.0 and SDK 0.11.4 - Feb 14, 2021 #### π Improvements - The SDK now includes a central configuration header at [`components/include/memfault/config.h`](components/include/memfault/config.h#L1). Platform overrides can be defined in `memfault_platform_config.h` - Reference platform API implementations for the [nRF5 SDK](https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/struct_sdk/struct/sdk_nrf5_latest.html) - [rich reboot reason info derived from RESETREAS register](ports/nrf5_sdk/resetreas_reboot_tracking.c#L1) - [internal flash coredump storage](ports/nrf5_sdk/memfault_nrf5_coredump.c#L1) - All headers for Memfault "components" can now be found under [`components/include/memfault/`](components/include/memfault/). This simplifies adding components to build systems as only a single path is now needed! #### π₯ Breaking Changes - You must create the file `memfault_platform_config.h` and add it to your include path. This file can be used in place of compiler defines to tune the SDK configurations settings. - If you are not using a Memfault [build system helper](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system) 1. Remove all include paths at `${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/components/${COMPONENT}/include` 2. Add include path `${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/components/include` to your build system - If you were linking any of the nRF5 example app files in your project, the directory has changed: ```diff - ${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/nrf5/libraries/memfault/platform_reference_impl/memfault_platform_reboot_tracking.c + ${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/ports/nrf5_sdk/resetreas_reboot_tracking.c - ${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/nrf5/libraries/memfault/platform_reference_impl/memfault_platform_coredump.c + ${MEMFAULT_FIRMWARE_SDK}/ports/nrf5_sdk/memfault_nrf5_coredump.c ``` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.11.4 and SDK 0.11.3 - Feb 4, 2021 - ESP8266 Updates - Added new Kconfig option which can be set via `make menuconfig` and be used to disable the Memfault integration, `CONFIG_MEMFAULT=n`. - Fixed a π leading to a compilation error when both`CONFIG_USING_ESP_CONSOLE=n` and `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_CLI_ENABLED=n` - Added default implementations for `MEMFAULT_GET_LR()`, `MEMFAULT_GET_PC()`, and `MEMFAULT_BREAKPOINT()` to [`compiler_gcc.h`](components/include/memfault/core/compiler_gcc.h) to facilitate compilations of the SDK against other architectures. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.11.3 and SDK 0.11.2 - Jan 31, 2021 #### π Improvements - Reference platform API implementations for the following MCUs/SDKs: - nRF Connect SDK - Added support for nRF Connect SDK v1.3.x - Added support for FOTA with Memfault. See [`memfault_fota_start()`](ports/nrf-connect-sdk/zephyr/include/memfault/nrfconnect_port/fota.h) for more details - Zephyr - Added implementations for `memfault_platform_metrics_timer_boot()` & `memfault_platform_get_time_since_boot_ms()` memfault dependencies to Zephyr port. A custom implementation can still be provided by setting`MEMFAULT_METRICS_TIMER_CUSTOM=y` - Metrics support is now enabled by default when `CONFIG_MEMFAULT=y` and can be disabled by setting `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS=n` - Added support for periodically uploading Memfault data in the background. This is off by default and can be enabled with the `CONFIG_MEMFAULT_HTTP_PERIODIC_UPLOAD=y` option - Fixed a π that could lead to an invalid coredump being sent to Memfault when `memfault_packetizer_abort()` was called after a coredump was partially sent. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.11.2 and SDK 0.11.1 - Jan 21, 2021 #### π Improvements - Added support for nRF Connect SDK v1.2.x and updated the [integration guide](https://mflt.io/nrf-connect-sdk-integration-guide) accordingly. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.11.0 and SDK 0.10.1 - Jan 19, 2021 #### π New Features - Added full support for the ESP8266 (Tensilica Xtensa LX106) MCU architecture! A step-by-step integration guide can be found [here](https://mflt.io/esp8266-tutorial) and the port to the ESP8266 RTOS SDK can be found [here](ports/esp8266_sdk/). #### π Improvements - Added a convenience header for picking up includes for all Memfault components. If you are using the [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), this path will be picked up automatically. ```c #include "memfault/components.h" // call to any Memfault API in the components folder ``` - Fixed a π leading to Root CAs not get loaded correctly when using the nRF Connect SDK port and the `MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERT_STORAGE_TLS_CREDENTIAL_STORAGE=y` Kconfig option. - Applied suggestions from @rerickson1 for the Zephyr and nRF Connect SDK ports: - [`CONFIG_MEMFAULT_METRICS=y`](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/8) can now be used to compile the metrics component into the Zephyr and nRF Connect SDK ports. - [`CONFIG_MEMFAULT=y`](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/7) must now be specified to enable the Memfault integration. #### π Internal - Refactored the [nRF Connect SDK port](ports/nrf-connect-sdk) to build directly on top of the [zephyr port](ports/zephyr) reducing code duplication and facilitate the rollout of additional features to both SDKs at the same time moving forward. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are using a Memfault [build system helper](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system) _and_ not using the trace or metrics functionality, you will now need to create a `memfault_trace_reason_user_config.def` or `memfault_metrics_heartbeat_config.def` file, respectively, and add it to your include path. - When using the Zephyr port, the memfault integration must be enabled explicitly by adding `CONFIG_MEMFAULT=y` to your `prj.conf` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.10.1 and SDK 0.10.0 - Jan 10, 2021 #### π Improvements - Reference platform API implementations for the following MCUs/SDKs: - STM32F4 family / STM32CubeF4: - [rich reboot reason info derived from RCC CSR register](ports/stm32cube/f4/rcc_reboot_tracking.c) - STM32L4 family / STM32CubeL4 - [rich reboot reason info derived from RCM SRS register](ports/stm32cube/l4/rcc_reboot_tracking.c) - nRF Connect SDK - [rich reboot reason info derived from PMU RESETREAS register](ports/nrf-connect-sdk/nrfx/pmu_reboot_tracking.c) - refactored HTTP port to support multiple backing storage strategies for root certificates. See [`MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERT_STORAGE_*`](ports/nrf-connect-sdk/zephyr/Kconfig) Kconfig options for more details - Added support for Memfault OTA downloads. See [memfault_nrfconnect_port_ota_update()](ports/nrf-connect-sdk/zephyr/include/memfault/nrfconnect_port/http.h) for more details ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.10.0 and SDK 0.9.2 - Jan 5, 2021 #### π Improvements - Updated [`memfault_freertos_ram_regions.c`](ports/freertos/src/memfault_freertos_ram_regions.c) port to collect all TCBs and then stacks. This way, the state of all tasks can be recovered even if the coredump storage regin is filled while writing all the task stacks. - Reference platform API implementations for the following MCUs/SDKs: - STM32F4 family / STM32CubeF4 - [internal flash coredump storage](ports/stm32cube/f4/flash_coredump_storage.c) - STM32L4 family / STM32CubeL4 - [internal flash coredump storage](ports/stm32cube/l4/flash_coredump_storage.c) - NXP's S32K1xx family / S32K1 SDL - [internal flash coredump storage using FTFC peripheral](ports/s32sdk/ftfc_flash_coredump_storage.c) - [software watchdog implementation using LPIT peripheral](ports/s32sdk/lpit_software_watchdog.c) - [rich reboot reason info derived from RCM SRS register](ports/s32sdk/rcm_reboot_tracking.c) - Silicon Lab's EFM/EFR family / v3.0 Gecko SDK - [internal flash coredump storage using MSC peripheral h](ports/emlib/msc_coredump_storage.c) - [software watchdog implementation using warning interrupt in WDOG peripheral](ports/emlib/wdog_software_watchdog.c) - [reboot reason info derived from RMU RSTCAUSE register](ports/emlib/rmu_reboot_tracking.c) #### π New Features - Added several more [reboot reason options](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h#L16): - `kMfltRebootReason_PinReset` for explicitly tracking external pin resets. - `kMfltRebootReason_SoftwareWatchdog` & `kMfltRebootReason_HardwareWatchdog` for easier disambiguation between watchdog resets where a coredump was captured versus ones where no software handler ran and hardware reset the device. - `kMfltRebootReason_ClockFailure` for explicit tracking of resets due to loss of a clock signal or PLL lock. - `kMfltRebootReason_Lockup` for explicit tracking of faults from within the Hardfault or NMI exceptions on ARM Cortex-M MCUs. - Added a utility which can be used to verify a platform coredump storage implementation is working as corrected. For more details about how to use, see [memfault_coredump_storage_debug.c](components/panics/src/memfault_coredump_storage_debug.c#L1). #### π Internal - Added infrastructure to coredump collection in `panics` component to support ESP8266 (Tensilica Xtensa LX106) MCU architecture. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.9.3 and SDK 0.9.2 - Dec 14, 2020 #### π Improvements - nRF Connect Updates: - Updated port to support [nRF Connect SDK v1.4.0](https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf/tree/v1.4-branch) - Added port of HTTP client to post data to Memfault - Added support for capturing state of all Zephyr tasks during a crash. This way the state of all threads can be seen in the Memfault UI when a crash is uploaded. - Updated [memfault_demo_app](examples/nrf-connect-sdk/nrf9160/memfault_demo_app) to use the nRF9160-DK - Added notes to the [step-by-step integration guide](https://mflt.io/nrf-connect-sdk-integration-guide) for the nRF9160. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.9.2 and SDK 0.9.1 - Dec 10, 2020 #### π Improvements - Added Memfault OTA support to esp-idf port. Updates can now be performed by calling `memfault_esp_port_ota_update()`. More details can be found in [`ports/esp_idf/memfault/include/memfault/esp_port/http_client.h`](ports/esp_idf/memfault/include/memfault/esp_port/http_client.h) - The esp-idf port debug CLI can now easily be disabled by using the `MEMFAULT_CLI_ENABLED=n` Kconfig option. - Added FreeRTOS utility to facilitate collecting minimal set of RAM in a coredump necessary to recover backtraces for all tasks. More details can be found in [`ports/freertos/include/memfault/ports/freertos_coredump.h`](ports/freertos/include/memfault/ports/freertos_coredump.h) - Previously, if the Memfault event storage buffer was out of space, a "storage out of space" error would be printed every time. Now, an error message is printed when the issue first happened and an info message is printed when space is free again. - Added a reference software watchdog port for the STM32H7 series LPTIM peripheral. Users of the STM32 HAL can now compile in the reference port and the `MemfaultWatchdog_Handler`. The handler will save a coredump so the full system state can be recovered when a watchdog takes place. More details can be found in [`ports/include/memfault/ports/watchdog.h`](ports/include/memfault/ports/watchdog.h). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.9.1 and SDK 0.9.0 - Nov 24, 2020 #### π Improvements - A log can now be captured alongside a trace event by using a new API: [`MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG(reason, ...)`](components/include/memfault/core/trace_event.h#L77). This can be useful to capture arbitrary diagnostic data with an error event or to capture critical error logs that you would like to be alerted on when they happen. For example: ```c // @file memfault_trace_reason_user_config.def MEMFAULT_TRACE_REASON_DEFINE(Critical_Log) ``` ```c // @file your_platform_log_implementation.h #include "memfault/core/trace_event.h" #define YOUR_PLATFORM_LOG_CRITICAL(fmt, ....) \ MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG(Critical_Log, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) ``` ```c // @file your_platform_temperature_driver.c void record_temperature(void) { // ... // erase flash to free up space int rv = spi_flash_erase(...); if (rv != 0) { YOUR_PLATFORM_LOG_CRITICAL("Flash Erase Failure: rv=%d, spi_err=0x%x", spi_bus_get_status()); } } ``` - The error tracing facilities are now initialized automatically for the esp-idf - Fixed a π where an erroneous size was reported from `memfault_coredump_storage_check_size()` if `MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_LOG_REGIONS=1`and `memfault_log_boot()` had not yet been called ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.9.0 and SDK 0.8.2 - Nov 16, 2020 #### π Improvements - ESP32 port improvements: - The Memfault `metrics` component is now included by default in the ESP32 port - `MEMFAULT_LOG_DEBUG` messages now print by default - Added a `heartbeat_dump` CLI command for easy viewing of current heartbeat metrics - Custom handling of collecting Memfault data can now easily be implemented in the ESP32 port using the new [`memfault_esp_port_data_available()` & `memfault_esp_port_get_chunk()`](ports/esp_idf/memfault/include/memfault/esp_port/core.h) APIS. This can be useful in scenarios where there are external MCUs forwarding Memfault chunks to the ESP32. - The platform port for the memfault log dependency can now be implemented by macros (rather than the `memfault_platform_log` dependency). See [`components/include/memfault/core/debug_log.h`](components/include/memfault/core/debug_log.h) for more details. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you were using the ESP32 port: - Call to `memfault_metrics_boot()` can now be removed - Custom implementations for `memfault_platform_metrics_timer_boot()` & `memfault_platform_get_time_since_boot_ms()` can be removed as they are now provided as part of the port. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.8.2 and SDK 0.8.1 - Nov 13, 2020 #### π Improvements - Coredumps will now be truncated (instead of failing to save completely) when the memory regions requested take up more space than the platform storage allocated for saving. A warning will also be displayed in the Memfault UI when this happens. Regions are always read in the order returned from [`memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions()`](components/include/memfault/panics/platform/coredump.h) so it is recommended to order this list from the most to least important regions to capture. - Updated FreeRTOS port to use static allocation APIs by default when the `configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION=1` configuration is used. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.8.1 and SDK 0.8.0 - Nov 3, 2020 #### π Improvements - Added several more [reboot reason options](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h#L16): `kMfltRebootReason_SoftwareReset` & `kMfltRebootReason_DeepSleep`. - Extended [ESP32 port](https://mflt.io/esp-tutorial) to include integrations for [reboot reason tracking](https://mflt.io/reboot-reasons) and [log collection](https://mflt.io/logging). - Apply missing check to unit test [reported on Github](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/pull/6) ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.8.0 and SDK 0.7.2 - Oct 26, 2020 #### π Improvements - Added a new convenience API, [`memfault_coredump_storage_check_size()`](components/include/memfault/panics/coredump.h), to check that coredump storage is appropriately sized. - Fixed a π with heartbeat timers that would lead to an incorrect duration being reported if the timer was started and stopped within the same millisecond. - Fixed an issue when using TI's compiler that could lead to the incorrect register state being captured during a fault. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you were **not** using the [error tracing functionality](https://mflt.io/error-tracing), you will need to create the configuration file "memfault_trace_reason_user_config.def" and add it to your include path. This removes the requirement to manually define `MEMFAULT_TRACE_REASON_USER_DEFS_FILE` as part of the compiler flags. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.7.3 and SDK 0.7.2 - Oct 5, 2020 #### π Improvements - Add support for sending multiple events in a single chunk. This can be useful for optimizing throughput or packing more data into a single transmission unit. The behavior is disabled by default but can be enabled with the `MEMFAULT_EVENT_STORAGE_READ_BATCHING_ENABLED` compiler flag. More details can be found in [memfault_event_storage.c](components/core/src/memfault_event_storage.c#L30) - Added convenience API, `memfault_build_id_get_string`, for populating a buffer with a portion of the [Memfault Build ID](components/include/memfault/core/build_info.h#L8-L42) as a string. - Added default implementations of several Memfault SDK dependency functions when using FreeRTOS to [ports/freertos](ports/freertos). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.7.2 and SDK 0.7.1 - Sept 1, 2020 #### π Improvements - A status or error code (i.e bluetooth disconnect reason, errno value, etc) can now be logged alongside a trace event by using a new API: [`MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_STATUS(reason, status_code)`](components/include/memfault/core/trace_event.h#L55). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.7.1 and SDK 0.7.0 - Sept 1, 2020 #### π Improvements - Added support for TI's ARM-CGT Compiler - Removed dependency on NMI Exception Handler for `MEMFAULT_ASSERT`s. Instead of pending an NMI exception, the assert path will now "trap" into the fault handler by executing a `udf` instruction. This unifies the fault handling paths within the SDK and leaves the NMI Handler free for other uses within the user's environment. - Added several more [reboot reason options](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h#L16): `kMfltRebootReason_PowerOnReset`, `kMfltRebootReason_BrownOutReset`, & `kMfltRebootReason_Nmi`. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.7.0 and SDK 0.6.1 - Aug 6, 2020 #### π Improvements - Added utility to facilitate collection of the memory regions used by the [logging module](components/include/memfault/core/log.h) as part of a coredump. With this change, when the SDK is compiled with `MEMFAULT_COREDUMP_COLLECT_LOG_REGIONS=1`, the logging region will automatically be collected as part of a coredump. Step-by-step details can also be found in the [logging integration guide](https://mflt.io/logging). - Added `MEMFAULT_METRICS_KEY_DEFINE_WITH_RANGE()` which can be used for defining the minimum and maximum expected range for a heartbeat metric. This information is used by the Memfault cloud to better normalize the data when it is presented in the UI. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system) and are using the `panics` component, you will need to manually add the following file to your build system: `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/panics/src/memfault_coredump_sdk_regions.c` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.6.1 and SDK 0.6.0 - July 27, 2020 #### π Improvements - Added a port for projects using the [nRF Connect SDK](ports/nrf-connect-sdk) along with a [step-by-step integration guide](https://mflt.io/nrf-connect-sdk-integration-guide). - Disabled optimizations for `memfault_data_export_chunk()` to guarantee the [GDB chunk test utility](https://mflt.io/send-chunks-via-gdb) can always be used to post chunks using the data export API. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.6.0 and SDK 0.5.1 - July 21, 2020 #### π New Features - Added [memfault/core/data_export.h](components/include/memfault/core/data_export.h#L5) API to facilitate production and evaluation use cases where Memfault data is extracted over a log interface (i.e shell, uart console, log file, etc). See the header linked above or the [integration guide](https://mflt.io/chunk-data-export) for more details. #### π Improvements - Fixed a π that would cause the demo shell to get stuck if backspace characters were entered while no other characters had been entered. - Updated the [GDB chunk test utility](https://mflt.io/send-chunks-via-gdb) to automatically detect when the data export API is integrated and post-chunks to the cloud directly from GDB when the function is invoked. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system) and want to make use of the new data export API, you will need to manually add the following files to your build system: - Add: `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/core/src/memfault_data_export.c` - Add: `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/util/src/memfault_base64.c` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.5.1 and SDK 0.5.0 - June 24, 2020 #### π Improvements - Updated code to support compilations with `-Wunused-parameter`, GNU GCC's `-Wformat-signedness`, and Clang's `-Wno-missing-prototypes` & `-Wno-missing-variable-declarations`. - Updated unit test setup to compile with newly supported warnings treated as errors #### π Internal - Misc utility additions including support for encoding floats and int64_t's in the cbor utility ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.5.0 and SDK 0.4.2 - June 11, 2020 #### π New Features - Add additional utilities to the http component to facilitate easier [release management](https://mflt.io/release-mgmt) integration in environments with no pre-existing http stack. - Add new cli command, `mflt get_latest_release`, to the Zephyr demo application (tested on the STM32L4) to demonstrate querying the Memfault cloud for new firmware updates. #### π Improvements - Refactored `demo` component to make it easier to integrate an individual CLI commands into a project since some of the commands can be helpful for validating integrations. More details can be found in the README at [components/demo/README.md](components/demo/README.md). #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are using the "demo" component _and_ are _not_ making use our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), you will need to make the following changes: - Update: `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/demo/src/{memfault_demo_cli.c => panics/memfault_demo_panics.c}` - Update: `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/demo/src/{ => panics}/memfault_demo_cli_aux.c` - Add: `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/demo/src/memfault_demo_core.c` - Add: `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/demo/src/http/memfault_demo_http.c` - If you are using the `http` component, the following macro names changed: ```diff -#define MEMFAULT_HTTP_GET_API_PORT() -#define MEMFAULT_HTTP_GET_API_HOST() +#define MEMFAULT_HTTP_GET_CHUNKS_API_PORT() +#define MEMFAULT_HTTP_GET_CHUNKS_API_HOST() ``` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.4.2 and SDK 0.4.1 - June 8, 2020 #### π Improvements - Moved `reboot_tracking.h` to `core` component since it has no dependencies on anything from the `panics` component. This allows the reboot tracking to be more easily integrated in a standalone fashion. - [Published a new guide](https://mflt.io/release-mgmt) detailing how to manage firmware updates using Memfault. - Disabled optimizations for `memfault_fault_handling_assert()`. This improves the recovery of local variables of frames in the backtrace when certain optimization levels are used. - Updated `memfault_sdk_assert.c` to address a GCC warning (`-Wpointer-to-int-cast`) emitted when compiling the file for 64 bit architectures. - Misc README improvements. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are already using reboot tracking in your system, you will need to update the following includes in your code: ```diff -#include "memfault/panics/reboot_tracking.h" -#include "memfault/panics/reboot_reason_types.h" +#include "memfault/core/reboot_tracking.h" +#include "memfault/panics/reboot_reason_types.h" ``` - If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), you will need to update the path for the following files: - `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/{panics => core}/src/memfault_ram_reboot_info_tracking.c` - `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/{panics => core}/src/memfault_reboot_tracking_serializer.c` - `eMfltResetReason` was renamed to `eMemfaultRebootReason`. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.4.1 and SDK 0.4.0 - May 20, 2020 #### π New Features - Added native SDK support for tracking and generating a unique firmware build id with any compiler! Quick integration steps can be found in [memfault/core/build_info.h](components/include/memfault/core/build_info.h#L8-L42). It is very common, especially during development, to not change the firmware version between editing and compiling the code. This will lead to issues when recovering backtraces or symbol information because the debug information in the symbol file may be out of sync with the actual binary. Tracking a build id enables the Memfault cloud to identify and surface when this happens! You can also make use of two new APIs: - `memfault_build_info_dump()` can be called on boot to display the build that is running. This can be a useful way to sanity check that your debugger successfully flashed a new image. - `memfault_build_info_read()` can be used to read the build id for your own use cases. For example you could append a portion of it to a debug version to make it unique. #### π Improvements - The CMake [build system helper](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system) is now compatible with any 3.x version of CMake (previously required 3.6 or newer). - The unique firmware build id is stored automatically as part of coredump collection. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), you will need to add the following files to your build: - `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/core/src/memfault_build_id.c` - `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/core/src/memfault_core_utils.c` - We also encourage you to add a [unique build id](components/include/memfault/core/build_info.h#L8-L42) to your build (several line code change). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.4.0 and SDK 0.3.4 - May 6, 2020 #### π New Features - Added support for (optionally) storing events collected by the SDK to non-volatile storage mediums. This can be useful for devices which experience prolonged periods of no connectivity. To leverage the feature, an end user must implement the [nonvolatile_event_storage platform API](components/include/memfault/core/platform/nonvolatile_event_storage.h#L7). #### π Improvements - Added an assert used internally by the SDK which makes it easier to debug API misuse during bringup. The assert is enabled by default but can easily be disabled or overridden. For more details see [`memfault/core/sdk_assert.h`](components/include/memfault/core/sdk_assert.h#L6). - Added a default implementation of [`memfault_platform_halt_if_debugging()`](components/core/src/arch_arm_cortex_m.c#L20-L34) for Cortex-M targets. The function is defined as _weak_ so a user can still define the function to override the default behavior. #### π Internal - Updated [`memfault install_chunk_handler`](https://mflt.io/posting-chunks-with-gdb) to work with older versions of the GNU Arm Toolchain. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), you will need to add `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/core/src/memfault_sdk_assert.c` to your project. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.3.4 and SDK 0.3.3 - April 22, 2020 #### π Improvements - Moved `trace_event.h` to `core` component since it has no dependencies on anything from the `panics` component. This allows the trace event feature to be more easily integrated in a standalone fashion. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - If you are already using `MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT()` in your project, you will need to update the include as follows: ```diff -#include "memfault/panics/trace_event.h" +#include "memfault/core/trace_event.h" ``` - If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), you will need to update the source path for `components/panics/src/memfault_trace_event.c` to `components/core/src/memfault_trace_event.c` ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.3.3 and SDK 0.3.2 - April 21, 2020 #### π New Features - Added a new [GDB command](https://mflt.io/posting-chunks-with-gdb) which can be used to post packetized Memfault data directly from GDB to the Memfault cloud. This can be helpful as a way to quickly test data collection functionality while working on an integration of the SDK. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.3.2 and SDK 0.3.1 - April 16, 2020 #### π New Features - The `captured_date` for an event can now be set by implementing [`memfault_platform_time_get_current()`](components/include/memfault/core/platform/system_time.h#L33). If the API is not implemented, the `captured_date` will continue to be set based on the time the event was received by the memfault cloud. #### π Improvements - Added a reference implementation of [reboot reason tracking](https://mflt.io/2QlOlgH) to the [NRF52 demo app](examples/nrf5/libraries/memfault/platform_reference_impl/memfault_platform_reboot_tracking.c#L1) and a new `reboot` CLI command to easily exercise it. - A `reset_reason` can now optionally be provided as part of [`sResetBootupInfo`](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_tracking.h#L41). This can be useful for scenarios where the reboot reason is known on bootup but could not be set prior to the device crashing. - A reboot reason event will now _always_ be generated when `memfault_reboot_tracking_boot()` is called even if no information about the reboot has been provided. In this scenario, the reset reason will be [`kMfltRebootReason_Unknown`](components/include/memfault/core/reboot_reason_types.h#L16) #### π Internal - Updated a few Kconfig options in the Zephyr demo app to improve the ability to compute stack high water marks (`CONFIG_INIT_STACKS=y`) and determine if stacks has overflowed (`CONFIG_MPU_STACK_GUARD=y`). #### π₯ Breaking Changes - `device_serial` is no longer encoded by default as part of events. Instead, the `device_serial` in an event is populated from the the unique device identifier used when posting the data to the [chunks REST endpoint](https://mflt.io/chunks-api). This leads to ~20% reduction in the size of a typical event. Encoding `device_serial` as part of the event itself can still be enabled by adding [`-DMEMFAULT_EVENT_INCLUDE_DEVICE_SERIAL=1`](components/core/src/memfault_serializer_helper.c#L23) as a compilation flag but should not be necessary for a typical integration. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.3.1 and SDK 0.3.0 - April 9, 2020 #### π New Features - Added [`memfault_log_read()`](components/include/memfault/core/log.h#L95-L121) API to make it possible to use the module to cache logs in RAM and then flush them out to slower mediums, such as a UART console or Flash, from a background task. #### π Improvements - A pointer to the stack frame upon exception entry is now included in `sCoredumpCrashInfo` when [memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions](components/include/memfault/panics/platform/coredump.h#L56) is invoked. This can (optionally) be used to configure regions collected based on the state or run platform specific cleanup based on the state. - Added Root Certificates needed for release downloads to [`MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERTS_PEM`](components/http/include/memfault/http/root_certs.h#L146). #### π Internal - All sources that generate events now use the same utility function, `memfault_serializer_helper_encode_metadata()` to encode common event data. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.3.0 and SDK 0.2.5 - April 3, 2020 #### π New Features - Introduced a lightweight logging module. When used, the logs leading up to a crash will now be decoded and displayed from the Memfault Issue Details Web UI. For instructions about how to use the module in your project, check out [log.h](components/include/memfault/core/log.h). - The metrics component will now automatically collect the elapsed time and the number of unexpected reboots during a heartbeat interval. The Memfault cloud now uses this information to automatically compute and display the overall uptime of your fleet. #### π Improvements - Added a [new document](https://mflt.io/fw-event-serialization) walking through the design of Memfault event serialization. - Cleaned up `test_memfault_root_cert.cpp` and moved the `base64` implementation within the unit test to the `util` component so it is easier to share the code elsewhere in the future. - Added `const` to a few circular_buffer.h API signatures. - Misc code comment improvements. #### π₯ Breaking Changes - The function signature for `memfault_metrics_boot()` changed as part of this update. If you are already using the `metrics` component, you will need to update the call accordingly. See the notes in [metrics.h](components/include/memfault/metrics/metrics.h) for more details. - If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), you will need to add `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/core/src/memfault_log.c` to your project. (Note that until [`memfault_log_boot()`](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/blob/master/components/include/memfault/core/log.h#L33-L38) is called, all calls made to the logging module will be a no-op). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.2.5 and SDK 0.2.4 - March 20, 2020 - Improve the `memfault_platform_coredump_storage_clear()` NRF52 reference implementation for situations where the SoftDevice is enabled and there is a lot of Bluetooth activity. (In this scenario, NRF52 flash operations may need retries or take a while to complete). - Fixed compiler error that could arise with the metrics component when using Arm Compiler 5 due to multiply defined weak symbols. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.2.4 and SDK 0.2.3 - March 10, 2020 - Add support for ESP32 (Tensilica Xtensa LX6 MCU) to the **panics** component. - A step-by-step integration guide can be found [here](https://mflt.io/esp-tutorial). - A drop-in port for an existing v3.x or v4.x based ESP-IDF project can be found at [ports/esp_idf](ports/esp_idf). - An example application exercising the memfault-firmware-sdk can be found [here](examples/esp32/README.md). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.2.3 and SDK 0.2.2 - March 3, 2020 - If a [software watchdog](https://mflt.io/root-cause-watchdogs) has been implemented on a Cortex-M device, `MemfaultWatchdog_Handler` can now be registered as the Exception Handler to automatically collect a coredump. - For heartbeat metrics, instead of serializing the name of each metric, we now recover it from the debug information in the symbol file in the Memfault cloud. For a typical heartbeat this reduces the serialization size by more than 50% and results in a smaller footprint than other structured serialization alternatives such as Protobuf. - Remove usage of `__has_include` macro for IAR compiler since not all versions fully support it. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.2.1 and SDK 0.2.2 - Feb 20, 2020 - Add support for calling `MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT()` from interrupts. Note: If you are _not_ using our CMake or Make [build system helpers](README.md#add-sources-to-build-system), this change requires that you add `$(MEMFAULT_SDK_ROOT)/components/core/src/arch_arm_cortex_m.c` to your project. - Misc documentation improvements. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.2.0 and SDK 0.2.1 - Feb 14, 2020 - Add support for compressing coredumps as they are sent using Run Length Encoding (RLE). More details can be found in [memfault/core/data_source_rle.h](components/include/memfault/core/data_source_rle.h). - Update **metrics** component to support compilation with the IAR ARM C/C++ Compiler. - Update Mbed OS 5 port to use `memfault_demo_shell` instead `mbed-client-cli`, since `mbed-client-cli` is not part of the main Mbed OS 5 distribution. - Update nrf52 example application to only collect the active parts of the stack to reduce the overall size of the example coredump. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.2.0 and SDK 0.1.0 - Feb 5, 2020 - Add a new API ("Trace Event") for tracking errors. This allows for tracing issues that are unexpected but are non-fatal (don't result in a device reboot). A step-by-step guide detailing how to use the feature can be found at: <https://mflt.io/error-tracing> - Update GDB coredump collection script to work with the ESP32 (Tensilica Xtensa LX6 Architecture) - Remove `__task` from IAR Cortex-M function handler declarations since it's not explicitly required and can lead to a compiler issue if the function prototype does not also use it. - Misc documentation and comment tweaks to make nomenclature more consistent ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.1.0 and SDK 0.0.18 - Jan 22, 2020 - Update **panics** component to support compilation with IAR ARM C/C++ Compiler. More details about integrating IAR can be found at <https://mflt.io/iar-tutorial>. As part of the change `MEMFAULT_GET_LR()` now takes an argument which is the location to store the LR to (`void *lr = MEMFAULT_GET_LR()` -> `void *lr;` `MEMFAULT_GET_LR(lr)`) ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.18 and SDK 0.0.17 - Jan 14, 2020 - Update the chunk protocol to encode CRC in last chunk of message instead of first. This allows the CRC to be computed incrementally and the underlying message to be read once (instead of twice). It also makes it easier to use the data packetizer in environments where reads from data sources need to be performed asynchronously. More details can be found at <https://mflt.io/data-to-cloud> - Fixed a couple documentation links ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.17 and SDK 0.0.16 - Jan 7, 2020 - Guarantee that all accesses to the platform coredump storage region route through `memfault_coredump_read` while the system is running. - Scrub unused portion of out buffer provided to packetizer with a known pattern for easier debugging ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.16 and SDK 0.0.15 - Jan 6, 2020 - Add convenience API, `memfault_packetizer_get_chunk()`, to [data_packetizer](components/include/memfault/core/data_packetizer.h) module. - Add a new eMfltCoredumpRegionType, `MemoryWordAccessOnly` which can be used to force the region to be read 32 bits at a time. This can be useful for accessing certain peripheral register ranges which are not byte addressable. - Automatically collect Exception / ISR state for Cortex-M based targets. NOTE that the default config requires an additional ~150 bytes of coredump storage. The feature can be disabled completely by adding `-DMEMFAULT_COLLECT_INTERRUPT_STATE=0` to your compiler flags. More configuration options can be found in [memfault_coredump_regions_armv7.c](components/panics/src/memfault_coredump_regions_armv7.c). - Improve documentation about integrating the SDK within a project in README - Update Release note summary to use markdown headings for easier referencing. - Update try script used to collect coredumps via GDB to also collect Exception/ISR register information. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.15 and SDK 0.0.14 - Dec 19, 2019 - Add ARMv6-M fault handling port to **panics** component for MCUs such as the ARM Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.14 and SDK 0.0.13 - Dec 18, 2019 - Update **panics** component to support compilation with Arm Compiler 5. ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.13 and SDK 0.0.12 - Dec 16, 2019 - Updated Cortex-M fault handler in **panics** component to also collect `psp` and `msp` registers when the system crashes. This allows for the running thread backtrace to be more reliably recovered when a crash occurs from an ISR. - Added optional `MEMFAULT_EXC_HANDLER_...` preprocessor defines to enable custom naming of exception handlers in the **panics** component. - Add port for Cortex-M based targets using Quantum Leaps' QPβ’/C & QPβ’/C++ real-time embedded framework. See [ports/qp/README.md](ports/qp/README.md) for more details. - Add demo application running Quantum Leaps' QPβ’/C running on the [STM32F407 discovery board](https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/stm32f4discovery.html). See [examples/qp/README.md](examples/qp/README.md) for more details. - Added demo application and port for Arm Mbed OS 5 running on the [STM32F429I-DISC1 evaluation board](https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/32f429idiscovery.html). See [examples/mbed/README.md](examples/mbed/README.md) for more details. - Changed `print_core` to `print_chunk` in demo applications to better align with the Memfault nomenclature for [data transfer](https://mflt.io/data-to-cloud). ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.12 and SDK 0.0.11 - Dec 4, 2019 - Expose root certificates used by Memfault CI in DER format for easier integration with TLS libraries which do not parse PEM formatted certificates. - Add utilities to the http component for constructing Memfault cloud **chunk** endpoint POST requests to facilitate easier integration in environments with no pre-existing http stack. - Add port for Cortex-M based targets in the Zephyr RTOS. Ports are available for the 1.14 Long Term Support Release as well as the 2.0 Release. See [ports/zephyr/README.md](ports/zephyr/README.md) for more details - Add Zephyr demo application (tested on the STM32L4). See [zephyr demo app directory](examples/zephyr/README.md) for more details ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.11 and SDK 0.0.10 - Nov 25, 2019 - Release of **metrics** component. This API can easily be used to monitor device health over time (i.e connectivity, battery life, MCU resource utilization, hardware degradation, etc) and configure Alerts with the Memfault backend when things go astray. To get started, see this [document](https://mflt.io/2D8TRLX) ### Changes between Memfault SDK 0.0.10 and SDK 0.0.9 - Nov 22, 2019 - Updated `memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions()` to take an additional argument, `crash_info` which conveys information about the crash taking place (trace reason & stack pointer at time of crash). This allows platform ports to dynamically change the regions collected based on the crash if so desired. This will require an update that looks like the following to your port: ```diff -const sMfltCoredumpRegion *memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions(size_t *num_regions) { +const sMfltCoredumpRegion *memfault_platform_coredump_get_regions( + const sCoredumpCrashInfo *crash_info, size_t *num_regions) { ``` - Added a new API, `memfault_coredump_storage_compute_size_required()` which can be called on boot to sanity check that platform coredump storage is large enough to hold a coredump. For example: ```c sMfltCoredumpStorageInfo storage_info = { 0 }; memfault_platform_coredump_storage_get_info(&storage_info); const size_t size_needed = memfault_coredump_storage_compute_size_required(); if (size_needed > storage_info.size) { MEMFAULT_LOG_ERROR("Coredump storage too small. Got %d B, need %d B", storage_info.size, size_needed); } MEMFAULT_ASSERT(size_needed <= storage_info.size); ``` - Added a convenience RAM backed [reference port](https://github.com/memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk/blob/master/ports/panics/src/memfault_platform_ram_backed_coredump.c) for coredump platform APIs. This can be used for persisting a coredump in RAM across a reset. ### Changes between Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.9 and 0.0.8 - Nov 15, 2019 - Enhanced Reboot Tracking module within the **panics** component. Reboots that don't result in coredumps can now be easily tracked (i.e brown outs, system watchdogs, user initiated resets, resets due to firmware updates, etc). See `memfault/core/reboot_tracking.h` for more details and <https://mflt.io/2QlOlgH> for a step-by-step setup tutorial. - Added Event Storage module within the **core** component. This is a small RAM backed data store that queues up traces to be published to the Memfault cloud. To minimize the space needed and transport overhead, all events collected within the SDK are stored using the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) ### Changes between Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.8 and 0.0.7 - Nov 7, 2019 - Added helper makefile (`makefiles/MemfaultWorker.mk`). A user of the SDK can include this makefile when using a make as their build system to easily collect the sources and include paths needed to build Memfault SDK components - Make unit tests public & add CI to external SDK ### Changes between Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.7 and 0.0.6 - Oct 31, 2019 - Added firmware side support for the Memfault cloud **chunk** endpoint. This is a sessionless endpoint that allows chunks of arbitrary size to be sent and reassembled in the Memfault cloud. This transport can be used to publish _any_ data collected by the Memfault SDK. The data is read out on the SDK side by calling the `memfault_packetizer_get_next()` API in `data_packetizer.h`. More details [here](https://mflt.io/data-to-cloud) - Updated demo apps to use the new **chunk** endpoint - Added a new _weak_ function, `memfault_coredump_read()` so platform ports can easily add locking on reads to coredump storage if necessary for transmission. - Updates to this version of the sdk will require the **util** component get compiled when using the **panics** API ### Changes between Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.6 and 0.0.5 - Oct 14, 2019 - Added example port and demo for the STM32H743I-NUCLEO144 evaluation board running ChibiOS. See `examples/stm32/stm32h743i/README.md` for more details. - general README documentation improvements - Fixed compilation error that could arise in `memfault_fault_handling_arm.c` when using old versions of GCC ### Changes between Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.5 and 0.0.4 - September 23, 2019 - Updated **panics** SDK to support complex hardware toplogies such as systems with multiple MCUs or systems running multiple binaries on a single MCU. More details [here](https://mflt.io/34PyNGQ). Users of the SDK will need to update the implementation for `memfault_platform_get_device_info()` - Updated all ports to be in sync with SDK updates ### Changes between Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.4 and 0.0.3 - August 19, 2019 - Updated **panics** core code to _always_ collect fault registers for ARMv6-M & ARMv7-M architectures. The Memfault cloud will auto-analyze these and present an analysis. - Updated <https://try.memfault.com> gdb script to collect Cortex-M MPU region information for auto-analysis - general README documentation improvements - improved error reporting strategy and documentation in `memfault/core/errors.h` ### Changes between Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.3 and 0.0.2 - July 2, 2019 - added example port and demo of **panics** SDK for the Nordic nRF52840 (PCA10056) development kit. See `examples/nrf5/README.md` for more details. - Made SDK headers suitable for includion in C++ files First Public Release of Memfault Firmware SDK 0.0.2 - June 26, 2019 - published initial Memfault SDK, see `README.md` in root for summary - published **panics** API which is a C SDK that can be integrated into any Cortex-M device to save a "core" (crash state) on faults and system asserts. See`components/panics/README.md` for more details - Added example port and demo of **panics** SDK for the BCM943364WCD1 evaluation board running the WICED Wifi stack. More details in `examples/wiced/README.md` - add python invoke based CLI wrapper for demo ports
idf.py add-dependency "memfault/memfault-firmware-sdk^1.21.1"