# USB Host UAC Driver [](https://components.espressif.com/components/espressif/usb_host_uac) This directory contains an implementation of a USB UAC Driver implemented on top of the [USB Host Library](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32s2/api-reference/peripherals/usb_host.html). UAC driver allows access to UAC 1.0 devices. ## Usage The following steps outline the typical API call pattern of the UAC Class Driver: 1. Install the USB Host Library via `usb_host_install()` 2. Install the UAC driver via `uac_host_install()` 3. When the new (logic) UAC device is connected, the driver event callback will be called with USB device address and event: - `UAC_HOST_DRIVER_EVENT_TX_CONNECTED` - `UAC_HOST_DRIVER_EVENT_RX_CONNECTED` 4. To open/close the UAC device with USB device address and interface number: - `uac_host_device_open()` - `uac_host_device_close()` 5. To get the device-supported audio format use: - `uac_host_get_device_info()` - `uac_host_get_device_alt_param()` 6. To enable/disable data streaming with specific audio format use: - `uac_host_device_start()` - `uac_host_device_stop()` 7. To suspend/resume data streaming use: - `uac_host_device_suspend()` - `uac_host_device_resume()` 8. To control the volume/mute use: - `uac_host_device_set_mute()` 9. To control the volume use: - `uac_host_device_set_volume()` or `uac_host_device_set_volume_db()` 10. After the uac device is opened, the device event callback will be called with the following events: - UAC_HOST_DEVICE_EVENT_RX_DONE - UAC_HOST_DEVICE_EVENT_TX_DONE - UAC_HOST_DEVICE_EVENT_TRANSFER_ERROR - UAC_HOST_DRIVER_EVENT_DISCONNECTED 11. When the `UAC_HOST_DRIVER_EVENT_DISCONNECTED` event is called, the device should be closed via `uac_host_device_close()` 12. The UAC driver can be uninstalled via `uac_host_uninstall()` > Note: For physical device with both microphone and speaker, the driver will treat it as two separate logic devices. > The `UAC_HOST_DRIVER_EVENT_TX_CONNECTED` and `UAC_HOST_DRIVER_EVENT_RX_CONNECTED` event will be called for the device. ## Known issues - Empty ## Examples - For an example, refer to [usb_audio_player](https://github.com/espressif/esp-iot-solution/tree/master/examples/usb/host/usb_audio_player) ## Supported Devices - UAC Driver supports any UAC 1.0 compatible device.
idf.py add-dependency "espressif/usb_host_uac^1.0.0"