# SHT4x temperature and humidity sensor driver The SHT4x is a digital sensor platform for measuring relative humidity and temperature with various accuracy options. It uses an ultra-low power I2C interface (0.4 μW) with multiple preconfigured addresses. The sensor has an internal heater with three levels for challenging environments and comes in a four-pin SMT-compatible package with options for a PTFE membrane or protective cover. Calibration certificates compliant with ISO17025, identifiable by unique serial numbers, are also available. ## How to use ```c void sht4x_read_task(void *pvParameters) { float temperature, humidity; while (1) { esp_err_t err = sht4x_start_measurement(sht4x_handle, SHT4X_CMD_READ_MEASUREMENT_HIGH); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(50)); err = sht4x_read_measurement(sht4x_handle, &temperature, &humidity); if (err == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Temperature: %.2f C, Humidity: %.2f %%", temperature, humidity); } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to read temperature and humidity"); } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); } } ``` ## References [Datasheet](https://sensirion.com/media/documents/33FD6951/662A593A/HT_DS_Datasheet_SHT4x.pdf)
idf.py add-dependency "pedrominatel/sht4x^0.1.1"