

uploaded 6 months ago
Parsing split PNG files for LVGL


[![Component Registry](](

## Instructions and Details

Allow the use of PNG images in LVGL. Besides that it also allows the use of a custom format, called Split PNG (SPNG), which can be decoded in more optimal way on embedded systems.

[Referencing the implementation of SJPG.](

### Features
    - Supports both normal PNG and the custom SPNG formats.

    - Decoding normal PNG consumes RAM with the size for the whole uncompressed image (recommended only for devices with more RAM)

    - SPNG is a custom format based on "normal" PNG and specially made for LVGL.

    - SPNG is 'split-png' which is a bundle of small png fragments with an spng header.

    - SPNG size will be almost comparable to the png file or might be a slightly larger.

    - c-array is implemented, File read from file is not supported now.

    - Only the required partition of the PNG and SPNG images are decoded, therefore they can't be zoomed or rotated.

## Add to project

Packages from this repository are uploaded to [Espressif's component service](
You can add them to your project via ` add-dependancy`, e.g.
``` add-dependency esp_lv_spng

## Usage

### Converting PNG to SPNG
The [esp_mmap_assets]( component is required. It will automatically package and convert PNG images to SPNG format during compilation.
    [12/1448] Move and Pack assets...
    --support_format: .jpg,.png
    --support_spng: ON
    --support_sjpg: ON
    --split_height: 16
    Input: temp_icon.png    RES: 90 x 90    splits: 6
    Completed, saved as: temp_icon.spng 

### Initialization
    esp_lv_split_png_init(); //Initialize this after lvgl starts


License: Apache-2.0

To add this component to your project, run: add-dependency "espressif/esp_lv_spng^0.1.0"

or download archive


  • Archive size
    Archive size ~ 38.11 KB
  • Downloaded in total
    Downloaded in total 128 times
  • Downloaded this version
    This version: 128 times


espressif/esp_lv_spng version: 0.1.0