# microhttpd micro-sized HTTP server [](https://travis-ci.org/zorxx/microhttpd) ## Overview There are lots of small web server implementations. microhttpd is designed to have a small code footprint, minimal dependencies, and sufficient configuration to support a wide-variety of applications. ## Features microhttpd has the following distinguishing features: - **No threads required, multiple clients supported**\ The microhttpd API provides a function that blocks, waiting for any events to accept new clients or receive data from existing clients. This design makes microhttpd suitable for threaded applications, as well as single-loop applications. - **POSIX sockets compliant**\ The only features required of the build environment is the standard C library and POSIX (BSD) sockets. - **Event/callback customization**\ User application entrypoints for servicing HTTP events are all implemented by callback functions. The user application defines functions to handle GET/POST operations for specific URIs and microhttpd invokes the proper callback. - **No filesystem dependencies**\ Most HTTP servers are designed to serve files from a filesystem; but this isn't useful for embedded applications. The microhttpd library provides no file serving to break this unnecessary dependency. It's trivial to implement a `tMicroHttpGetHandler` to serve files from a filesystem, if desired. ## Usage Example The following example is a minimal application ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "microhttpd.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) static void handle_root(tMicroHttpdClient client, const char *uri, const char *param_list[], const uint32_t param_count, const char *source_address, void *cookie); static void handle_not_found(tMicroHttpdClient client, const char *uri, const char *param_list[], const uint32_t param_count, const char *source_address, void *cookie); static tMicroHttpdGetHandlerEntry get_handler_list[] = { { "/", handle_root, NULL } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { tMicroHttpdParams params = {0}; tMicroHttpdContext ctx; params.server_port = 80; params.process_timeout = 0; params.rx_buffer_size = 2048; params.get_handler_list = get_handler_list; params.get_handler_count = ARRAY_SIZE(get_handler_list); params.default_get_handler = handle_not_found; ctx = microhttpd_start(¶ms); if(NULL == ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize microhttpd\n"); return -1; } while(microhttpd_process(ctx) == 0); return 0; } static void handle_root(tMicroHttpdClient client, const char *uri, const char *param_list[], const uint32_t param_count, const char *source_address, void *cookie) { char content[] = "<html>Hello there!</html>"; microhttpd_send_response(client, 200, "text/html", strlen(content), NULL, content); } static void handle_not_found(tMicroHttpdClient client, const char *uri, const char *param_list[], const uint32_t param_count, const char *source_address, void *cookie) { char content[200]; snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "<html><title>Not Found</title>Not found: %s</html>", uri); microhttpd_send_response(client, 404, "text/html", strlen(content), NULL, content); } ```
idf.py add-dependency "zorxx/microhttpd^1.0.0"