uploaded 2 months ago
ESP32 library for interfacing with SHT3x sensors.


# Example for `sht3x` driver

## What it does

This example demonstrates how to configure and interact with an `SHT3x` sensor using the ESP-IDF framework.

When this mode is enabled, the example creates a task that triggers a temperature and humidity measurement every 5 seconds. For power efficiency, the sensor operates in single-shot mode. In this mode, the high-level function sht3x_read_temperature_humidity() is used to perform a complete measurement in a single step during each cycle.
When this mode is enabled, the example creates a task that also triggers a measurement every 5 seconds using single-shot mode for power efficiency. However, in this mode, the process is split into lower-level operations: the measurement is initiated, a delay is applied for the sensor to collect data, and the results are fetched using separate functions.

To choose the desired mode, navigate to Example Configuration in `menuconfig` and select either `CONFIG_EXAMPLE_SHT3X_DEMO_HL` or `CONFIG_EXAMPLE_SHT3X_DEMO_LL`. By default, `CONFIG_EXAMPLE_SHT3X_DEMO_HL` is enabled.

## Wiring

Connect `SCL` and `SDA` pins to the following pins with appropriate pull-up

| Name | Description | Defaults |
| `CONFIG_EXAMPLE_I2C_MASTER_SCL` | GPIO number for `SCL` | "5" for `esp8266`, "6" for `esp32c3`, "19" for `esp32`, `esp32s2`, and `esp32s3` |
| `CONFIG_EXAMPLE_I2C_MASTER_SDA` | GPIO number for `SDA` | "4" for `esp8266`, "5" for `esp32c3`, "18" for `esp32`, `esp32s2`, and `esp32s3` |


<img  style="float: right;" src="https://github.com/AchimPieters/ESP32-SmartPlug/blob/main/images/MIT%7C%20SOFTWARE%20WHITE.svg" width="150">

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License: MIT

To add this component to your project, run:

idf.py add-dependency "achimpieters/esp32-sht3x^1.0.3"

or download archive


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achimpieters/esp32-sht3x version: 1.0.3