

uploaded 1 year ago
Application for connecting ESP devices to Bytebeam IoT platform


# Bytebeam ESP IDF SDK

    <img alt="Bytebeam ESP IDF SDK Logo" src="docs/logo.png" />

This SDK consist of components that can be used for connecting ESP devices to [Bytebeam]( IoT platform

## Features :-

- Efficiently send data to cloud.
- Receive commands from the cloud, execute them and update progress of execution.
- Download Firmware images from cloud in case of OTA updates being triggered from cloud.

## What's included in the SDK :-

- **components/bytebeam_esp_sdk** :-  This section contains source code for various functions that can be used by applications for interacting with Bytebeam platform. 
- **examples** :- This folder conatins demo application's which demonstrates establishing secure connection with Bytebeam platform. Also, it demonstrates periodic data pushing and receiving actions.
- **provisioning** :- This folder contains application for pushing device config data to file system of device (say SPIFFS).

## Dependencies :-

- [ESP-IDF]( 
- ESP32 Dev Board

We recommend to install the latest version of the ESP-IDF.

## SDK Setup and Integration :-

This SDK can be integrated with new as well as existing ESP projects. Follow the [instruction guide]( for setting up and integrating SDK with your projects. 

## Community :-

- Follow us on [Twitter](
- Connect with us on [LinkedIn](
- Read our official [Blog](

## Contributing :-

Contributions are welcome! Not only you’ll encourage the development of the SDK, but you’ll also learn how to best use the SDK and probably some C too.

See [the contributing guide]( for detailed instructions on how to get started with the SDK. Please follow the [code of conduct]( while contributing.

## License :-

This SDK is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details).


Supports all targets


  • Mayank Narang <>

License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "bytebeamio/bytebeam-esp-idf-sdk^1.0.1"

or download archive


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    Downloaded in total 19 times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 19 times


bytebeamio/bytebeam-esp-idf-sdk version: 1.0.1