
uploaded 7 months ago
This package provides algorithmic functionality for ESP-CSI human movement and presence detection for easy integration into products.
# v0.1.0
This is the first release version for esp-radar component in Espressif Component Registry, more detailed descriptions about the project.

# v0.2.0
1. Added Wi Fi fft gain and agc gain acquisition and settings
2. Added CSI data gain compensation function to improve detection accuracy


License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/esp-radar^0.2.0"

or download archive


  • Archive size
    Archive size ~ 6.59 MB
  • Downloaded in total
    Downloaded in total 365 times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 87 times


espressif/esp-radar version: 0.2.0