uploaded 9 months ago
A simple and efficient JSON library for embedded C++. ⭐ 6503 stars on GitHub! Supports serialization, deserialization, MessagePack, streams, filtering, and more. Fully tested and documented.
ArduinoJson: change log

v7.0.4 (2024-03-12)

* Make `JSON_STRING_SIZE(N)` return `N+1` to fix third-party code (issue #2054)

v7.0.3 (2024-02-05)

* Improve error messages when using `char` or `char*` (issue #2043)
* Reduce stack consumption (issue #2046)
* Fix compatibility with GCC 4.8 (issue #2045)

v7.0.2 (2024-01-19)

* Fix assertion `poolIndex < count_` after `JsonDocument::clear()` (issue #2034)

v7.0.1 (2024-01-10)

* Fix "no matching function" with `JsonObjectConst::operator[]` (issue #2019)
* Remove unused files in the PlatformIO package
* Fix `volatile bool` serialized as `1` or `0` instead of `true` or `false` (issue #2029)

v7.0.0 (2024-01-03)

* Remove `BasicJsonDocument`
* Remove `StaticJsonDocument`
* Add abstract `Allocator` class
* Merge `DynamicJsonDocument` with `JsonDocument`
* Remove `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_STRING_DEDUPLICATION` (string deduplication cannot be disabled anymore)
* Remove `JsonDocument::capacity()`
* Store the strings in the heap
* Reference-count shared strings
* Always store `serialized("string")` by copy (#1915)
* Remove the zero-copy mode of `deserializeJson()` and `deserializeMsgPack()`
* Fix double lookup in `to<JsonVariant>()`
* Fix double call to `size()` in `serializeMsgPack()`
* Include `ARDUINOJSON_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE` in the namespace name
* Remove `JsonVariant::shallowCopy()`
* `JsonDocument`'s capacity grows as needed, no need to pass it to the constructor anymore
* `JsonDocument`'s allocator is not monotonic anymore, removed values get recycled
* Show a link to the documentation when user passes an unsupported input type
* Remove `JsonDocument::memoryUsage()`
* Remove `JsonDocument::garbageCollect()`
* Add `deserializeJson(JsonVariant, ...)` and `deserializeMsgPack(JsonVariant, ...)` (#1226)
* Call `shrinkToFit()` in `deserializeJson()` and `deserializeMsgPack()`
* `serializeJson()` and `serializeMsgPack()` replace the content of `std::string` and `String` instead of appending to it
* Replace `add()` with `add<T>()` (`add(T)` is still supported)
* Remove `createNestedArray()` and `createNestedObject()` (use `to<JsonArray>()` and `to<JsonObject>()` instead)

> As every major release, ArduinoJson 7 introduces several breaking changes.
> I added some stubs so that most existing programs should compile, but I highty recommend you upgrade your code.
> #### `JsonDocument`
> In ArduinoJson 6, you could allocate the memory pool on the stack (with `StaticJsonDocument`) or in the heap (with `DynamicJsonDocument`).  
> In ArduinoJson 7, the memory pool is always allocated in the heap, so `StaticJsonDocument` and `DynamicJsonDocument` have been merged into `JsonDocument`.
> In ArduinoJson 6, `JsonDocument` had a fixed capacity; in ArduinoJson 7, it has an elastic capacity that grows as needed.
> Therefore, you don't need to specify the capacity anymore, so the macros `JSON_ARRAY_SIZE()`, `JSON_OBJECT_SIZE()`, and `JSON_STRING_SIZE()` have been removed.
> ```c++
> // ArduinoJson 6
> StaticJsonDocument<256> doc;
> // or
> DynamicJsonDocument doc(256);
> // ArduinoJson 7
> JsonDocument doc;
> ```
> In ArduinoJson 7, `JsonDocument` reuses released memory, so `garbageCollect()` has been removed.  
> `shrinkToFit()` is still available and releases the over-allocated memory.
> Due to a change in the implementation, it's not possible to store a pointer to a variant from another `JsonDocument`, so `shallowCopy()` has been removed.
> In ArduinoJson 6, the meaning of `memoryUsage()` was clear: it returned the number of bytes used in the memory pool.  
> In ArduinoJson 7, the meaning of `memoryUsage()` would be ambiguous, so it has been removed.
> #### Custom allocators
> In ArduinoJson 6, you could specify a custom allocator class as a template parameter of `BasicJsonDocument`.  
> In ArduinoJson 7, you must inherit from `ArduinoJson::Allocator` and pass a pointer to an instance of your class to the constructor of `JsonDocument`.
> ```c++
> // ArduinoJson 6
> class MyAllocator {
>   // ...
> };
> BasicJsonDocument<MyAllocator> doc(256);
> // ArduinoJson 7
> class MyAllocator : public ArduinoJson::Allocator {
>   // ...
> };
> MyAllocator myAllocator;
> JsonDocument doc(&myAllocator);
> ```
> #### `createNestedArray()` and `createNestedObject()`
> In ArduinoJson 6, you could create a nested array or object with `createNestedArray()` and `createNestedObject()`.  
> In ArduinoJson 7, you must use `add<T>()` or `to<T>()` instead.
> For example, to create `[[],{}]`, you would write:
> ```c++
> // ArduinoJson 6
> arr.createNestedArray();
> arr.createNestedObject();
> // ArduinoJson 7
> arr.add<JsonArray>();
> arr.add<JsonObject>();
> ```
> And to create `{"array":[],"object":{}}`, you would write:
> ```c++
> // ArduinoJson 6
> obj.createNestedArray("array");
> obj.createNestedObject("object");
> // ArduinoJson 7
> obj["array"].to<JsonArray>();
> obj["object"].to<JsonObject>();
> ```


Supports all targets

License: Custom

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idf.py add-dependency "bblanchon/arduinojson^7.0.4"

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bblanchon/arduinojson version: 7.0.4