# saxml Embedded XML Parser [](https://travis-ci.org/zorxx/saxml) saxml is a truly small event-driven XML parser designed for use in embedded/microcontroller applications. Since saxml is a SAX XML parser (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_API_for_XML), the parser has a very small memory footprint (there's no XML document stored on the heap). Instead, the XML document is streamed to the parser a single character at a time. As the parser encounters interesting events (such as a start tag, end tag, attribute, etc.), the parser executes callback functions which are registered by the calling application. This allows the calling application to perform application-specific operations based on XML parsing events. The parse depth and heirarchy can easily be maintained by an application through the use of a stack; push the tag name on the stack each time a tagHandler event is handled and pop the top element off the stack each time a tagEndHandler event is handled. See the test subdirectory for a simple example application. `saxml.h` includes a detailed description of the API. saxml performs no validation of the XML document ### Example #1 (test.xml) XML Document: ```xml <begin > <second_begin> <nothing_much/> content </second_begin> </begin> ``` Callbacks executed: ``` tagHandler: 'begin' tagHandler: 'second_begin' tagHandler: 'nothing_much' tagEndHandler: 'nothing_much' contentHandler: 'content ' tagEndHandler: 'second_begin' tagEndHandler: 'begin' ``` ### Example #2 (test2.xml) XML Document: ```xml <begin > <second_begin yes no="hello"> <nothing_much/>content</second_begin> more content goes here </begin> ``` Callbacks executed: ``` tagHandler: 'begin' tagHandler: 'second_begin' attributeHandler: 'yes' attributeHandler: 'no="hello"' tagHandler: 'nothing_much' tagEndHandler: 'nothing_much' contentHandler: 'content' tagEndHandler: 'second_begin' contentHandler: 'more content goes here ' tagEndHandler: 'begin' ``` ### Example #3 (test3.xml) XML Document: ```xml <begin > <second_begin yes no="hello"> <nothing_much attribute_in_small_tag /> <another_begin> </another_begin> </second_begin> more content goes here </begin> ``` Callbacks executed: ``` tagHandler: 'begin' tagHandler: 'second_begin' attributeHandler: 'yes' attributeHandler: 'no="hello"' tagHandler: 'nothing_much' attributeHandler: 'attribute_in_small_tag' tagEndHandler: ' ' tagHandler: 'another_begin' tagEndHandler: 'another_begin' tagEndHandler: 'second_begin' contentHandler: 'more content goes here ' tagEndHandler: 'begin' ``` Note that, in this example, the tagEndHandler is called with a single-character string parameter for the empty tag (nothing_much) that contains an attribute. This is an ideosyncrasy of the SAX parser, since the empty tag's name isn't stored by the parser, in order to save heap usage.
idf.py add-dependency "zorxx/saxml^1.0.1"