# `esp_wireguard`, WireGuard Implementation for ESP-IDF This is an implementation of the [WireGuard®](https://www.wireguard.com/) for ESP-IDF, based on [WireGuard Implementation for lwIP](https://github.com/smartalock/wireguard-lwip). [](https://github.com/trombik/esp_wireguard/actions/workflows/build.yml) ## Status The code is alpha. A single tunnel to a WireGuard peer has been working. ## Supported ESP-IDF versions and targets The following ESP-IDF versions are supported: * `esp-idf` `master` * `esp-idf` `v4.2.x` * `esp-idf` `v4.3.x` * `esp-idf` `v4.4.x` * ESP8266 RTOS SDK `v3.4` The following targets are supported: * `esp32` * `esp32s2` * `esp32c3` * `esp8266` ## Usage In `menuconfig` under `WireGuard`, choose a TCP/IP adapter. The default is `ESP-NETIF`. SDKs older than `esp-idf` `v4.1`, including ESP8266 RTOS SDK v3.4 requires `TCP/IP Adapter`. Both peers must have synced time. The library does not sync time. A working network interface is required. Create WireGuard configuration, `wireguard_config_t`. Use `ESP_WIREGUARD_CONFIG_DEFAULT` to initialize `wireguard_config_t` variable. Create `wireguard_ctx_t`. Pass the variables to `esp_wireguard_init()`. Then, call `esp_wireguard_connect()`. Call `esp_wireguard_disconnect()` to disconnect from the peer (and destroy the WireGuard interface). ```c #include <esp_wireguard.h> esp_err_t err = ESP_FAIL; wireguard_config_t wg_config = ESP_WIREGUARD_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); wg_config.private_key = CONFIG_WG_PRIVATE_KEY; wg_config.listen_port = CONFIG_WG_LOCAL_PORT; wg_config.public_key = CONFIG_WG_PEER_PUBLIC_KEY; wg_config.allowed_ip = CONFIG_WG_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS; wg_config.allowed_ip_mask = CONFIG_WG_LOCAL_IP_NETMASK; wg_config.endpoint = CONFIG_WG_PEER_ADDRESS; wg_config.port = CONFIG_WG_PEER_PORT; /* If the device is behind NAT or stateful firewall, set persistent_keepalive. persistent_keepalive is disabled by default */ // wg_config.persistent_keepalive = 10; wireguard_ctx_t ctx = {0}; err = esp_wireguard_init(&wg_config, &ctx); /* start establishing the link. after this call, esp_wireguard start establishing connection. */ err = esp_wireguard_connect(&ctx); /* after some time, see if the link is up. note that it takes some time to establish the link */ err = esp_wireguardif_peer_is_up(&ctx); if (err == ESP_OK) { /* the link is up */ else { /* the link is not up */ } /* do something */ err = esp_wireguard_disconnect(&ctx); ``` See examples at [examples](examples). ## IPv6 support Enable `CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6` under `lwip` component in `menuconfig`. IPv6 support is alpha and probably broken. See also Known issues. ## Driver configuration The driver configuration is under `[Component config]` -> `[WireGuard]`. Under `WIREGUARD_x25519_IMPLEMENTATION`, you may choose an implementation of scalar multiplication. The default is `WIREGUARD_x25519_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFAULT`, which is derived from [WireGuard Implementation for lwIP](https://github.com/smartalock/wireguard-lwip). `WIREGUARD_x25519_IMPLEMENTATION_NACL` uses [crypto_scalarmult()](https://nacl.cr.yp.to/scalarmult.html) from NaCL. Note that, with `WIREGUARD_x25519_IMPLEMENTATION_NACL`, some stack sizes must be increased. In my test, 5KB for both `CONFIG_LWIP_TCPIP_TASK_STACK_SIZE`, and `CONFIG_MAIN_TASK_STACK_SIZE` is known to work on `ESP32-D0WD-V3`. ## Known issues The implementation uses `LwIP` as TCP/IP protocol stack. IPv6 support is not tested. Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) is not supported (see Issue #5). The first address of `endpoint` is used to choose IPv4 or IPv6 as a transport. The chosen transport must be available and usable. The library assumes the interface is WiFi interface. Ethernet is not supported. Older `esp-idf` versions with `TCP/IP Adapter`, such as v4.1.x, should work, but there are others issues, not directly related to the library. ## License BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License (SPDX ID: BSD-3-Clause). See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details. [src/nacl/crypto_scalarmult/curve25519/ref/smult.c] is Public domain. ## Authors * Daniel Hope (daniel.hope@smartalock.com) * Kenta Ida (fuga@fugafuga.org) * Matthew Dempsky * D. J. Bernstein
idf.py add-dependency "trombik/esp_wireguard^0.9.0"