# I2C Driver Component for the T9602 Temperature and Humidity Sensor [](https://components.espressif.com/components/pedrominatel/t9602) ## Features * Get Temperature in celsius * Get Humidity in %RH ## Get Started To get the component, use the command `add-dependency` inside your project folder. ```bash idf.py add-dependency "pedrominatel/t9602" ``` ### Create the I2C bus Include the `t9602.h` into your code. ```c #include "t9602.h" ``` Initialize the I2C bus. ```c i2c_master_bus_handle_t i2c_bus_init(uint8_t sda_io, uint8_t scl_io) { i2c_master_bus_config_t i2c_bus_config = { .i2c_port = -1, .sda_io_num = sda_io, .scl_io_num = scl_io, .clk_source = I2C_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .glitch_ignore_cnt = 7, .flags.enable_internal_pullup = true, }; i2c_master_bus_handle_t bus_handle; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_new_master_bus(&i2c_bus_config, &bus_handle)); return bus_handle; } ``` ### Initialize the sensor ```c #define T9602_SDA_GPIO 17 /*!< gpio number for I2C master data */ #define T9602_SCL_GPIO 18 /*!< gpio number for I2C master clock */ i2c_master_dev_handle_t t9602_handle; static void t9602_sensor_init(void) { i2c_master_bus_handle_t bus_handle = i2c_bus_init(T9602_SDA_GPIO, T9602_SCL_GPIO); t9602_handle = t9602_device_create(bus_handle, T9602_I2C_ADDR_0, 100000); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Sensor initialization success"); } ``` ### Read the values ```c float temperature, humidity = {0}; t9602_get_data(t9602_handle, &temperature, &humidity); ``` ## Examples Please check the example **tab** or the **folder** to see on how to use the component. ## Resources - [T9602 Datasheet](https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9035299/Documents/AAS-920-638H-Telaire-T9602-041318-web.pdf) - [T9602 Application Guide](https://f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/9035299/Documents/AAS-916-127J-Telaire-ChipCap2-022118-web.pdf)
idf.py add-dependency "pedrominatel/t9602^0.1.0"