## Multipart form data parser Source for this project lives at [https://github.com/zorxx/multipart-parser](https://github.com/zorxx/multipart-parser) This project was forked from the repository [https://github.com/iafonov/multipart-parser-c](https://github.com/iafonov/multipart-parser-c) ### Features * No dependencies * Works with chunks of a data - no need to buffer the whole request * Almost no internal buffering. Buffer size doesn't exceed the size of the boundary (~60-70 bytes) Tested as part of [Cosmonaut](https://github.com/iafonov/cosmonaut) HTTP server. Implementation based on [node-formidable](https://github.com/felixge/node-formidable) by [Felix Geisendörfer](https://github.com/felixge). Inspired by [http-parser](https://github.com/joyent/http-parser) by [Ryan Dahl](https://github.com/ry). ### Building and installing Build, using CMake (and gnumake): ```bash mkdir build; cd build cmake .. make -j`nproc` sudo make install ``` ### ESP-IDF Add this component to an esp-idf project with the following command: ```bash idf.py add-dependency "zorxx/multipart-parser" ``` ### Usage (C) This parser library works with several callbacks, which the user may set up at application initialization time. ```c multipart_parser_settings callbacks; memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(multipart_parser_settings)); callbacks.on_header_field = read_header_name; callbacks.on_header_value = read_header_value; ``` These functions must match the signatures defined in the multipart-parser header file. For this simple example, we'll just use two of the available callbacks to print all headers the library finds in multipart messages. Returning a value other than 0 from the callbacks will abort message processing. ```c int read_header_name(multipart_parser* p, const char *at, size_t length) { printf("%.*s: ", length, at); return 0; } int read_header_value(multipart_parser* p, const char *at, size_t length) { printf("%.*s\n", length, at); return 0; } ``` When a message arrives, callers must parse the multipart boundary from the **Content-Type** header (see the [RFC](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2387#section-5.1) for more information and examples), and then execute the parser. ```c multipart_parser* parser = multipart_parser_init(boundary, &callbacks); multipart_parser_execute(parser, body, length); multipart_parser_free(parser); ``` ### Usage (C++) In C++, when the callbacks are static member functions it may be helpful to pass the instantiated multipart consumer along as context. The following (abbreviated) class called `MultipartConsumer` shows how to pass `this` to callback functions in order to access non-static member data. ```cpp class MultipartConsumer { public: MultipartConsumer(const std::string& boundary) { memset(&m_callbacks, 0, sizeof(multipart_parser_settings)); m_callbacks.on_header_field = ReadHeaderName; m_callbacks.on_header_value = ReadHeaderValue; m_parser = multipart_parser_init(boundary.c_str(), &m_callbacks); multipart_parser_set_data(m_parser, this); } ~MultipartConsumer() { multipart_parser_free(m_parser); } int CountHeaders(const std::string& body) { multipart_parser_execute(m_parser, body.c_str(), body.size()); return m_headers; } private: static int ReadHeaderName(multipart_parser* p, const char *at, size_t length) { MultipartConsumer* me = (MultipartConsumer*)multipart_parser_get_data(p); me->m_headers++; } multipart_parser* m_parser; multipart_parser_settings m_callbacks; int m_headers; }; ``` ### Contributors * [Daniel T. Wagner](http://www.danieltwagner.de/) * [James McLaughlin](http://udp.github.com/) * [Jay Miller](http://www.cryptofreak.org) © 2012 [Igor Afonov](http://iafonov.github.com) © 2023 [Zorxx Software](http://zorxx.com) See `LICENSE` file in this repository for license details.
idf.py add-dependency "zorxx/multipart-parser^1.0.0"